

 王生不易 2014-07-10
    Be clear. 口齿清晰

    Speak more slowly. 说话慢一点

    Make eye contact. 保持眼神的交流

    Say hello. 给人打招呼

    Stand up straight. 保持正身

    Take up more space. 拥有更多的空间

    Walk in the center of the sidewalk. 走在路中间

    Smile more. 保持微笑

    Giggle less. 少傻笑

    Do what you’re good at. 做擅长的事情

    Listen to compliments. 听一听别人对你的恭维

    Exercise. 适量运动

    Do something that scares you. 做一些害怕做的事情

    Do the worst thing on the list first. 先做你最害怕做的事

    Start and finish something challenging. 完成一些对你有挑战性的事情

    Create goals that are difficult to reach. 设定一个难以达成的目标然后完成它

    Stop hiding. 不要躲躲闪闪

    Display your hidden talents. 展现你的隐藏的才能

    Write things down. 记下零碎的想法

    Use “I am.” 使用“我”

    Speak well of yourself. 表扬自己

    Get good at something. 学一个专长

    Learn to tell one great joke really, really well. 学一个真正能拿出手的笑话

    Become an active listener. 做个积极的倾听者

    Dress well. 注重形象

    Put away the measuring stick. 抛开衡量标准

    Celebrate little victories. 每个小成就都是值得庆祝的

    Believe in yourself. 相信自己

    Mind your own business. 专注于自己的事情

    Help out. 帮助别人达成目标

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