
How to improve your vocabulary

 Tehero 2014-04-10

How to improve your vocabulary

This page explains what's meant by 'your vocabulary', why it's important to have a good vocabulary and how to improve your vocabulary.

The Greek philosopher, Antisthenes (445-365 BC), said: 'The investigation of the meaning of words is the beginning of education.' This is still true today and a good place to start is by improving your vocabulary.

What is meant by 'your vocabulary'?

Your vocabulary refers to all the words you know. It includes both your

  • active vocabulary – the words you use, and your
  • passive vocabulary – the words you understand but don’t use.

Why is it important to improve your vocabulary?

A wide vocabulary is important because it helps you to

  • understand what you read, and to
  • write well.

Reading and writing are really important skills for distance study. And research has shown that the better your vocabulary, the better your reading and writing and thus your chance of succeeding in your studies.

So, if your vocabulary is that important, it stands to reason that

  • the more words you know
  • the more you know about them, and
  • the more correctly you use them, the better.

Tips and techniques to help you improve your vocabulary

Read widely
  • Choose a variety of topics; include texts that are a bit challenging and which include words that are unfamiliar.
  • Read something you enjoy, otherwise you won't stick at it.
If you come across new words while you're reading
  • Try to work out the meaning of the word from the context.
  • Don't keep stopping to look up words you don't know as this breaks the flow and makes it more difficult to concentrate on, and understand, what you're reading.
  • If you're really struggling to understand what you're reading, look up one or two words that you don't understand, then reread the passage and keep going.
Play word games or do crosswords
  • Try board games such as Scrabble and Boggle - they're fun and great for learning new words.
  • Do crossword puzzles and other word games in print or online. (Tip: Google 'word games' and take your pick.)
Keep a list of new words
  • If you read or hear a word you don't understand, look up the meaning of the word and write it down in your 'vocabulary list'.
  • Use index cards to help you remember new words.
    Index cards - scroll down for how to use index cards to learn.
Make sure you know how to pronounce new words correctly
  • Use the phonetic alphabet for help with pronunciation. (See below.)
  • Use an online, talking dictionary that tells you how to say a word (i.e. includes a sound clip of the pronunciation). (See below.)
Fix new words in your memory by using them
  • Say new words a number of times; listen to what you're saying.
  • Use your new words in conversation, in emails and other writing.
  • When it comes to vocabulary, 'use it or lose it' definitely applies.

Use dictionaries and thesauruses

More help with improving your vocabulary

Longman vocabulary website (opens in new window)
Includes a variety of topics and interactive exercises to help you improve your vocabulary.

Building a better vocabulary - Capital Community College Foundation (opens in new window)
A comprehensive site with tips and techniques for improving your vocabulary, interactive quizzes and links to useful sites for improving your vocabulary.

A.Word.A.Day - Wordsmith (opens in a new window)
Subscribe to the site and receive a newsletter about the magic of words and learning new words.

Free rice (opens in a new window)
A fun and interesting site to help you improve your vocabulary. Play the game and for each answer you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated through the World Food Programme to help end hunger.

How to enrich your vocabulary - WikiHow (opens in a new window)
Tips and strategies to help you increase your vocabulary.

Wordgames - The Problem Site (opens in a new window)
A variety of free, online educational word games.

Improve your pronunciation

Pronunciation tips - BBC Learning English (opens in a new window)
Pronunciation tips including the phonemic alphabet, the sounds of English, interactive quizzes and videos.

Phonemic chart - British Council (opens in a new window)
Includes sample words and English sounds.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (opens in new window)
A free, online talking dictionary with British and American pronunciation.

Kōrero Māori (opens in a new window)
Learn how to speak and pronounce te Reo. Try Whakahuatanga - pronunciation, and Kōrero pāhekoheko - interactive conversations.



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