
全身运动 极速燃脂 Full Body Burnout | GymRa (动画)

 Cheers! 2014-07-04

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全身运动 极速燃脂 Full Body Burnout

March 10, 2014 No Comments ?
Full Body Burnout

This fat blasting routine will work your entire body in 15 minutes! You will need a mat, a pair of dumbbells (4-10 lbs), and plenty of water.


Sumo Squat Into “T”

On the squat down, you want your feet to be slightly wider than your shoulders, and always keep your posture in neutral position, meaning you don’t bend forward. When you squat down, bring your arms in, so that the weights go into your chest. On the way up, extend your arms straight out so that you make a T with the upper body. Keeping the upper body perfectly still to engage your core much more. Squat down 90 degrees or to a level that’s comfortable for you. Always bend the knee towards the first and second toes without going over the toes. When you come up into a full extension with your arms, that’s when you breathe out. Breathe out when you come up and pause for a second at the very top. Do 25-35 reps. WORKS GLUTES, QUADS, SHOULDERS


Alternating Lunge Behind & High Lateral Raise

Do a curtsy step behind. Keep your balance while stepping all the way behind. Slightly bend the body for a better stretch. Twist into the back leg. Breathe out when you do a shoulder press, curtsy, and step to the side and behind. Maintain perfect posture throughout the exercise, always keeping the abs tight. Step one leg at a time, pause as you reach up and over your head to maintain balance and perfect posture, and do a slight side crunch with the abs. Extend and breathe. The forward leg should always be facing the front just like your spinal alignment and head position. Go one step at a time, take your time, and maintain perfect balance. Focus on the exercise. Do 15 reps on each side. WORKS GLUTES, QUADS, SHOULDERS


Jump Squats

Stand with feet wider than shoulder width, fingers lightly touching each other in front of you. Squat down low, then explode up into a jump, landing flat on your feet, back into a squat. Do 15 – 25 reps. WORKS GLUTES, QUADS, CALVES


Calf Raises

Stand with your feet slightly apart and hands relaxed at your sides. Roll back on your heels, then forward onto your toes. Keep posture straight. Do 25-35 reps. WORKS CALVES, LEGS


Knee Push Up

Get on all fours with legs crossed on top of each other. Slightly raise your legs off the mat and keep knees bent, doing a push. Keep neck in neutral position. WORKS CHEST, SHOULDERS


Tricep Dip w/One Leg Up

Sit on the mat with knees bent and hands beneath your shoulders, palms facing forward. Rest one foot on your heel and raise the other leg, along with your entire body, by pushing off your triceps. Lock your elbows as you raise your body. Bend your elbows and slowly return towards the ground, but do not touch the ground. Do 10 reps on each side. Keep your abs tense throughout the exercise. This is a great exercise to battle the arm jiggle and can be done anywhere. WORKS ABS, CORE, GLUTES, TRICEPS


Arm Circles

Stand with feet slightly apart and arms extended out at shoulder level. Keep posture straight and start to rotate your shoulders backward to the external rotators. Practice a nice circular motion. Do 25 reps forward & 25 backward.WORKS SHOULDERS, CHEST, BACK


Sit Up & Twist

Keeping your legs lightly bent will ensure proper control of your exercise. Breathe out on the way up into a full sit up position, lightly curving the back and twist when you’re all the way up at the top. Try your best to twist at 90 degrees while keeping your arms straight all throughout the exercise. Breathe out on the way up, twist, keep the abs tight on the way down. This works a little bit of your arms as well. Keep focused on each and every rep. Go as fast as you can but always maintain perfect control. Throughout the floor exercises, if you feel like your abs are getting too tight, cross your ankles and hug your knees towards your chest, gently rolling from side to side for a few seconds to loosen the abs. As always, drink plenty of water. Stop if you feel any discomfort or pain. Do 15 reps on each side. WORKS ABS, CORE, OBLIQUES, SHOULDERS


Cocoon Crunches

Legs and arms crossed, begin to crunch. Keeping the legs crossed at 90 degrees will contract the abs from the lower part upward. While maintaining that, crunch up as high as you can with your arms crossed. Focus on breathing out on the way up and firm up the abs on the way down. After 15 reps, switch your legs and arms, wrap your hands together, legs at 90 degrees at the hips. Throughout this exercise, keep your neck in neutral position. Do not strain. If it gets too difficult for you, point your chin towards your chest. Do 30 reps. WORKS ABS, CORE, HIP FLEXORS


Rock & Roll Abs

Position yourself on your elbows and toes. Your shoulders should be directly over your elbows and your weight on your toes. Keep your body in a perfect line. Proceed to twist your hips from one side to the other. Contracting your abs, breathe out with each twist. Go as fast as you can but maintain perfect control. Do 15 reps on each side. WORKS ABS, CORE, OBLIQUES, SHOULDERS


High Knee to Elbow

Stand with your feet together and elbows bent in front of you, palms facing each other. Alternating the legs back and forth in a high knee up step, try to keep the elbows still in front of you and bring your knee up to your elbow. Breathe out and squeeze your abs as hard as you can with every crunch up. Focusing on your abs is crucial to making this exercise work properly. Maintain perfect balance & posture, and think about what you’re doing by focusing on the muscle that’s at work. Do 10 reps on each side. WORKS ABS, CORE, HIP FLEXORS


Sumo 180 Jumps

Stand with feet wider than shoulder width and hands in a prayer position in front of you. Squat down, then jump about 180 degrees, facing one way, then the other way. Keeping your hands in the prayer position in front of your body maintains a nice, perfect core and perfect posture. One step at a time, keep total control. Do 20 reps. WORKS CALVES, GLUTES, QUADS


High Knee Shuffle

Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart, elbows bent at your sides, hands making a fist. Shuffle from side to side, alternating bringing your knees up towards your chest after each shuffle. Begin your exercise by keeping a nice & steady pace to ensure that you have total control. Focus on the end with a slight pause when you pull your knee up. Go as fast as you can to increase your heart rate and give your metabolism a boost throughout the day. Do 15 reps on each side. WORKS ABS, CORE, HIP FLEXORS


Star Jumps

Squat down and touch the ground, bringing your glutes down to the floor, trying to keep your shoulders and chest up. When you leap into a jump, extend your arms. Land softly and proceed to go immediately down into a squat. Breathe out on the way up. Jump as high as you can and squat down in control to get that nice bubble butt! Do 20 reps. WORKS GLUTES, QUADS, SHOULDERS


Knee Highs

Stand with elbows bent 90 degrees, palms facing down. Bring your knee high toward the hand while jumping. Alternate. Continue for 15-25 reps or 30 seconds. CARDIO


Mountain Climbers

Get on all fours, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your tush and alternate bringing your knee toward your arm pit. Continue for 15-25 reps or 30 seconds. CARDIO

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