

 生活向太阳 2014-04-12
How To Be a Successful Person?


    Do you want to be a successful person? Would you like to know how successful people usually think and what drives them? Here I am going to tell you the key to success that successful people share.


     First of all, successful people never blame someone or something outside of themselves for their failure to move ahead. They realize that their future lies in their own hands. They understand that they can’t control things in life, such as nature, the past and other people. At the same time, they are well aware that they can control their own thoughts and actions. They take responsibility for their life.


     Perhaps what most separates successful people from others is that they live life “on purpose”—they are doing what they believe they are put here to do. In their opinion, having a purpose in their life is the most important element that enables them to deal with things around them. They hold the view that when they live their life “on purpose”, their main concern is to do the job right. They live what they do. People want to do business with them because their commitment. To live their life “on purpose”, successful people find a cause they believe in and create a business around it.


    Besides, they never give up easily. Once they set up goals in their life, they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. To achievers always bear in mind what they don’t have forever. Rather than see this as negative or depressing, they would use the knowledge to spur themselves on and go after what they want energetically and passionately.


     So keep in mind what successful people always hold to be true so that you will have a clear idea of what you should do to be successful in life.


成功人士的七个习惯 The Seven Habits of A Successful Person 
第一个 积极主动 Be proactive 
第二个 以终为始 Begin with the End in mind 
第三个 要事第一 First Things First 
第四个 双赢思想  Think Win-Win  
第五个 先听后说 Seek First to understand then to be understood 

第六个 综合综效  Synergize

第七个 不断更新 Sharpen the saw





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