

 许愿真 2014-05-26




1. keep watch 值班,放哨,监视,注意。如:

Who will keep watch tonight? 今晚谁值班?

I kept watch while the others slept. 其他人睡觉时我值班。

注:有时后接介词 for。如:

You must keep watch for the thief. 你必须要提防小偷。

Keep watch for the milkman; I want to pay him today. 留神看着送牛奶的人来,我今天我付给他钱。

2. keep a (close) watch on 密切注意(监视)。如:

We must keep a close watch on the situation. 我们必须要密切注意局势。

Police keep a 24-watch on the house. 警察对这座房子实行24小时监视。

3. (be) on the watch for 注意,提防。如:

You should be always on the watch for pickpockets. 你应该要时刻提防小偷。

Be on the watch for a sudden change in the patient’s condition. 要密切注意病人的病情可能突变化。

4. on watch 值班,从事监视。如:

He was standing on watch. 他在站岗(放哨)

The man on watch didn’t notice the danger. 值班的人没有注意到这危险。

5. watch sb (sth) do sth 看着某人(某事)做某事。如:

I watched her get into the car. 我看着她上了车。

We watched him stand up and go out. 我们看着他站起来然后走出去。

6. watch sb (sth) doing sth 看着某人(某事)做某事。如:

We watched them passing. 我们看着他们走过去。

He stood alone, watching the snow falling outside. 他独自站着,看着户外飘落的雪。

7. watch to see 注意看……。如:

He watched to see what would happen. 他注意观察会发生什么事。

8. watch for sth 盼望(期待,等候)某事物。如:

We are watching for further developments. 我们在等待着进一步的发展。

The prisoners watched for a chance to escape. 囚犯等候机会逃走。

9. watch out (for) 当心,提防。如:

Watch out for snakes. 小心有蛇。

Watch out! There’s a car coming. 当心,来汽车了。



1. by the way

(1) 在途中的路旁。如:

They stopped for a picnic by the way. 我们在途中停在路边野餐。

(2) 顺便说,顺便问。如:

By the way, do you know where Mary lives? 顺便问一下,你知道玛丽住在哪里吗?

2. by way of 经由,意在,为了。如:

He came to Japan by way of China. 他经中国来日本。

He did it by way of helping her. 他这样做是为了帮助她。

He sent her flowers by way of apology. 他给她送去鲜花,以表歉意。

3. in…way ……方式。如:

Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。

Please do not talk (in) that way. 请不要那样说。

4. in the way 挡路,碍事。如:

I’m afraid your car is in the way. 恐怕你的汽车挡道了。

If you are not going to help, at least don’t get in the way. 如果你不愿帮忙,至少你不要妨碍人家。

5. on the [ones] way (to)

(1) 在某人去……的路上。如:

He picked up a wallet on his way to school. 他在上学路上捡到一个钱包。

I’ll buy some bread on the way home. 我要在回家的路上买些面包。


He was on his way to see a film. 他正在去看电影的途中。

(2) 即将。如:

He is on the way to becoming an engineer. 他快成为一个工程师了。

注:用于此义时,to 为介词,其后只能接名词或动名词。

6. the way to do [of doing] sth 做某事的方式(方法)。如:

It’s the best way of studying [to study] English. 这是学习英语的最好方法。

There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。



1. in all weathers 无论如何。如:

She goes out in all weathers. 无论天气如何,她都要外出。

2. under the weather 不舒服,喝醉酒。如:

He’s been a bit under the weather recently. 他最近身体不太好。

Many accidents are caused by drivers who are under the weather. 许多车祸都是因司机喝醉酒引起的。



1. at [on] the weekend 在周末。如:

He doesn’t work at weekends. / He doesn’t work on weekends. / He doesn’t work at the weekend. / He doesn’t work on the

weekend. 他周末不工作。

注:英国英语中多用介词 at, 美国英语中多用介词 on

2. for the weekend 为周末,度周末。如:

He has gone to the country for the weekend. 他去乡下度周末了。



1. by weight 按重量。如:

Do you charge carriage by weight? 你们按重量收运费吗?

