

 hiddy1 2014-06-25

520日每日轻松学英语《英语PK台》京晶主持!节目首播:1400-1500 当晚重播:2200-2300


  1. 是表示让我们说的意思吗?

  2. 何时用陈述语气, 何时用虚拟语气?

  3. 的反问疑问句该怎样写?

  4. Be supposed to have done一样吗?

  5. not more…than 表示的意思一样吗?

  6. not more than 表示的意思一样吗?

  7. not less…than表示的意思一样吗?

  8. not less than有什么区别?

Let’s say是表示”让我们说”的意思吗?

'As a fast-growing economy, China should be able to tolerate higher inflation, let's say, 4% to 5%,' she said.她说,作为快速增长的经济体,中国应该能够承受较高的通胀率,比如说4%-5%

A smile from someone in a shop, say, is a reassuring gesture and a prelude if not to grooming, then at least to conducting business. --- Unhappy Lessons in Smiling by Lucy Kellaway


Let's say that he did not do that, then who did? 假如说这不是他干的,那是谁干的?

If you just multiply by 100 million people, let's say losing one day a month, whatever, and you see a vast amount of resource wasted. 如果说每人每月浪费一天,乘以1亿人,可以看到大量的资源都被浪费了。

As if… 何时用陈述语气, 何时用虚拟语气?

Look at the dark clouds. It looks as if it is going to rain. 看那乌云。天看起来要下雨了。

'It's not as if it was the Napoleon days,' she said, 'where I decide and then it happens.'


His scenes from nature, be it red maple leaves in the autumn sun or rain drops in a spring breeze, are depicted with such intense feelings that it seems as if he is truly one with nature.


She looked at me with exaggerated patience, as if I were an amiable, if dim, child.


But this Peachtree Street she was looking upon was so denuded of landmarks it was as unfamiliar as if she had never seen it before.可是她现在看到的这条桃树街连一个旧的标志也没有了,它显得如此陌生,仿佛她从没见过似的。

Based on TV ads, Heineken seems as if it would be a fun place to work.


Must have done的反问疑问句该怎样写?

They do not need to be a qualified accountant, but they must be able to interpret the accounts, aren’t they? 他们不必是注册会计师,但必须能够读懂各项账目, 对吗?

Good jobs must be the aim of welfare reform, aren’t they?

好的工作必须成为社会福利改革的目标, 对吗?

Growth for countries like the 像英美等国经济的增长必须依靠制造业和出口的复苏, 对吗?

Internet companies must walk a fine line offering services that draw user, do they?

互联网公司必须拿捏好分寸提供吸引用户的服务, 对吗?

Therefore, the wrapping should be attractive as well as good quality. You must have thought of that yesterday, didn’t you? 因此包装不仅质量要好.也要吸引人.我想这个问题你已经想到了, 对吗?

He must have taken my remarks to heart because he has done everything I suggested, hasn’t he?

他一定会认真考虑我的话的,因为他完成了我建议的每一件事, 对吗?

Be supposed to do与Be supposed to have done一样吗?

In this age of Facebook and Twitter, we are all supposed to have hundreds of friends.


Everyone is trying to find their inner child, to figure out who they are supposed to be.


The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.


He is supposed to be there at any time today. 本应该今天任何时候都应该在那里。

Last summer, Murdoch was supposed to have been best man at his brother's wedding.


No more…than与not more…than 表示的意思一样吗?

I know no more about the British history than a ten-year old schoolboy.


A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.


The greatness of a people is no more determined by their number than the greatness of a man is determined by his weight.


Bush is not more intelligent than Obama. 布什不如奥巴马有文化。

Also, overindulged children are not more creative in their play than the children with fewer playthings. 另外,玩具太多的孩子在玩的时候不如玩具少的孩子被激发出来的创造性多。

No more than与not more than 表示的意思一样吗?

Explosions like this would devastate life on Earth. For Jupiter, they were no more than a bee sting.


His whole school education added up to not more than one year.


No less …than与not less…than表示的意思一样吗?

The Englishman feels no less deeply than any other nationality.


He is no less active than he used to be in spite of personal tragedy.


He is not less determined than you. 有决心.

Just as bitter medicine cures sickness, so unpalatable advice benefits conduct.


Just as the French people enjoy their wine, so do the British enjoy their beer.


No less than与not less than有什么区别?

In outdoor advertisements, the proportion of space or time used for contents propagating public welfare shall take up no less than 10%.


The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. -- Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser

大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招, 不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女,当然人比社会微小得多,也更富于人情味. --- 《嘉莉妹妹》, 西奥多·德莱赛

Not less than 3,000 pounds would be needed to set a man up in business.


Though they think it takes no more than three days to fulfill the mission, I believe it takes not less than six days.虽然他们认为完成这任务只需三天,但我却认为至少需要六天。

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