
Trainings of China's missile troops

 3gzylon 2013-12-06

A missile brigade under the Chengdu Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) implements a 24-hour examination on its combat capabilities. (kj.81.cn/Tian Yong, Xu Yingyu)

A missile brigade under the Chengdu Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) implemented a 24-hour examination on its combat capabilities recently. 

Huang Qiang, chief of training section, said, "In order to get accustomed to the future battlefield environment and cultivate the continous combat style, we made no pre-arranged planning or advance notice, and assigned examination subjects randomly within 24 hours, including combat command and control, emergent deployment changes, fast target catching and camouflage and defense in the battlefield environment, to examine the training and combat capabilities comprehensively." 

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