2. in weight 重量上。如:

It’s smaller in size but greater in weight. 它体积比较小,但分量比较重。



1. be welcome to (do) sth 可随意使用某物。如:

You are welcome to (use) my car. 我的汽车你尽管用。

You are welcome to any books you would like to borrow. 你想借什么书就借什么书。

2. be welcomed by ……欢迎。如:

He was welcomed by the students. 他受到同学们的欢迎。

We were welcomed at the door by the children. 我们一到门口就受到孩子们的欢迎。

3. have [receive] a welcome 受到欢迎。如:

They received a warm welcome. 他们受到热烈欢迎。

We had rather a cold welcome. 我们受到相当冷淡的接待。

4. Welcome (to)……欢迎到……来。如:

Welcome to Beijing. 欢迎到北京来。

Welcome back [home]. 欢迎归来。

5. You are welcome! 不用谢,不客气。如:

AThank you very much. 多谢你了。

BYou are welcome. 不用谢,



1. be well-known as 作为……出名。如:

He is rather well-known as a lawyer. 作为一位律师他相当有名气。

2. be well-known for 因为……出名。如:

He is well-known for his short stories. 他以写短篇小说而出名。

This place is well-known for its scenery. 这个地方以风景出名。

3. be well-known to ……所知。如:

It is well-known to us. 这点我们很清楚。

These facts were well-known to everyone. 这些都是众所周知的事实。



1. as a whole

(1) 作为整体。如:

We must consider these matters as a whole, not one by one. 我们必须通盘而不是一件件地孤立地考虑这些事情。

(2) 一般说来,大体上。如:

Poeple as a whole don’t do things like that. 一般说来,人们不会做那种事。

2. on [upon] the whole 总的说来,大体上,基本上。如:

On the whole I like his plan. 总的说来,我喜欢他的计划。

His work is good on the whole. 他的工作基本上还是好的。

3. the whole of 整个,全部。

The whole of my money was stolen. 我的钱全部被偷了。

He spent the whole of the year in hospital. 他住院住了整整一年。



1. against ones will 违心地,不自意地。如:

The girl married against her will. 这姑娘违心地结了婚。

2. at will 随意,任意。如:

You may come and go at will. 你可以来去自由。

The animals are allowed to wander at will in the park. 这些动物可以在公园里随意走动。

3. the will to do sth 做某事的决心(毅力)。如:

He never lost the will to succeed. 他从未失去成功的决心。

He has the will to live and he will recover. 他有生活的决心,他会康复的。

4. Will you (please)……? 请你……好吗?

Will you do me a favor? 请帮我个忙好吗?

Will you please post the letter for me? 请你帮我寄了这封信好吗?



1. be willing to do sth 愿意做某事。如:

Are you willing to go with her? 你愿意同她去吗?

I’m willing to do anything you like. 你要我做什么我都愿意。

2. be willing for sb to do sth 愿意让某人做某事。如:

Is your father willing for you to go abroad? 你父亲愿意让你出国吗?



1. win sb sth 为某人赢得……。如:

Her book at the end of last year won her immediate fame. 她去年年底出的那本书使他一举成名。

His kindness won him many friends. 他的善良使他赢得了很多朋友。



1. wipe away [off] 擦掉,清除掉,刷掉。如:

Wipe away [off] your tears. 擦掉你的眼泪。

The rain wiped away all the footprints. 雨水把所有的脚印都冲掉了。

Paint won’t wipe off. / Paint won’t be wiped off. 油漆刷不掉。

2. wipe out 消灭,清除,洗净。如:

Most diseases could be and must be wiped out. 大多数疾病可以也必须要消灭。

He wiped the sink out. 他把洗涤槽洗干净。



1. be none the wiser 仍然不明白。如:

I was none the wiser for his explanation. 我听了他的解释仍不明白。

2. Its wise of sb to do sth 某人做某事是明智的。如:

It is wise of you to sell your house. 你把房子卖掉是明智的。

It was wise of you to give up smoking. 你戒烟是明智的。


You are wise to sell your house.

You were wise to give up smoking.



1. a wish for sth 希望有(得到)某物。如:

We all have a wish for peace. 我们都希望和平。

2. (a) wish to do sth (愿意)做某事。如:

He has a wish to go abroad. 他想出国。

He has no wish to go. 他不想去。

She expressed a wish to be alone. 她表示希望不打扰她。

3. wish for sth 希望有(得到)某物。如:

We wish for peace. 我们希望和平。

He wishes for a computer. 他希望有台电脑。

4. wish sb sth 祝愿某人有某物。如:

I wish you success. 我祝你成功。

They wished us a pleasant journey. 他们祝我们旅途愉快。

4. wish sb (sth) to do sth 希望某人(某事)做某事。如:

I wish you to come early. 我希望你早点来。

Do you wish me to leave now? 你要现在离开吗?

