
C# delegate & event

 goodwangLib 2013-12-22















C# adds on value to the often mentioned world of event driven programming by adding support through events and delegates.



An interesting and useful property of a delegate is that it does not know or care about the class of the object that it references. Any object will do; all that matters is that the method's argument types and return type match the delegate's. This makes delegates perfectly suited for "anonymous" invocation.




The signature of a single cast delegate is shown below:

delegate result-type identifier ([parameters]);


  • result-type: The result type, which matches the return type of the function.
  • identifier: The delegate name.
  • parameters: The Parameters, that the function takes.


A delegate will allow us to specify what the function we'll be calling looks like without having to specifywhich function to call.




There are three steps in defining and using delegates:

  • Declaration
  • Instantiation
  • Invocation


二、 delegate的一个简单应用(直接将delegate视为一个变量)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace TestDelegate0
        class TestClass
            public delegate void GoDelegate();

            static void Main(string[] args)
                GoDelegate goDelegate = new GoDelegate(MyDelegateFunc);


            public static void MyDelegateFunc()
                Console.WriteLine("delegate function...");








[public/private] delegate <返回值类型> <代理名称>(<参数列表>);






A very basic example (SimpleDelegate1.cs):

using System;

namespace Akadia.BasicDelegate
    // Declaration
    public delegate void SimpleDelegate();

    class TestDelegate
        public static void MyFunc()
            Console.WriteLine("I was called by delegate ...");

        public static void Main()
            // Instantiation
            SimpleDelegate simpleDelegate = new SimpleDelegate(MyFunc);

            // Invocation

Compile an test:

# csc SimpleDelegate1.cs
# SimpleDelegate1.exe
I was called by delegate ...





For our next, more advanced example (SimpleDelegate2.cs), declares a delegate that takes a single string parameter and has no return type:



using System;

namespace Akadia.SimpleDelegate
    // Delegate Specification
    public class MyClass
        // Declare a delegate that takes a single string parameter
        // and has no return type.
        public delegate void LogHandler(string message);

        // The use of the delegate is just like calling a function directly,
        // though we need to add a check to see if the delegate is null
        // (that is, not pointing to a function) before calling the function.
        public void Process(LogHandler logHandler)
            if (logHandler != null)
                logHandler("Process() begin");

            if (logHandler != null)
                logHandler ("Process() end");

    // Test Application to use the defined Delegate
    public class TestApplication
        // Static Function: To which is used in the Delegate. To call the Process()
        // function, we need to declare a logging function: Logger() that matches
        // the signature of the delegate.
        static void Logger(string s)

        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

            // Crate an instance of the delegate, pointing to the logging function.
            // This delegate will then be passed to the Process() function.
            MyClass.LogHandler myLogger = new MyClass.LogHandler(Logger);

Compile an test:

# csc SimpleDelegate2.cs
# SimpleDelegate2.exe
Process() begin
Process() end



using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Akadia.SimpleDelegate
    // Delegate Specification
    public class MyClass
        // Declare a delegate that takes a single string parameter
        // and has no return type.
        public delegate void LogHandler(string message);

        // The use of the delegate is just like calling a function directly,
        // though we need to add a check to see if the delegate is null
        // (that is, not pointing to a function) before calling the function.
        public void Process(LogHandler logHandler)
            if (logHandler != null)
                logHandler("Process() begin");

            if (logHandler != null)
                logHandler ("Process() end");

    // The FileLogger class merely encapsulates the file I/O
    public class FileLogger
        FileStream fileStream;
        StreamWriter streamWriter;

        // Constructor
        public FileLogger(string filename)
            fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
            streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream);

        // Member Function which is used in the Delegate
        public void Logger(string s)

        public void Close()

    // Main() is modified so that the delegate points to the Logger()
    // function on the fl instance of a FileLogger. When this delegate
    // is invoked from Process(), the member function is called and
    // the string is logged to the appropriate file.
    public class TestApplication
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileLogger fl = new FileLogger("process.log");

            MyClass myClass = new MyClass();

            // Crate an instance of the delegate, pointing to the Logger()
            // function on the fl instance of a FileLogger.
            MyClass.LogHandler myLogger = new MyClass.LogHandler(fl.Logger);

The cool part here is that we didn't have to change the Process() function; the code to all the delegate is the same regardless of whether it refers to a static or member function.

