
有道学堂 | 双语阅读

 wwx1944 2014-03-17

Philip Wood was on a new adventure, preparing for an exciting move to Kuala Lumpur with his partner.

利普?伍德(Philip Wood)原本将开启一段新的人生旅程,他准备与自己的伴侣一起搬到吉隆坡去居住,对此他感到很兴奋。

Mr. Wood recently landed a transfer within International Business Machines Corp. IBM -1.25% to Malaysia's vibrant capital city, and he and partner Sarah Bajc have already rented an apartment.

伍德是国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines Corp., 简称IBM)的雇员,最近他的工作地点转到了一个充满活力的城市——马来西亚首都吉隆坡。伍德和他的女友萨拉?巴伊茨(Sarah Bajc)已经在吉隆坡租了一栋公寓。

Both divorced from 20-year-plus marriages, they share many things in common. They are both Americans-he grew up in Oklahoma and she in Michigan-and they are both travelers at heart. They ended up in Beijing, where their paths crossed in 2011 at a live music venue called Nashville. Certified scuba divers, the couple's dating would take them from Beijing's polluted air to the coral reefs and manta rays of Thailand and the Philippines. And they celebrated Mr. Wood's recent birthday near the Great Wall.


Mr. Wood, 51 years old, grew up in a deeply religious family, and spent his early childhood in tornado-prone Edmond, Okla., where playmate Susan Monan recalls, 'I remember hunkering down in storm shelters together, going to church together.'

现年51岁的伍德来自一个信奉宗教的家庭,他的童年早期在俄克拉荷马州埃德蒙度过。伍德小时候的玩伴苏珊?莫南(Susan Monan)回忆说,“那里很容易遭受龙卷风肆虐,我记得我们一起躲避风暴,一起去教堂。”

Mr. Wood went on to study computer science and math at Oklahoma Christian University. His father had taught the first computer course there, and his parents-Aubrey and Sondra Wood-co-founded a nondenominational church near the campus, Memorial Road Church of Christ.

伍德后来在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学(Oklahoma Christian University)学习计算机和数学专业。他的父亲在那里讲授计算机课程。他的父母奥布里?伍德(Aubrey)和桑德拉?伍德(Sondra Wood)共同在校园附近创建了一座跨教派教堂——Memorial Road Church of Christ。

'Some guys like that are nerds, ' Ms. Monan says of computer science students. 'But he was full of life, loved adventure.'


He has an artistic side, though, loving to paint and draw, recalls Ted Norton, a classmate at Oklahoma Christian University. Mr. Wood designed a logo for the 1982-83 sweatshirt of Delta Gamma Sigma, a social service club on campus the two friends were in. Mr. Wood took his inspiration for the logo from a popular rock album at the time, 'Ghost in the Machine, ' by the Police.

伍德在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学的同班同学特德?诺顿(Ted Norton)回忆道,伍德也有艺术的一面,喜欢涂涂画画。他和伍德一起参加了校园社会服务俱乐部Delta Gamma Sigma,伍德为该俱乐部1982-83年的T恤衫设计了一款标识。他的设计灵感来自警察乐队(The Police)的专辑《机器里的幽灵》(Ghost in the Machine)。当年这张专辑很流行。

Mr. Norton found the sweatshirt in a closet upon learning his friend was on Flight 370, posting a photo of it on a tribute page at the university's website.


'We will miss Phil Wood, ' he wrote. 'May God comfort the Wood family.'


In 1984, the year before graduation, Mr. Wood was on a summer internship at IBM's Poughkeepsie facility—where his father worked—when he met his future wife Elaine, an IBM computer programmer, Elaine Wood told the Poughkeepsie Journal. The couple would move to Texas, where Mr. Wood took a job with IBM and they raised two sons, Chris and Nick.

伍德的前妻伊莱恩?伍德(Elaine Wood)向《波基普西日报》(Poughkeepsie Journal)表示,1984年,即大学毕业前一年,伍德到IBM的波基普西工厂进行暑期实习,那里是他父亲曾经工作过的地方,也是他和未来的妻子伊莱恩(IBM的电脑程序员)相遇的地方。这对夫妇后来搬到了德克萨斯州,伍德接受了IBM的工作,他们有两个儿子克里斯(Chris)和尼克(Nick)。

Though they divorced last year, his former wife called him 'a wonderful man' on Facebook after his jet went missing, adding, 'Although we were no longer married, he is still family.'


Earlier this month, Mr. Wood, who works as a 'technical storage executive' for IBM in Kuala Lumpur, returned from Beijing to his family's home in Keller, Texas, to catch up and attend a 76th birthday celebration for his father.


James Wood expresses gratitude for that opportunity to see his older brother before Flight 370.

詹姆斯?伍德(James Wood)对能在370航班失联之前有机会见到他哥哥心怀感激。

'I looked up to him because he was so smart and so creative, ' James Wood said, adding his brother would protect him when needed as they grew up but counsel him to apologize after disagreements with their mother. 'He was always there for me when things got rough.'


Son Chris recalled in an interview with Dallas television station WFAA that his last moments on that visit with his father included a bear hug.


'I told him I love him, ' his son said. 'If he was here right now, he would comfort me and he would say, 'Don't be sad.''


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