
Twisted Valley / grupo Aranea

 似真似假疑梦中 2014-05-06

非常感谢grupo Aranea与gooood合作并分享以下内容: 


西班牙建筑工作室 grupo Aranea在埃尔切地区的谷地--“藤谷”(其中一些区域深达40米)设计了一套路径系统,使得人们从城市前往高质量环


This landform (which reaches 40 meters deep) gives the city a chance to travel in a few minutes to an area of high environmental quality.

We propose a system which can be adapted to the geographical and administrative complexities of the place, negotiating with all agents who
claim the space as their own, to make it more accessible and multiply the public use of the steep slopes.


西班牙 “藤谷”是专为西班牙埃尔切市联合国教科文组织世界遗产设计的城市公共开放空间,公园总跨度为4 公里,沿岸60公顷。“网络”状的设计
延伸至市中 心,紧密地连接了维纳洛玻河谷,有效地填补了退化区域。设计主题汲取了藤条的错综缠绕自然长势,由此划分空间,用来公共、文化和商





The system shows its flexibility being adjusted through a participatory process that grouped for citizens and collectives of the city for a month.

The main points to connect, areas of special interest,the most requested routes,a large collection of desired uses...were incorporated into the
project and began to define the braid.

After this first step, the system was tested again,managing the complex and contradictory relations between multiple admini strativein terlocutors
responsible for the place: Confederación hidrográfica del Jucar, Consellería de MedioAmbiente, Consellería de Patrimonio, Comunidad de
Regantes de la Acequia de Marchena,  Aguas de Elche… and Elche City Hall.




The system aims to give voice to the Vinalopó river. The sinuous braids have no relation to the orthogonality of the city. These squiggly lines
shape thes lopes. Offer more comfortable routes and incorporate the possibility of crossing the river to continue the ride. The roads that float
on the untouchable riverbed of concrete, become the heroes of the reconquest. And they blur the difference between bridge and path,
becoming a graphic thought solved by a material abstraction. A single bridge becomes a network of trails which fold, bend, stretch, tighten,
disperse, curve, and of course twist. The vegetation is also a material. Native species and trees help to build the shadow of the forest. A system
based on the experience, understanding and empathy to connect with elegance, both sections  which divide Elche.

The valley has already started plaiting, now reduced to infraestucturals minimum, and over time they will allow the flourishing of urban activities.



Conversation between
gooood and grupo Aranea

对谈:gooood  VS grupo Aranea

出品人 Producer:向玲 XiangLing  王耀华Yaohua Wang   





For me, by looking at your drawings, your project is a network which generate very diverse experience about the landscape. How did you design
this experience?

Francisco Leiva




I draw constantly.

My drawings do not usually have direct link with our architectures.

I am obsessed since a long time with the idea of new natural patterns, imagining interventions capable to establish close relations with the place,
which continue developing independently, ... new natures ...

Answering your question: How did you design this experience?

The answer is, naturally, not forcing ... drawing again and again, redrawing on the slopes even when the work has begun ... with patience,
restating each tree

This is one of those projects in which drawings seems architecture ...

This is a multi-phased project and the first phase should be understood as infrastructure which braid the valley, doing the space more visitable.

The project aims to braiding the different levels of the valley through paths which shape the slopes or flying and being transformed into
walkways and in this way connecting the two parts of the city. This system of braided paths, gets fix the slopes ( manage landslide problems and
problems of uncontrolled erosion) and create gardens at different levels.

So we get that the park will be much more accessible to the citizens of Elche.





About how you treat the site, is your network comes from the topography of the site? Or you superimposed this net work onto the site? How did
you deal with the relationship between them?

ágata Alcaraz


It is a system that adapts to the topography of the site, looking for the most convenient way to cross it, that recovers old paths that the ancient
inhabitants of the city, which are used to go down to the river and the fields ... This is not a nostalgic work it is a matter of logic and resource




In 2009 the City Hall of Elche convened an international competition for the rehabilitation of the slopes of Vinalopó River. Aranea wins the
contest, proposing a braided system of paths connecting both shores and the various intermediate platforms that the system was recovering.

The contest propose that this system would have to fit through the participation of all those who would become involved in the transformation of
one of the most emblematic places of the city. One of the arguments that convinced the jury was the flexibility of the approach, which would
allow negotiations with all the parties involved, as the project needs it.

And so, before writing the final project we organized an office in the river channel to collect information from expert users of the site. Information
about the different access points, main paths, activities ... and they were invited to propose the connecting points between both shores. All this
information was collected in a summary plane which overlaps the various proposals, the more requested passage areas were identified, the
remaining the tracings were adjusted ... and thereby we all started to braid the Vinalopó urban valley.





The structure of your bridge is very appealing, could you elaborate on it?

Francisco Leiva




Bridges are simply paths, floating paths.

Flow like the river, adapted to the slopes ... crossing the channel is integrated in the route of The Braided Valley, is part of the ride.

Crossing is to stroll ... With its Y-shaped configuration, are well adapted to the routes of walkers, which without realizing, cross the channel ...
there are athletes who use the bridges without crossing over these, this activity have become part of their daily training.

The walkways have big clear spans, reduced depth, tight budget and minimal maintenance. With U-section (structural railings), arcuate to
adjust his depth and concreted at one time to get the monolithic character that makes them more abstract, closer to our idea of floating roads ...


-Nombre completo del proyecto.
El Valle Trenzado, Fase 1.
-Datos de situación.
Espa?a, Elche, Vinalopó.
Francisco Leiva Ivorra   arquitecto
Marta García Chico    ingeniera agrónoma-paisajista
Antoni Baile Jiménez    arquitecto
Prócoro del Real Baeza   arquitecto
David Gallardo LLopis  arquitecto
Martín López Robles    arquitecto
Luis Navarro Jover    arquitecto
Benjamín Javier Pérez López  arquitecto
Marian Almansa Frías   arquitecto
Jordi Qui?onero Oltra    sociólogo
Anna Pont Solbes    bióloga-medioambiental
ágata Alcaraz Vicente   arquitecto
-Promotor/ Propietario/ Institución
Ayuntamiento de Elche
-Arquitecto Técnico
Cristina Alesón Carbonell
Maria Jesús Baeza Alemany
-Fotografías: Jesús Granada.
-Presupuesto Ejecución Material Total 
2.382.000 €
115.000 m2


MORE:  grupo Aranea

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