
高考英语词汇总复习 U字母开头

 许愿真 2014-05-26




ugly adj.  unpleasant to see 丑陋的,难看的

UK  n.  abbrev.. United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) (大不列颠及北爱尔兰) 联合王国

umbrella n.  an arrangement of cloth over a folding frame with a handle, used for keeping rain off the head 伞,雨伞

unable adj.  not able; without the power, knowledge, time, etc., to do something 不能的;无能为力的;不胜任的;没时间做的

uncertain adj. 1. not certain; doubtful 不确定的;不明确的;可疑的

2. undecided or unable to decide 未作决定的;无法断定的

be uncertain about   对...不确定

uncle n.  the brother of one’s father or mother, or the husband of one’s aunt伯父;叔父;舅父;姑丈;姨丈

under  adv in or to a lower place; below 在下;往下;少于

prep.  1.  directly below; covered by 在...下面,在...底下;被...遮掩着

2.  less than;

syn. below 少于;低于;在...以下

ant. over

3.  working for; controlled by 为...工作;受...支配

underground  also tube BrE; subway AmE  n.  a railway system in which the trains run in passages under the surface of the ground 地下铁道

understand  v.  1. to know or get the meaning of (something) 懂;理解;明白

2. to know or feel closely the nature of (a person, feelings, etc.) 领会,了解(人,感情等)

3. fml or polite(正式;雅) to have been informed; have found out(a fact) 获悉;得知;发觉

understanding  n.  the act of understanding; power to judge 理解,了解,领会;理解力,判断力

underwater  adj.& adv.  (used, done, etc.) below the surface of the water 在水下的,在水中(使用,进行)的;在水下,在水中(使用,进行)

undivided  adj.  complete 完整的,未分割的;专一的

unfair  adj.  不公平的;不公正的

unfold  v.  1.  to open from a folded position 展开,摊开,打开

2.  to make or become clear, more fully known, etc. 显露,表露

unhealthy  adj. 1.   not generally in good health 不健康的;有病的

2. not likely to give good health 对健康不利的;对身心有害的

3.  unnatural 非自然的;反常的;怪异的

uniform  n.  a certain type of clothing which all members of a group wear, esp. in the army, a school, or the police(尤指军人,学生,或警察的)制服

union  n.   1.  the act of joining or state of being joined into one 联合;合并;结合

2. (often cap.) (常大写) a group of countries or states joined together 联邦;联盟

3.  a club or society, esp. a TRADE UNION  协会;联合会;(尤指)工会

unit  n.  1.  a thing or group regarded as being a complete whole 单位;单元(指被视作一个整体的事物或团体)

2.  an amount or quantity taken as a standard of measurement (作为计数或计量标准的)单位

3.  a piece of furniture, storage apparatus, etc., which can be fitted with others of the same ty pe 一套用具(如家具、贮藏用具等)

unite  v. 1. to join together into one (使)联合;(使)团结;(使)合并

2.  to act together for a purpose (为一定目的而)联合行动,一致行动

united  adj.  1  joined in a state of love, agreement, etc. 团结的,和睦的

2 with everyone concerned having the same aim 一致的,统一的

3  (cap. In names) (作名称时

大写) joined in a political organization结合于一个政治组织内的

universe  n. (often cap.) (常大写) all space and the matter which exists in it 宇宙;世界 ;天地万物

unknown  n.& adj.  (a person or thing) whose name, value, or origin is not known(人或事物的名称、价值或起源)未知的,未被发现的,不了解的;未知的人 (或事物)

university   n.   大学

unless conj.  if not; except if  如果不;除非

unpleasant adj.  not pleasant; causing dislike; not enjoyable; unkind 使人不愉快的;讨厌的;不合意的;不和善的

-unpleasantly  adv..  -unpleasantness  n.

unreserved adj.   without limits or reservations 无限制的,无保留的;充分的;坦白的

unrest n.  不安;骚动

unsold adj.  未销售的

unsuccessful adj.   不成功的;失败的

until also till(亦作till)- prep.& conj.   up to the time when, up to as late as 直到…为止;在…以前

not…until…    直到......之前;不到......(不)

unusual adj.  not usual; rare; not common; interesting because different from others 不平常的;罕见的;与众不同的;独特的

up adv.  from below towards a higher place; away from the floor, the ground, or the bottom 向上;向更高处;离开楼面(地面,底部)

2       in a high place 在上;在高处

into an upright or raised position 趋向直立或竖起姿势

adj.  1  directed or going up 向上的

2  (of a road )being repaired (道路)正在修理的

prep. 1  to or in a higher place in; upwards by way of  向...面; ;在...上面;由...向 

       along; to or at the far end of 沿着;向...的远端;在...的远端

       against the direction of(the current of a river) 逆着(河流)的方向  (<down)

4  up and down:

a.  higher and lower on 沿...上(去)下(来)

b. backwards and forwards along 沿...来  

upon  prep.   在......上面

up stairs adv.& adj.   at, to, or on the upper floor(s) of a building 在楼上(的);往楼上(的)

upwards also upward AmE(亦作upward <美>)- adv.

1 going up 向上,上升

2 with a particular side facing up (某一面)朝上地

uranium n.  a heavy white metal that is a simple substance(element)

and gives out radioactivity 铀(放射性元素)

us pron. (object form of WE (WE的宾格)

use n.  1  t he act of using or state of being used 用;使用;应用;利用

2 the ability or right to use something 运用能力;使用权

3 the purpose or reason for using something 使用目的;用途;用处

4 the usefulness or advantage given by something 效用;好处;价值

use  v.  used, using  1  to employ for a purpose; put to use 用;使用;利用;应 用

2to finish; consume 消费;消耗;耗尽

3 derog (贬 )to treat (someone) with consideration only for one’s own advantage(为私人利益)利用(他人);自私地对待(某人)

v.  used, BrE negative short forms usedn’t,  usen’t (<英>否定缩略形式 usedn’t, usen’t )

(used in the past tense only, to show that something happened always or regularly)(仅 用于过去式中 ,表示某事过去经常或有规律地发生)

make use of   利用;借用

use one’s head  动脑筋;仔细考虑

USAGE  1  Used to and would are both used of things that happened always or regularly in the past, but would is not used at the beginning of a story用法: Used to和would 都用以表

示事物过去经常或有规律地发生,但在开始叙述时不用would: We used to swim ev.ery day

When we were children. We would run down to the lake and jump in 我们小时候天天去游泳。我们常跑到湖边,跳进水里...

2  The usual question form of used to is Did(n’t)

sl: use/used to,  but Used/Usen’t she to are also possible. used to 的常用疑问形式是

Did(n’t)she use/used to, 但也可用Used/Usen’t she to. in the NEGATIVE, She used not to/usen’t to and She didn’t used/use to are all possible, but She never used to, which expresses the same idea, is probably more common. 在否定句中,She used not to/usen’t to 和She didn’t used/use to 两者都可用,但意思相同的She never used to 也许用得更为普遍

used 动词use的过去式

used to  过去常常

be used to 习惯于

useful adj. 1 effective in use 有用的;有效的;有益的  2  helpful 有帮助的

useless adj. not of any use 无用的;无效的;无益的

–uselessly adv.

–uselessness  n.

usual adj.  happening most often; customary 通常的,平常的,惯常的

as usual  as generally has happened before  象往常一样;照例

usually adv.  often; generally  通常,经常,惯常


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