We wish the work to be done tomorrow. 我们希望这工作明天做完。

5. wish to do sth 希望(想要)做某事。如:

He wishes to be alone. 他希望别人别打扰他。

I wish to go with her. 我希望同她一起去。



1. with+宾语+形容词。如:

He often sleeps with the windows open. 他常开着窗睡觉。

Don’t speak with your mouth full. 不要满嘴巴食物说话。

2. with+宾语+副词。如:

He stood before his teacher with his head down. 他低着头站在老师面前。

He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. 他和衣躺在床上。

3. with+宾语+名词。如:

He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl. 他去世时,女儿还是个小学生。

4. with+宾语+介词(短语)。如:

She said good-bye with tears in her eyes. 她含着眼泪说了声再见。

The man was asleep with his head on his arms. 这个人头枕着胳膊睡着了。

5. with+宾语+现在分词(短语)。如:

He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他没熄灯就睡着了。

I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. 因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。

6. with+宾语+过去分词(短语)。如:

He sat there with his eyes closed. 他闭目坐在那儿。

All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。

7. with+宾语+不定式(短语)。如:

I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash. 要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了。

With such good cadres to carry out the Party’s policy we feel safe. 有这样的好干部执行党的政策,我们感到放心。



1. I wonder if [whether]… 不知……。如:

I wonder if I might have a glass of water. 不知是否可以喝杯水。

I wonder whether [if] you would mind helping me. 不知你是否能帮帮我的忙。

注:有时为了使语气更委婉或更带试探性, 可用一般过去时或过去进行时(但并不表示过去意义)。如:

I wondered [was wondering] if I could use your car? 不知是否可以用你的车。

2. (Its) no [little] wonder (that)……难怪…………并不奇怪或十分自然。如:

No wonder (that) he was so tired. 难怪他那么累。

It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much. 你吃得太饱,自然睡不着。



1. in the wood(s) 在树林里。如:

We had a picnic in the wood(s). 我们在树林里野餐。

Let’s go for a walk in the wood(s). 咱们到林中去散步吧。



1. break ones word 失诺。如:

I’m surprised to hear that he has broken his word. 我真想不到他会失信。

2. give ones word 许诺,保证。如:

I give my word for it. 我保证那是真的。

I gave her my word that I would come on time. 我向她保证我会准时来。

3. have a word with sb 同某人说句话。如:

May I have a word with you? 我可以同你谈谈吗?

4. have words with sb 同某人争吵。如:

He had words with his wife last night. 昨晚他同他妻子吵嘴了。

I saw Jim after the meeting. We had words. 会后我见到了吉姆,我们吵架了。

5. in a [one] word 一句话,总而言之。如:

In a word, he is a good student. 一句话,他是个好学生。

ADid you enjoy the film? 你喜欢这电影吗?

BIn a word----no. 一句话---不喜欢。

6. in other words 换句话说,也就是说。如:

You say you took the book with out his permission. In other words, you stole it. 你说你未经他允话拿了那本书,也就是说,你偷了那本书。

7. keep ones word 守诺。如:

They failed to keep their word. 他们没能守诺。

He kept her word and returned all the money. 他守了诺,把所有的钱都还了。

8. leave word 留言。如:

He left word with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. 他留言给我秘书,说他下午再打电话来。

9. send [bring] word 捎信,传话,通知。如:

He sent word that he would be late. 他捎信来说他将迟来。

She brought word that things were going well. 她传话来说情况进展顺利。D7

10. Word came of 有消息说,据说。如:

Word came of his success abroad. 有消息说他在国外发迹了。


Word came that he could not come. 消息传来说他不能来了。



1. at work

(1) 在工作,在上班。如:

I eat at work. 我在上班的地方吃饭。

Don’t phone him at work. 他上班时别打电话给他。

(2) 从事,忙于。如:

He is at work on a new dictionary. 他正编一本新字典。

They were watching the artist at work. 他们看着那个艺术家忙个不停。

2. get home from work 下班回家。如:

What time do you get home from work? 你什么时候下班回家?

He got home from work very late. 他下班回家很迟。

3. in (out of) work ()工作。如:

My three sons are all in work. 我三个儿子都有工作了。

Her husband is out of work. 她丈夫失业了。

4. look for (find) work (找到)工作。如:

He is still looking for work. 他还在找到工作。

It is difficult to find work at present. 目前找工作很不容易。

5. work on

(1) 继续工作。如:

He worked on until midnight. 他一直工作到半夜。

(2) 从事于,致力于。如:

He is working on a new novel. 他在写一本新小说。

6. work out

(1) ()算出。如:

He worked out the maths problem in five minutes. 他五分钟就算出了这道数学题。

He told me to work out the exact figures. 他叫我算出确切的数字。

(2) 制订出,研究出,想出,作出。如:

I’ll try and work something out. 我要设法想个办法出来。

We must work out a plan as soon as possible. 我们必须要尽快制定出一个计划。

(3) ()结果,产生结果。如:

Things worked out quite well. 事情的结果很不错。


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