
Casa V / Dosis

 日出海东 2014-01-02

Appreciation towards Dosis for providing the following description:  




Casa V consists on the rehabilitation, adaptation and expansion of an existing house, designed and built in the early 1960’s. The family that
inhabits the house has been spending the holidays in it for almost fifty years. In that time, even though the number of family members has
increased, the house had remained the same, being unable to fulfill current and future needs. The intention of the project is to make a place
where three generations of one same family can enjoy their holiday simultaneously. For that purpose, a new house is made for the two younger
generations, which consists on a side wing that articulates itself with the old building on the northeast. The rooftop of this new house serves as
a private garden for the pre-existing house as a landscape response to the existing topography. The original house accommodates now the
spaces for family and social interaction, as well as the rooms of the first generation. Each family member has its own independence while
remaining a part of a single set. A multilayered wall defined by a single construction detail, which serves both as structure and as thermal and
environmental overcoat, meanders in order to embrace the multiplicity of events that occur in the house. Spaces are defined by the unfolding
of matter in space-time, which topologically adapts itself to what happens inside. The new house is formalized by the continuous flow of a
completely neutral wrap – no edges, no color, no texture - and, within this wrapping, life, action, is the protagonist.


ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES: adopting an exergy matching strategy (exergy = useful energy) between energy requirements for use and
specific architectural solution, minimizing maintenance costs and optimizing exergy performance of the building. Thermal insulation is situated
on the outside of the external shell, together with an element that provides thermal inertia mass inside. In the case of the intensive gardening
intensive system, that not only integrates the building in the existing ecosystems, but gives the building a large additional insulation, both
thermal and acoustic, to the additional thermal inertia provided by the slab concrete. The building incorporates a natural heating system within
the orientation of the windows, a reinterpretation of the vernacular glass colonnade of La Coru?a. By varying the opening position through
the meander of the facade, the interior receives a greater number of hours of solar incidence, which allows natural warming by greenhouse
effect that in this geographical location is an optimal energy sustainability strategy used in vernacular architecture of La Coru?a. The house
also has a solar heating system vacuum tube, which considerably reduces the use of conventional fuel.


Project data:

Project name:  Casa V.
Client:   private
Tipology:  House.
Surface:    Original house: 300 m2                      
Extension: 450 m2
Location:  Oleiros, La Coru?a, Spain.
Dates: Conceptual project: January 2007.                   
Executive project: April 2008.                                   
Construction: October 2009 – March 2013.
Authors: Ignacio Peydro + Isabel Collado    (Dosis Architecture Office)
Team: Pilar González Ariza. Fernando Alonso Tuero. Borja Comendeiro. Valentina Micucci. Federica Fiacchini. Rubén Guerrero. Adrián
Jabonero. Jonathan Renier.                      
Consultants:  Jorge Conde. IDEEE Madrid. (Structure). Rafael úrculo y Carlos úrculo (Mechanical engineer). Raúl Pichel. (Quantity surveyor)
Contractor:  Desarrolla Works
Photography:  Alberto Bandín, Ramón Cantero, Santos-Di?ez|BISimages  





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