
31天学会简单生活 第19天 清仓总会有别的东西

 蕙籣留香 2014-01-03
                         31天学会简单生活,第十九天:总会有其他的东西的 译者: 陈俊强 原作者:Emily 发表2010-10-22
Whenever I think I have to have something or that I’ve found a deal I can’t pass up, I remind myself that there with always be something else. Something newer and shinier. The newest best things today are tomorrow’s Goodwill donations. Target will always have a clearance rack, Goodwill will always have $5 jeans, yard sales will always have household stuff for $1, and there will always be catalogs with nice things in them making what I have now look like old news.
I can find a deal next week, next month, next year. I can’t get time back with the people who matter most. There won’t always be kids doing firsts, and moments that they want to be hugged are slipping away much too quickly. I’ll take a clearance deal another day. Today, I’m soaking up the things I won’t be able to find in a store next week.


  • 原文标题:{31 Days of Living Simply} Day 19 ~ There Will Always Be Something Else | remodeling this life
  • 原文作者:Emily
  • 原文来源:
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