
The Riddle of the Sphinx 人面狮身像之谜

 cntic 2014-02-20

The Riddle of the Sphinx人面狮身像之谜
by Bruce Bagnell

Many cultures celebrate the monster with a lion's body and human face.

What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening? This riddle was supposedly asked to travelers by a mythological creature called the Sphinx. This monster had the body of a lion but the face of a human. This same creature occurs in surprisingly many cultures, with, of course, local variations.
Probably the most famous of the ancient sphinxes is the huge one carved from rock near the Great Pyramids of Egypt. In this version, the Great Sphinx of Giza, as it is officially known, had the body of a lion and the head of a man. In the Greek version of their sphinx, the monster had the body of a lion, the face of a woman, and a pair of wings. Another major difference between the two types of sphinx was their character. The sphinx of Greece was a merciless man-eating monster, killing anyone unable to answer her riddle. On the contrary, the Egyptian man-faced sphinx was kindly.
Other cultures also imagined sphinxes with a lion's body and person's face, with or without wings. Ancient Persians depicted sphinxes in stone and wall paintings. In South and Southeast Asia, winged sphinxes appear not only in ancient drawings and sculptures, but even now frequently in modern drawings, paintings, and wood carvings. The sphinxes in most of these areas are seen as good spirits, protecting people from harm. These beasts are closely related to local Hindu and Buddhist mythologies and traditions.
So, have you figured out the riddle yet? The answer is: a man. People crawl as babies in the morning of their lives, then walk on both feet in the afternoon, and finally, with the assistance of a cane, on three feet in the evening. Now, should you ever come across a sphinx, you will have the correct answer to her riddle and not be eaten alive.

1. What is the main purpose of the article?
(A) To compare different sphinxes.
(B) To give a history of sphinx mythology.
(C) To explain an ancient riddle.
(D) To detail9 the use of sphinxes in art.
2. In what way are Greek and Egyptian sphinxes the same?
(A) They both have wings.
(B) They both have the face of a man.
(C) They both have the body of a lion.
(D) They both have the face of a woman.
3. According to the article, in what way are Greek and most South and Southeast Asian sphinxes different?
(A) Greek sphinxes are seen as benevolent.
(B) The Greek version is much older than the Asian sphinxes.
(C) Greek sphinxes had wings, but Asian sphinxes didn't.
(D) Sphinxes are still depicted in modern Southern and Southeast Asian art.
4. Which sphinxes are mentioned as being related to religious influences?
(A) Greek.
(B) Egyptian.
(C) Persian.
(D) Southern and Southeast Asian.

  1. riddle n. 谜(语)
  2. mythological a. 神话的
  3. carve vt. 雕刻
  4. pyramid n. 金字塔
  5. merciless a. 无情的,冷酷的
  6. carving n. 雕刻品
  7. benevolent a. 仁慈的

  1. figure out...想出 了解……
  2. come across...偶然遇见

The sphinx of Greece was a merciless man-eating monster, killing anyone unable to answer her riddle.
a. 表主动概念时,应使用『N - 现在分词』。
Ireland is a country that speaks English.
→ Ireland is an English-speaking country.
b. 表被动概念时,应使用『N - 过去分词』。
The mountain which is covered in snow is beautiful.
→ The snow-covered mountain is beautiful.

  1. supposedly adv. 据称
    Smoking is supposedly an important factor which causes lung cancer.
  2. variation n. 变化,差异
    Our new plan is actually a slight variation of the original one.
  3. version n. 版本
    The updated version of the program enables it to support 15 different file formats.
  4. officially adv. 正式地,公开地
    David and Sunny have officially announced their engagement.
  5. on the contrary相反地
    Ian has never had a cigarette. On the contrary, his brother smokes like a chimney.
  6. depict vt. 描绘,形容
    depict A as B把 A 描述 形容为 B
    Al depicted his ex-wife as an alcoholic.
  7. protect A from B保护 A 免於 B 所害
    My helmet protected me from a head injury when I fell off my bike.
    *fall off...从……跌下来
  8. with the assistance of...
    = with the help of...在……的协助下
    assistance n. 帮助
    The deaf girl could hear with the assistance of a hearing aid.
  9. detail vt. 详述 & n. 细节
    in detail详细地
    Andy detailed the night's events on his blog.
    I haven't had time to review the proposal in detail yet.


1. 本文的主要目的是什麽?
(A) 比较不同文化中的斯芬克斯。
(B) 提供斯芬克斯神话的历史。
(C) 解释一道古老的谜题。
(D) 详述斯芬克斯在艺术中的用途。
题解∶本文第二、三段皆在介绍斯芬克斯在不同文化中所呈现的面貌,故 (A) 项应为正选。
2. 希腊和埃及的斯芬克斯有哪一项共通点?
(A) 它们都有翅膀。
(B) 它们都拥有男人的面孔。
(C) 它们都拥有狮子的身体。
(D) 它们都拥有女人的面孔。
题解∶根据本文第二段,吉萨人面狮身像就像众所皆知的,它拥有狮子的身体以及男人的头。而希腊版本的斯芬克斯则是一苹拥有狮子身体、女人面孔以及一双翅膀的怪物,得知其相同之处为两者皆拥有狮子的身体,故 (C) 项应为正选。
3. 根据本文,希腊和南亚及东南亚大多数的斯芬克斯有什麽不同的地方?
(A) 人们认为希腊的斯芬克斯相当仁慈。
(B) 希腊版本的斯芬克斯比亚洲的斯芬克斯古老许多。
(C) 希腊的斯芬克斯有翅膀,但亚洲的斯芬克斯则没有。
(D) 南亚及东南亚的现代艺术中仍有描绘斯芬克斯。
题解∶根据本文第三段,在南亚和东南亚地区,有翅膀的斯芬克斯不仅出现在古代的画作和雕刻品中,甚至在现代的画作、油画和木雕中都经常可以看见其踪影,故 (D) 项应为正选。
4. 本文提及哪一个版本的斯芬克斯与宗教影响有关?
(A) 希腊版本。
(B) 埃及版本。
(C) 波斯版本。
(D) 南亚及东南亚版本。
题解∶根据本文第三段,在南亚和东南亚地区中大多数都把斯芬克斯视为能保护人类免於受害的圣灵。这些野兽和当地的印度教、佛教神话及传统都有密切的关联,故 (D) 项应为正选。

答案∶1. A2. C3. D4. D

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