
VBA粘贴Excel Chart图表到当前PowerPoint幻灯片中(后期绑定)

 caodaoquan 2014-06-29
标签: <无>

代码片段(2) [全屏查看所有代码]

1. [代码]粘贴Excel Chart图表到当前PowerPoint幻灯片中(后期绑定)     跳至 [1] [2] [全屏预览]

01Sub ChartToPresentation()
02' Uses Late Binding to the PowerPoint Object Model
03' No reference required to PowerPoint Object Library
05Dim PPApp As Object ' As PowerPoint.Application
06Dim PPPres As Object ' As PowerPoint.Presentation
07Dim PPSlide As Object ' As PowerPoint.Slide
09' Make sure a chart is selected
10If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
11    MsgBox "Please select a chart and try again.", vbExclamation, _
12        "No Chart Selected"
14    ' Reference existing instance of PowerPoint
15    Set PPApp = GetObject(, "Powerpoint.Application")
16    ' Reference active presentation
17    Set PPPres = PPApp.ActivePresentation
18    PPApp.ActiveWindow.ViewType = 1 ' 1 = ppViewSlide
19    ' Reference active slide
20    Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides _
21        (PPApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex)
23    ' Copy chart as a picture
24    ActiveChart.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Size:=xlScreen, _
25        Format:=xlPicture
27    ' Paste chart
28    PPSlide.Shapes.Paste.Select
30    ' Align pasted chart
31    PPApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, True
32    PPApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, True
34    ' Clean up
35    Set PPSlide = Nothing
36    Set PPPres = Nothing
37    Set PPApp = Nothing
38End If
40End Sub

2. [代码]完整代码     跳至 [1] [2] [全屏预览]