Compile an test:

# csc SimpleDelegate3.cs
# SimpleDelegate3.exe
# cat process.log
Process() begin
Process() end







using System;
namespace MySample
    class TestClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DogDelegateClass dogDelegate = new DogDelegateClass();
    public class MyAnimalDelegateClass
        public delegate void DelegateFunction(string strFuncName);
        private DelegateFunction m_delegateFunction = null;
        public DelegateFunction delegateFunction
                return m_delegateFunction;
                m_delegateFunction = value;
        public void ShowAnimalType(string strFuncName)
            if (delegateFunction != null)
                object[] args = {strFuncName};
    public class DogDelegateClass:MyAnimalDelegateClass
        public DogDelegateClass()
      //多路委托函数 设定
            this.delegateFunction =  new DelegateFunction(subFunction31);
            this.delegateFunction += new DelegateFunction(subFunction32);
        private void subFunction31(string strFuncName)
                string.Format("[{0}]This is a dog....", strFuncName));
        private void subFunction32(string strFuncName)
                string.Format("[{0}]This is a nice dog....", strFuncName));




using System;
namespace MySample
    class TestClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LionDelegateClass lionDelegate = new LionDelegateClass();
            HorseDelegateClass horseDelegate = new HorseDelegateClass();
    //动物基类(MyAnimalDelegateClass)  (其中包含了delegate数据结构成员,用来实现动态绑定)
    public class MyAnimalDelegateClass
        public delegate void DelegateFunction(string strFuncName);
        private DelegateFunction m_delegateFunction = null;
        public DelegateFunction delegateFunction
                return m_delegateFunction;
                m_delegateFunction = value;
        public void ShowAnimalType(string strFuncName)
            if (delegateFunction != null)
                object[] args = { strFuncName };
                //调用Delegate引用的实例方法,实现动态绑定 (在实际调用的过程中,根据派生类绑定的不同delegate参数实现动态绑定)
    public class LionDelegateClass : MyAnimalDelegateClass
        public LionDelegateClass()
            this.delegateFunction = new DelegateFunction(subFunction1);
        private void subFunction1(string strFuncName)
               string.Format("[{0}]This is a lion....", strFuncName));
    public class HorseDelegateClass : MyAnimalDelegateClass
        public HorseDelegateClass()
            this.delegateFunction = new DelegateFunction(subFunction2);
        private void subFunction2(string strFuncName)
               string.Format("[{0}]This is a horse....", strFuncName));




The Event model in C# finds its roots in the event programming model that is popular in asynchronous programming. The basic foundation behind this programming model is the idea of "publisher and subscribers." In this model, you have publishers who will do some logic and publish an "event." Publishers will then send out their event only tosubscribers who have subscribed to receive the specific event.

In C#, any object can publish a set of events to which other applications can subscribe. When the publishing class raises an event, all the subscribed applications are notified. The following figure shows this mechanism.







The following important conventions are used with events:

  • Event Handlers in the .NET Framework return void and take two parameters.
  • 事件处理程序接受两个参数并返回空
  • The first paramter is the source of the event; that is the publishing object.
  • 事件处理程序的第一个参数是事件的发生者
  • The second parameter is an object derived from EventArgs.
  • 事件处理程序的第一个参数是从EventArgs派生的对象
  • Events are properties of the class publishing the event.
  • 要发布的这个事件,是类的属性。
  • The keyword event controls how the event property is accessed by the subscribing classes.
  • event关键字从语言的角度做了对事件的访问控制。



using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Akadia.SimpleEvent
    /* ========= Publisher of the Event ============== */
    public class MyClass
        // Define a delegate named LogHandler, which will encapsulate
        // any method that takes a string as the parameter and returns no value
        public delegate void LogHandler(string message);
 // Define an Event based on the above Delegate
        public event LogHandler Log;
        // Instead of having the Process() function take a delegate
        // as a parameter, we've declared a Log event. Call the Event,
        // using the OnXXXX Method, where XXXX is the name of the Event.
        public void Process()
            OnLog("Process() begin");
("Process() end");
        // By Default, create an OnXXXX Method, to call the Event
        protected void OnLog(string message)
            if (Log != null)
    // The FileLogger class merely encapsulates the file I/O
    public class FileLogger
        FileStream fileStream;
        StreamWriter streamWriter;
        // Constructor
        public FileLogger(string filename)
            fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
            streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream);
        // Member Function which is used in the Delegate
        public void Logger(string s)
        public void Close()
    /* ========= Subscriber of the Event ============== */
    // It's now easier and cleaner to merely add instances
    // of the delegate to the event, instead of having to
    // manage things ourselves
    public class TestApplication
        static void Logger(string s)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileLogger fl = new FileLogger("process.log");
            MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
            // Subscribe the Functions Logger and fl.Logger
            myClass.Log += new MyClass.LogHandler(Logger);
            myClass.Log += new MyClass.LogHandler(fl.Logger);

