
Unit 5 Module 3及写作1

 tonyflora 2014-03-05

Unit 5 Module 3

1. Please keep _______ while I take your photograph. Ready?

 A. active     B. still       C. silent      D. quiet

2. The blind man never easily _____ all though his life no matter how many difficulties he has had.

 A. gives up   B . gives in   C. gets away    D. gets down

3. Will there be anyone else at the party _______ Susan?

 A. except     B. besides    C. but    D. including

4. Edward ______ for having made fun of his disabled classmate.

 A. was blamed    B. was prepared   C. was scolded   D. was corrected

5. I was wandering along the street when I heard my name _______.

 A. call      B. to call    C. calling   D. called

6. It is in the very place ______ Mrs. Steward was robbed of her purse.

 A. where    B. which    C. that     D. in which

7. ________ production up by 55%, the company has had another prosperous year.

 A. For     B. As     C. Through   D. With

8. ______ then, when I returned home, ________ that my mother was still on watch in her company.

 A. Till; didn’t I realize        B. Till; I didn’t realize

 C. Not till; did I realize       D. Not till; I didn’t realize

9. Is it the school _______ your father studied twenty years ago?

 A. that    B. where    C. which    D. how

10. The ceremony is _________ those who died for their country.

  A. by means of        B. in honor of

C. in the place of      D. in favor of

11. –Are you going to watch the dolphin show with me later?


  A. Why not?       B. With pleasure.

  C. How come?     D. I’m very glad.

12. I really forget ______ you returned the MP3 to me.

  A. when was it        B. when it was

C. when was it that    D. when it was that

13. –What advice do you intend to tell me?

   –Don’t talk until _________.

   A. you’re asked     B. being asked    C. asked to    D. being asked to

14. –Do you want me to wait for you at the school gate?


   A. No, don’t bother        B. No, you’d better not

   C. Yes, it’s nice of you      D. Yes, I’d like to

15. –Dear me! I’ve broken the glass.

   – I’ve told you to be careful. _________

   A. You deserve it.    B. See how it is!

   C. What a pity!      D. Feel at peace.

Keys: 1-5 BABCD  6-10 CCDBB  11-15 ADCAB


假如你是李昂,你的加拿大朋友爱玛 (Emma) The Big Bird Senior High广播室的业余编辑。她正在做关于一个中国文学的系列节目。前天她发来电子邮件,要你提供有关鲁迅的一些信息。请根据提示给予回复。词数在100左右。


参考词汇:开创者 founder;阿Q正传 The True Story of Ah Q;祝福 The New Year’s Sacrifice

One possible version:

Dear Emma,

I’m glad to hear from you again. How I miss you!

Congratulations for your new program about Chinese literature!

You asked me something about Lu Xun? Here’s the material. I hope it can be helpful to you.

Lu Xun was not only a famous writer, thinker, but also one of the greatest founders of modern Chinese literature.

He wrote a large amount of works all his life. Now his novels have been translated into other languages and part of them have been made into movies too, such as The True Story of Ah Q, The New Year’s Sacrifice. Many of his novels and essays have been selected into high school textbooks. They are popular with the students.

Do you remember the two movies I mentioned? I strongly recommend you to watch them when you’re free. They’re really well worth seeing.

Good luck with your program!


                                                                      Li Ang

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