

 希望石 2014-05-12








修改:在错的词下划一横线  ,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 



二.考点分布:   1. 语法上,主要考查:动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词及情态动词的用法等。名词、代词的数、格。形容词、副词的比较级,最高级。主谓一致及特殊句型(虚拟、强调、倒装、省略、独立主格等)。数词、冠词、介词、连词、从句引导词的使用等。2. 行文逻辑上主要涉及:人物的性别及与之相对应的物主代词、句义的并列与转折、时间的顺序、数量的增减以及因果关系等。


(一)多词考点总结    多词错误主要涉及英语中一些小词,如冠词、介词、不定式符号、人称代词、动词 be、比较级more等。具体说来,多词错误可能涉及的问题有:及物动词后接宾语时误加介词,在该用动词原形的地方误加不定式符号to,在物质名词、抽象名词、复数名词等表示泛指时误加定冠词,在一些可直接用作状语的短语前误加介词in, on, for 等,误加一些导致语义重复的小词(two both连用,all whole 连用等),在本身已是比较级的词前误加more,在不是从句的地方误加从句引导词,在一些习惯用语和固定表达中误加不该用的小词(如冠词、介词、副词等)           1. 多一介词或副词                           有些动词在汉语中是不及物动词,在英语中是及物动词,可能多一个介词。如:serve for the people, follow after him, marry with her                有些动词可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,但搭配不同,可能混淆而多一个介词。如:join in the game, join in the club; pay for a TV set, pay for three dollars; search for the map, search for the thief for his watch                            有些动词 + 介词形式的动词后面没有宾语时,后面的介词是多余的。如:He looked at but could see nothing.                                  有些动词、名词、形容词后接名词或代词时须加一个介词,但接that从句时,必须去掉介词。如:agree to it, agree to that...; be sure of it, be sure of that…; be sorry for it, be sorry for that…                       有些副词或介词词组后加一个介词,组成了复合介词,若后面没有接宾语时,最后的介词则多余。如:If you won’t go, I’ll go instead of.               有些连词后加 of 成为复合介词,如果后接从句,of 是多余的。如:Because of he was ill…          地点副词的意义中已经包含了介词 to,如果再用 to则是多余的。如:on my way to there, get to home, go to upstairs, return to home                  last year, next month, this week, one day等名词词组直接充当时间状语,前面用介词多余。          有些动词受汉语意思影响而多一副词,如:stop down(停下来), raise up (举起来), return back(归来,回来), repeat again (复述), set down(落下)                      有些动词在一种用法中要加副词,而在另一种用法中加副词则是多余的。如:build up our country, build up railways                           2. 多一连词                                状语从句与主句之间多一并列连词,如:though/although… but; because/since/now that … so; the more … and the more                        充当状语的分词与主句之间多一并列连词。如:Sitting down and he began to work.              从属连词后多一 that。如:because that…, since that…, unless that…                          复合宾语前多一 that。如: I found that her lying on the ground.                               3. 多一代词                               主语与谓语之间多一关系代词。如:Some people don’t like football, but many people who do like it.                            作定语的分词前多一关系代词。如: The man who invited to the ball last night is my friend.          定语从句中多一名词或代词。如:I have seen the girl you are talking of her.                                用不定式作定语时,如果其逻辑宾语或介词宾语就是被修饰的名词(词组),后面再用代词是多余的。如:The tea is too hot to drink it.                 He is a good partner to work with him.                              形容词 + 不定式句型中,如果不定式的逻辑宾语或介词宾语就是句子的主语,再用代词作宾语或介词宾语则是多余的。如:This question is too difficult to answer it.   The house is nice to live in it.                                    从属连词+主语+ be +分词 / 名词 / 形容词 / 副词 / 介词词组结构中,主句和从句的主语一致或从句主语是it时,如果从句中没有be,则从句主语是多余的。                          如:He took notes while he reading.                           You’d better keep silent unless you asked.                  I shall pay a visit to him tomorrow if it necessary.   4. 多一助动词                              时间、条件、让步状语从句中常用现在时表示将来时,用 will, would 是多余的。如:If he will try his best to do the work, he will make it.                                make sure + that 从句中用一般现在时表将来,用 will是多余的。                          如:I make sure that they will come early.              在名词性从句中主语前的助动词是多余的。   如:Would you tell me what do you want?          I have no idea how often do they go home.        独立结构中的 be(助动词或连系动词)是多余的。如:The game was over, he went home.         The weather is fine, we will go camping tomorrow.  5. 多一冠词                               与介词 at, in, to连用的名词 school, class, town, hospital, church, prison, office, bed 等表示与其有关的活动时,用冠词是多余的。如:go to the school(上学), be in the prison(坐牢), go to the bed(睡觉), be at the table(吃饭), in the office(办公)                             byon 连用的交通工具名称和 air, land, sea, water等名词前用冠词是多余的。 如:by the bike, by the sea, by the train, on the foot, on the horse                                     表示球棋类活动而不是表示乐器, 工具的名词前不用冠词。如:play the volleyball, play the chess, play the pingpong, play the bowling, play the baseball                           专有名词 + 普通名词构成的专有名词前不用定冠词。如:the Beijing Airport, the Oxford Street, the Hyde Park, the Tian’anmen Square                          在一些固定搭配中。如:at the last, the most of us, in the fact, catch the sight of, lose the heart                                   most 非常解时,前面用 the 是多余的。如:Mary is my classmate and she is the most kind.                    含有Day的节日前加the是多余的。如:the May Day, the Women’s Day, the National day, the New Year’s Day, the Fathers’ Day, the Children’s Day                           名词 + as / though…”结构的让步状语从句中,名词前不用冠词。如:According to me, a child as she is, she is better at cooking than his parents.                                            6. 多一小品词 to                               had better, would rather, rather than 后的不定式前用 to 是多余的。如:You had better not to go.  I would rather to stay at home.                     feel, hear, listen to, make, let, have, see, watch, notice, observe 等使役、感官动词后,不定式作宾补to 是多余的。如:He made me to do heavy work.                                   () 缺词考点                               1. 缺一介词                               有些动词后有时有介词,有时没有介词,可能混淆而缺一介词。如:attend a meeting, attend the patient; prepare breakfast, prepare the coming exam; join us, join a game.                           表语形容词通常具有动词意义,很可能误以为是动词而漏掉介词。如:be afraid nothing, be present the meeting, be sure it               except, instead of, from, since, till, until 后面可跟另一介词词组充当介词宾语,可能会漏掉第 个介词。如:He came on foot instead of bike.                                 A big bear ran out from a tree.                 hundreds, thousands 等后面可能漏掉 of。类似的还有millions , dozens , scores          2. 缺一连词                               汉语常用意合法,分句与分句之间往往不用连词,但英语里不行。如:It began to rain, they had to stop the match.                           He looked for the key in the bedroom, didn’t find it.                 受汉语影响,并列动词词组之间可能缺一个and。如:She smiled said good-bye to her father.                                    名词性从句 that分句置于句首或作同位语时不可缺少连词。如:In fact, the earth is round is known to us all.                            We heard the news our team had won.                    even, as 后可能缺少 if though。如:He walks in a funny way as he were drunk.                           3. 缺一代词                                充当定语从句主语的关系代词不能缺少。如:The accident happened yesterday was very serious.                                   英语中用来替代前面的“the + 名词 that those,往往漏掉。如:The population of China is much larger than of Japan.                                      These shirts are expensive, but which we saw the other day were much more expensive.                   4. 缺一助动词或连系动词 be                     表语可能缺少连系动词 be,因为汉语在这种情况下有时不用。如:He afraid of his father.                                       被动语态中缺少助动词 be,成了主动语态。如:He has asked to tell the story in English.           完成体中缺少助动词 have/had,成了一般过去时。如:He realized that he lost his mobile phone.          They lived in the apartment since 1980.                         在倒装句中缺少助动词或情态动词。如:Hardly I reached the bus stop when the bus started. Seldom I go out at night alone.             Only in this way you learn English well.            5. 缺一冠词                                  such so + 形容词与单数可数名词连用时,不可缺 a (an)。如:He is such honest boy that all of us like him.                               This is so good book that I read it again.            表示有些时,little, few前不可缺少a。如:Don’t hurry. There is little time left.                many 前有 great, good 时,要加 a。如:a great many people. many 后接单数名词,中间须有 a (an)。如:Many man has tried it before.                                一些不可数名词前,有形容词修饰表示一种(场,起,份)时,要加 a (an)。如: There was heavy rain last night.                                   用专有名词表示一个像()……的人时,用 a (an), 如:He wished to be Lei Feng.                Mr. Wang called you just now.                      形容词比较级 + of the two…”前必须用 the。如:He is better one of the two.                     6. 缺小品词 to                              不定式充当各种成分,一般都不能缺少 to。如:She went there see her mother.               He asked me not go there.                    I have something important tell you.               make, let, have, see, hear, notice, observe, watch 等动词变成被动语态时,充当主语补足语的不定式前的 to还原。如:She was made do heavy work.                                 The blind man was seen cross the street.