            // The Event will now be triggered in the Process() Method


Compile an test:

# csc SimpleEvent.cs
# SimpleEvent.exe
Process() begin
Process() end
# cat process.log
Process() begin
Process() end







  public event CryHandler DuckCryEvent;

  private delegate void CryHandler();



  DuckCryEvent +=new CryHandler(Cry);

  public void Cry()

  public void BeShaked()
   private delegate void CryHandler();
    class Duck
        public event CryHandler DuckCryEvent;
        public Duck()
            DuckCryEvent +=new CryHandler(Cry);
        public void Cry()
        public void BeShaked()
    class Class2
        public static void Main3(string[] args)
            Duck d = new Duck();


Suppose you want to create a Clock class that uses events to notify potential subscribers whenever the local time changes value by one second. Here is the complete, documented example:

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace SecondChangeEvent
   /* ======================= Event Publisher =============================== */

   // Our subject -- it is this class that other classes
   // will observe. This class publishes one event:
   // SecondChange. The observers subscribe to that event.

   public class Clock
      // Private Fields holding the hour, minute and second
      private int _hour;
      private int _minute;
      private int _second;

      // The delegate named SecondChangeHandler, which will encapsulate
      // any method that takes a clock object and a TimeInfoEventArgs
      // object as the parameter and returns no value. It's the
      // delegate the subscribers must implement.

      public delegate void SecondChangeHandler (
         object clock,
         TimeInfoEventArgs timeInformation

      // The event we publish
      public event SecondChangeHandler SecondChange;

      // The method which fires the Event
      protected void OnSecondChange(
         object clock,
         TimeInfoEventArgs timeInformation
         // Check if there are any Subscribers
         if (SecondChange != null)
            // Call the Event

      // Set the clock running, it will raise an
      // event for each new second

      public void Run()
            // Sleep 1 Second

            // Get the current time
            System.DateTime dt = System.DateTime.Now;

            // If the second has changed
            // notify the subscribers

            if (dt.Second != _second)
               // Create the TimeInfoEventArgs object
               // to pass to the subscribers

               TimeInfoEventArgs timeInformation =
                  new TimeInfoEventArgs(

               // If anyone has subscribed, notify them
               OnSecondChange (this,timeInformation);

            // update the state
            _second = dt.Second;
            _minute = dt.Minute;
            _hour = dt.Hour;


   // The class to hold the information about the event
   // in this case it will hold only information
   // available in the clock class, but could hold
   // additional state information

   public class TimeInfoEventArgs : EventArgs
      public TimeInfoEventArgs(int hour, int minute, int second)
         this.hour = hour;
         this.minute = minute;
         this.second = second;
      public readonly int hour;
      public readonly int minute;
      public readonly int second;

   /* ======================= Event Subscribers =============================== */

   // An observer. DisplayClock subscribes to the
   // clock's events. The job of DisplayClock is
   // to display the current time

   public class DisplayClock
      // Given a clock, subscribe to
      // its SecondChangeHandler event

      public void Subscribe(Clock theClock)
         theClock.SecondChange +=
            new Clock.SecondChangeHandler(TimeHasChanged);


      // The method that implements the
      // delegated functionality

      public void TimeHasChanged(
         object theClock, TimeInfoEventArgs ti)
         Console.WriteLine("Current Time: {0}:{1}:{2}",

   // A second subscriber whose job is to write to a file
   public class LogClock
      public void Subscribe(Clock theClock)
         theClock.SecondChange +=
            new Clock.SecondChangeHandler(WriteLogEntry);


      // This method should write to a file
      // we write to the console to see the effect

      // this object keeps no state
      public void WriteLogEntry(
         object theClock, TimeInfoEventArgs ti)
         Console.WriteLine("Logging to file: {0}:{1}:{2}",

   /* ======================= Test Application =============================== */

   // Test Application which implements the
   // Clock Notifier - Subscriber Sample

   public class Test
      public static void Main()
         // Create a new clock
         Clock theClock = new Clock();

         // Create the display and tell it to
         // subscribe to the clock just created

         DisplayClock dc = new DisplayClock();

         // Create a Log object and tell it
         // to subscribe to the clock

         LogClock lc = new LogClock();

         // Get the clock started




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