001Option Explicit
002Private Sub RefreshRangeToSlide(PPApp As PowerPoint.Application, PPPres As PowerPoint.Presentation, ByRef RefShape As PowerPoint.Shape, order As Integer, iStart As Integer, iEnd As Integer, jStart As Integer, jEnd As Integer, leftPosition As Single, topPosition As Single, widthSize As Single, heightSize As Single, AlternativeText As String)
003Dim PPSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
004'Get specified the slide to add excel table
005Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides(order)
006RefShape.AlternativeText = "useless"
007With Worksheets("Sheet1")
008    .Range(.Cells(iStart, jStart), .Cells(iEnd, jEnd)).CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
009End With
010With PPApp.ActiveWindow
011    .View.Paste
012    With .Selection.ShapeRange
013        .LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
014        .Left = leftPosition
015        .Top = topPosition
016        .Width = widthSize
017        .Height = heightSize
018        .AlternativeText = AlternativeText
019    End With
020End With
021End Sub
023Private Sub RefreshShapeToSlide(PPApp As PowerPoint.Application, PPPres As PowerPoint.Presentation, ByRef RefShape As PowerPoint.Shape, order As Integer, ChartName As String, leftPosition As Single, topPosition As Single, weightSize As Single, heightSize As Single, AlternativeText As String)
024Dim PPSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
025Dim Shape_Row As Integer
026Dim Shape_Column As Integer
027Dim myChar As ChartObject
028'Get specified the slide to add chart picture
029Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides(order)
030RefShape.AlternativeText = "useless"
031With Worksheets("Sheet1")
032    .Activate
033    .ChartObjects(ChartName).Chart.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
034End With
035With PPApp.ActiveWindow
036    .View.Paste
037    With .Selection.ShapeRange
038        .LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
039        .Left = leftPosition
040        .Top = topPosition
041        .Width = weightSize
042        .Height = heightSize
043        .AlternativeText = AlternativeText
044    End With
045End With
046End Sub
047Private Sub RefreshChartLabelToSlide(PPApp As PowerPoint.Application, PPPres As PowerPoint.Presentation, ByRef RefShape As PowerPoint.Shape, order As Integer, leftPosition As Single, topPosition As Single, weightSize As Single, heightSize As Single, AlternativeText As String, ParamArray ShapeObjects() As Variant)
048Dim PPSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
049Dim Shape_Row As Integer
050Dim Shape_Column As Integer
051Dim myChar As ChartObject
052'Get specified the slide to add chart picture
053Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides(order)
054RefShape.AlternativeText = "useless"
055With Worksheets("Sheet1")
056    .Activate
057    .Shapes.Range(Array(ShapeObjects(0), ShapeObjects(1))).Select
058    Selection.Copy
059End With
060With PPApp.ActiveWindow
061    .View.PasteSpecial ppPastePNG
062    With .Selection.ShapeRange
063        .LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
064        .Left = leftPosition
065        .Top = topPosition
066        .Width = weightSize
067        .Height = heightSize
068        .AlternativeText = AlternativeText
069    End With
070End With
071End Sub
073Sub ExcelToNewpowerPoint()
074'Sheet1.Shapes("Chart 1").AlternativeText = "ServiceData"
075Application.ScreenUpdating = False
076Dim fileSaveName
077Dim objFSO
078Dim FileName As String
079Dim HasRefreshed As Boolean
080Dim FilePath As String
081Dim Templae As Boolean
082Dim Country As String
083Dim City As String
084Dim PPApp As PowerPoint.Application
085Dim PPPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
086Dim curSld As PowerPoint.Slide
087Dim curShp As PowerPoint.Shape
088Dim Sldorder As Integer
089Dim leftPosition As Single, topPosition As Single, weightSize As Single, heightSize As Single
090Dim ServiceData As Boolean, Template As Boolean
091HasRefreshed = True
092With Worksheets("Sheet1")
093FileName = "A801" '.combobox1.Value & "-" & .combobox2.Value & "-" & .comboBox3.Value
094FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path
095FilePath = FilePath & IIf(Right(FilePath, 1) <> "\", "\", "")
096fileSaveName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="http://MyTeamSpace/" & Country & "/" & City & "/" & Replace(FileName, ".", "") & ".pptx", filefilter:="powerPoint Sildes (*.pptx), *.pptx")
097If fileSaveName <> False Then
098    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
099    Set PPApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
100    With PPApp
101        .Activate
102        On Error GoTo Template
103        Set PPPres = .Presentations.Open(FileName:=fileSaveName)
104        If Template Then
105'Template:             Set PPPres = .Presentations.Open(FileName := "http://MyTeamSpace/Template.pptx")
106Template:             Set PPPres = .Presentations.Open2007(FileName:="D:\Desktop\MondayWork.pptx")
107            HasRefreshed = False
108        End If
109        Sldorder = 0
110        .ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewNormal
111        With PPPres
112            For Each curSld In .Slides
113                If curSld.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
114                    For Each curShp In curSld.Shapes
115                        Select Case curShp.AlternativeText
116                            Case "ServiceData"
117                                If Not ServiceData Then
118                                    leftPosition = curShp.Left
119                                    topPosition = curShp.Top
120                                    weightSize = curShp.Width
121                                    heightSize = curShp.Height
122                                    'RefreshShapeToSlide PPApp, PPPres, curShp, 3, "Chart 1", leftPosition, topPosition, weightSize, heightSize, "ServiceData"
123                                    RefreshChartLabelToSlide PPApp, PPPres, curShp, 3, leftPosition, topPosition, weightSize, heightSize, "ServiceData", "Chart 1", "TextBox1"
124                                    ServiceData = True
125                                End If
126                        End Select
127                    Next curShp
128                    For Each curShp In curSld.Shapes
129                        If curShp.AlternativeText = "useless" Then
130                            curShp.Delete
131                        End If
132                    Next curShp
133                    For Each curShp In curSld.Shapes
134                        If curShp.AlternativeText = "useless" Then
135                            curShp.Delete
136                        End If
137                    Next curShp
138                    For Each curShp In curSld.Shapes
139                        If curShp.AlternativeText = "useless" Then
140                            curShp.Delete
141                        End If
142                    Next curShp
143                End If
144            Next curSld
145            Set objFSO = Nothing
146            On Error GoTo errorlog:
147            .SaveAs fileSaveName, ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation
148            .Close
149            Set PPPres = Nothing
150            Application.Visible = True
151            If HasRefreshed Then
152                MsgBox "电子演讲稿更新完毕!"
153            Else
154                MsgBox "电子演讲稿生成完毕!"
155            End If
156        End With
157        .Quit
158    End With
159    Set PPApp = Nothing
160End If
161End With
162Application.ScreenUpdating = True
163Exit Sub
164errorlog: MsgBox "请检查保存目录的访问权限!"
165End Sub

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