
31天学会简单生活 第26天 捕抓美好瞬间

 蕙籣留香 2013-12-29
                             31天学会简单生活,第二十六天:捕抓生活的美好一刻 译者: 陈俊强 原作者:Emily 发表时间:2010-10-26

I love taking photographs. I love capturing the moments that go by way too quickly. The quirky grins, the things we all love, the freckled noses, the moments that make up our mundane days. I’ve written before, a long time ago, about photos and memories and how sometimes it’s better just to put the camera down and be in a moment. As much as I love capturing on my camera, it does sometimes take away from truly experiencing moments with my family.


I know how valuable photos are and what treasures they can be. I love looking back at the handful of photos of me and my brother playing together, glimpses of old homes, places we used to play. I love that by looking at a single picture, I can be taken back to a story a time that once was the moment that I constantly want to live in.


This whole month of October while I have been droning on and on about living simply, the other Emily at chatting at the sky has been waxing eloquently about grace. Her series has been nothing short of life changingly amazing and inspirational for me. Yesterday, she shared snapshots of grace and asked for us to capture with our cameras. As she says, “It can be anything that whispers freedom, lightness, acceptance, love, truth — grace.”
整个十月,正当我悠闲的写着博文关于简单生活的,有时候我就跟另外一个Emily 在电话里面激烈的讨论着关于恩惠的话题。她的系列文章令我感到惊讶和激发我的灵感。昨天,她分享一些关于恩惠的相片给我,并要求我们通过自己的相机去抓拍到类似的。正如她说的:“恩惠能够是很多东西:自由的说着话,身心感到轻松,能够接受其他,爱,真实”;
It made me want to pick up my camera and capture. A busy day with friends and family with my camera stranded lonely on my desk ensued. I finally grabbed it in the evening when dinner was cooking, kids were hungry and our usual 5 o’clock chaos set in. We’d spent the afternoon raking up leaf piles and I decided we should keep it up. I raked, she jumped and threw. And asked me to jump and throw too, so I did. The evening light streamed through our home. I felt autumn all around me, even in the heat and humidity that will just not let up where we are. Dinner simmered on the stove. Leaves got stuck in my hair. It was an evening full of “freedom, lightness, acceptance, love, truth and grace”.


I couldn’t ask for more and am happy to have captured it – a mundane part of our everyday made more beautiful through the lens.


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