

 昵称2751097 2014-02-26
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www. 翻译:Rel_mayer 人工智能专家雷库兹威尔警告到2029年机器人将会比我们所有人都聪明

World’s leading futurologist predicts computers will soon be able to flirt, learn from experience and even make jokes


By 2029, computers will be able to understand our language, learn from experience and outsmart even the most intelligent humans, according to Google’s director of engineering Ray Kurzweil.

据Google的技术总监Ray Kurzweil说,到2029年,计算机将能够理解我们的预言,能够从经验中学习,比最聪明的人类更加智慧。

One of the world’s leading futurologists and artificial intelligence (AI) developers, 66-year-old Kurzweil has previous form in making accurate predictions about the way technology is heading.


In 1990 he said a computer would be capable of beating a chess champion by 1998 – a feat managed by IBM’s Deep Blue, against Garry Kasparov, in 1997.

1990年,他表示等到了1998年计算机就能够击败国际象棋冠军—IBM的深蓝在1997年击败Garry Kasparov,成功实现了这一壮举。

When the internet was still a tiny network used by a small collection of academics, Kurzweil anticipated it would soon make it possible to link up the whole world.


Now, Kurzweil says than within 15 years robots will have overtaken us, having fulfilled the so-called Turing test where computers can exhibit intelligent behaviour equal to that of a human.


Speaking in an interview with the Observer, he said that his prediction was foreshadowed by recent high-profile AI developments, and Hollywood films like Her, starring Joaquin Phoenix.

在和《观察家报》的一次采访对话中,Kurzweil说他的预测的前兆就是最近饱受瞩目的AI发展,还有类似于《她》*的好莱坞电影(由Joaquin Phoenix主演)

“Today, I’m pretty much at the median of what AI experts think and the public is kind of with them,” he said.


“The public has seen things like Siri (Apple’s voice recognition software), where you talk to a computer. They’ve seen the Google self-driving cars. My views are not radical any more.”


Though credited with inventing the world’s first flat-bed scanners and text-to-speech synthesisers, Kurzweil is perhaps most famous for his theory of “the singularity” – a point in the future where humans and machines will apparently “converge”.


His decision to work for Google came after the company acquired a host of other AI developers, from the BigDog creators Boston Dynamics to the British startup DeepMind.

当Google开始从BigDog(图中机器人)的创造者Boston Dynamics公司到英国的创业公司DeepMind中大量招纳AI开发者后,Kurzweil决定了要为Google工作。

And the search engine giant’s co-founder Larry Page was able to convince Kurzweil to take on “his first actual job” by promising him “Google-scale resources”.

通过“整个Google规模的资源”这一承诺,这家搜索引擎巨头的联合创始人之一,Larry Page成功地说服了Kurzweil接下“他第一份真正的工作”。

With the company’s unprecedented billions to spend, and some of humanity’s greatest minds already on board, it is clearly only a matter of time before we reach that point when robots can joke, learn and yes, even flirt.






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