1. 动词    谓语动词时态的协调一致, 语态误用,主谓一致,动词短语搭配错误,同义词反义词误用,虚拟语气(如接宾语从句需用虚拟语气)等。             2. 非谓语动词    不定式,动名词作主语、作宾语,现在分词、过去分词的误用,非谓语的否定、完成、被动,并列连词前后的一致等。                                     3. 名词    名词的单复数变化,可数名词和不可数名词混用等。如在several a number ofvariousdifferenta fewone of之后,常用复数,在everymore than onemany aeach之后常用单数。                                        4. 形容词和副词    包括形容词和副词词形变化,形容词和副词的原级、比较级、最高级之间的混用。如excitingexcitedhardhardlypossiblepossiblyheretherehigh highly close closelywidewidelydeep deeply等。                            5. 冠词     a/an/the的选用和固定搭配。   :  an hour, a university, a European, an honor                 6. 代词    包括代词指代的性、数一致,物主代词误用,代词的主宾格混用,单复数错用,反身代词误用,it 与指示代词混用,不定代词混用,以及关系代词误用等。如youyourit’sitsittheythemoneonesmymimesheher                      7. 介词    弄清常用介词的搭配。如in ontoforwithbyinsteadinstead ofbecausebecause ofleaveleave forsearchsearch for。               8. 并列连词    考题中常有意把andbutorso等词混用,出现逻辑错误; 并列连词如:and, or, but, not only…but also…, either…or…, neither…nor…等应连接平行结构, 在词性、时态、非谓语动词等形式上要求前后一致(特别是并列结构相距较远时)。                  9. 从句    错误主要出现在从句的引导词上,如关系代词和关系副词的误用,或者受介词+关系代词结构思维的影响而多加了不必要的介词。                             10. 逻辑错误    如果句子的词法句法均没有错误,可通过逻辑推理去寻找。寻找逻辑错误应从整个篇章的写作结构逻辑去考虑不符合文意的词语。               11. 词义辨析错误    一些常用词,如whathowexceptbesidesallbothanysome fewlittleborrowlendneithereither等。                            12. 固定搭配和习惯用法          

如:1). It is time that sb. did sth.  ( should do)

2). It is + 形容词 +of / for + sb. + to do sth.

3). It be the first time that从句

4). It is no + use/good + doing sth.            5). It is + 被强调部分 + that/who + …

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