

 岁寒松柏520 2013-12-09


The Ten Most Iconic Photos Of The 1940s


Hitler in Paris, 1940

Taken at the height of World War Two and after Adolf Hitler had taken Paris, this picture depicts Hitler surveying his conquest with his various cronies and became one of the most iconic photos of the 1940s and World War 2.

The Last Jew in Vinnitsa, 1941

This powerful image of the death of the last Jew in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, was found in the album of an Einsatzgruppen soldier. The name of the image comes from the label at the back of the photo, and succinctly conveys what happened in Vinnitsa: all 28,000 of the Jews living there were killed.

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943

Shot in 1943, this is one of the best-known pictures of World War Two, as it depicts the terror inspired by the Nazis. The image shows the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, which was home to thousands of Jewish citizens escaping the Nazi regime. Though the most poignant part of picture is the frightened little boy in the foreground with his hands up as he is forcibly removed from his hiding place.

D-Day, 1944

Taken by Robert Capa, the iconic D-Day photograph depicts the bloody World War Two front at Omaha Beach. The eerie, blurred image may have been produced by an eager assistant who melted the exposures together, but that only adds to the haunting depiction of the chaos of war.
这张有代表性的照片是罗伯特·卡帕(Robert Capa)在诺曼底登陆日拍的,记录了二战期间浴血奋战的双方在奥马哈海滩对峙的场景。这张照片很模糊,看起来很怪异,可能是某个心急的助手在洗照片时不小心将底片融合在一起造成的,这反倒突出了战争的喧嚣和阴魂不散的感觉。

V-J Day, 1945

This iconic photo depicts the jubilance and relief expressed throughout America when armistice was declared in World War Two. Contrary to popular opinion, the two in the picture were not lovers; the soldier was jubilantly planting kisses on women in Times Square – this lucky nurse was just one of them.

Raising a flag over the Reichstag, 1945

Depicting Soviet troops raising their flag atop the German Reichstag building, this iconic photo was taken by Yevgeny Khaldei during the Battle of Berlin on May 2, 1945. Considered one of the most popular and identifiable images of war, the photo was so popular because the usurpation of the historically significant building symbolized the downfall the Soviets’ enemy. The takedown occurred after a lengthy and bloody battle within the buildings walls.
这张照片是叶甫盖尼·哈尔岱(Yevgeny Khaldei)1945年2月在苏军攻克柏林后拍摄的,记录了苏联士兵爬上德国国会大厦屋顶挥动苏联国旗的一幕。这张照片是战争中最著名、最有代表性的照片之一,它之所以如此著名是因为攻陷这栋具有历史意义的建筑象征着纳粹德国的毁灭。在国会大厦周围进行了漫长而血腥的战斗后,苏联军队攻占了柏林。

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, 1945

A Pulitzer prize winning photo, this image by Joe Rosenthal shows U.S Marines patriotically raising the flag on top of Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima in WW2. Half of the men depicted in the picture died in battle.
这张获得普利策奖的照片是乔·罗森塔尔(Joe Rosenthal)拍摄的,记录了二战期间硫磺岛战役中爱国的美国海军陆战队成员将美国国旗插到硫磺岛制高点折钵山(Mount Suribachi)的场景。照片上出现的士兵一半都在那次战役中牺牲了。

Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima, 1945

This profound image depicts the explosion of an atomic bomb on August 6th in Hiroshima, Japan. It was the second atomic bomb ever used and the mushroom cloud in the photo gives the scope of the devastation: 150,000 people were killed or injured.

The first computer, 1946

The images of the first computer debuted in February 1946 when the device comprised 18,000 vacuum tubes, many wires and 170,000 watts of power and filled a 1,500 square foot room.

Dalí Atomicus, 1948

This surreal image was taken by Philippe Halsman as homage to both the new atomic age and to Salvador Dali’s surrealist masterpiece “Leda Atomica”. The bizarre photograph is actually a combination of people jumping and water and cats being thrown. The shoot took six hours, 28 jumps and various assistants throwing things in the air.
摄影师菲利普·哈斯曼(Philippe Halsman)用这张超现实主义的照片表达对新原子时代和萨尔瓦多·达利超现实主义作品《Leda Atomica》的敬意。这张怪异的照片是由跳跃的人、被扔出去的猫和被泼出去的水组成的。这次拍摄花了6个小时,28次跳跃和各种助理不停的向空中扔猫和泼水才完成。

二战照片(一) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风

二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风


二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风


二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风


二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风

二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风


二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风

二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风
二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风
二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风
二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风
二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风
二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风
二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风


二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风


二战照片(二) - 静听涛声的日志 - 网易博客 - 庶民庭院 - 庶民庭院回眸临风


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