

 chenc_lib 2014-04-14



(1) 读取事件日志

#include <string>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <windows.h>

using namespace std;

int ReadSystemEventLog(const char *Src, string &Result, FILE * pFile) 


       DWORD read_len, next_len; 

       char Buffer[256], Data[4096], *pchar; 

       HANDLE Handle = OpenEventLog(NULL, Src);

       if (Handle==NULL)



              return -1;


       while(ReadEventLog(Handle, EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ | EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ,1, (EVENTLOGRECORD*)Data, sizeof(Data), &read_len, &next_len))


              for(short i=0; i<read_len;) 



                     EVENTLOGRECORD *ptr = (EVENTLOGRECORD*)(Data+i);

                     switch(ptr->EventType) //事件类型  


                     case EVENTLOG_SUCCESS:

                            pchar= "成功";  


            case EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE:

                            pchar= "错误";


            case EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE:

                            pchar= "警告";



                            pchar= "信息";


            case EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS:

                            pchar= "审计成功";


            case EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE:

                            pchar= "审计失败";





                     sprintf(Buffer, "事件/t%u/n", (short)ptr->EventID); //事件ID  

                     Result += Buffer;

                     sprintf(Buffer, "类型/t%s/n", pchar); 

                     Result += Buffer; 

                     tm *ptm = localtime((const long *)&ptr->TimeWritten); 

                     sprintf(Buffer, "时间/t%.4hd-%.2hd-%.2hd %.2hd:%.2hd:%.2hd/n",

                            ptm->tm_year+1900, ptm->tm_mon+1, ptm->tm_mday,

                            ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec);

                     Result += Buffer;

                     pchar = Data + sizeof(EVENTLOGRECORD); //pchar指向SourceName[]

                     sprintf(Buffer, "来源/t%s/n", pchar); //事件来源 

                     Result += Buffer;

                     pchar += strlen(pchar) + 1; //pchar指向ComputerName[]

                     sprintf(Buffer, "计算机/t%s/n", pchar); //机器名

                     Result += Buffer;

                     pchar += strlen(pchar) + 1;// pchar指向UserSid



                            char Name[64];

                            DWORD Length = sizeof(SID), Length1 = sizeof(Buffer);

                            SID_NAME_USE Type = SidTypeUser;

                            SID *sid = (SID *)(Data + ptr->UserSidOffset);

if(LookupAccountSid(NULL, sid, Name, &Length, Buffer, &Length1, &Type))  //查找用户名

                                   sprintf(Buffer, "用户/t%s/n", Name); //用户名  



                     if(ptr->DataOffset > ptr->StringOffset) //获取事件描述 


                            Result += "[描述]/n"; 

                            pchar = Data + i + ptr->StringOffset; 

                            for(short j = 0; j < ptr->NumStrings; j++) 


                                   Result += pchar; 

                                   if(j < ptr->NumStrings-1)

                                          Result += ' '; 

                                   pchar += strlen(pchar) + 1;


                            Result += '/n'; 

                            // Result+="[数据]/n"; 








       return 0;


void main()


       string result;

       FILE *pFile;




       ReadSystemEventLog("System",result,pFile); //读取System事件日志



(2) 读取事件日志

#include <stdio.h>

#include <windows.h>

#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096

void DisplayEntries( )


       FILE *pFile=fopen("log.txt","w");

       char *tempBuf=new char[100];


    HANDLE h;


    BYTE bBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

    DWORD dwRead, dwNeeded, dwThisRecord;

    // Open the Application event log.

    h = OpenEventLog( NULL, // use local computer

           "System"); // source name

    if (h == NULL)


              printf("Could not open the Application event log.");

              return ;


    pevlr = (EVENTLOGRECORD *) &bBuffer;

    // Get the record number of the oldest event log record.

    GetOldestEventLogRecord(h, &dwThisRecord);

    // Opening the event log positions the file pointer for this handle at the beginning of the log. //Read the event log records sequentially until the last record has been read.

    while (ReadEventLog(h, // event log handle

                EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ | // reads forward

                EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ, // sequential read

                1, // ignored for sequential reads

                pevlr, // pointer to buffer

                BUFFER_SIZE, // size of buffer

                &dwRead, // number of bytes read

                &dwNeeded)) // bytes in next record


        while (dwRead > 0)


            // Print the record number, event identifier, type, and source name.

            printf("%02d  Event ID: 事件/t%u ", dwThisRecord++, (short)pevlr->EventID);



                     sprintf(tempBuf, "事件/t%u/n", (short)pevlr->EventID); //事件ID 


            printf("EventType: %d Source: %s/n",

                pevlr->EventType, (LPSTR) ((LPBYTE) pevlr +


            dwRead -= pevlr->Length;

            pevlr = (EVENTLOGRECORD *)

                ((LPBYTE) pevlr + pevlr->Length);

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