

 清引居 2014-08-07
Don’t make mountains out of molehills. 切记小题大做。

“If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you’ve got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience。”“要是你脖子断了、食物没了或房子着火了,那确实很成问题。至于其他,都无关紧要罢了。”

It is easy to let thoughts spin away. To let them grow from a thought or a situation into a big and very scary monster in your mind。人的思维很容易受影响。芝麻大的小问题都有可能会在心里被无限放大到吓人的怪物。

What can you do about this thought habit? One thought combination that has helped me with this habit is to:那该怎样改变“小题大做”的思维习惯呢?有一个办法对我非常有效:Say stop right away. This works well to build self-esteem. It also works well for optimism. In this case it simply means that as soon as you become aware of that you are starting to make a mountain out of a molehill you say or shout STOP! or something similar in your mind。暗示自己到此为止。这对树立信心很有帮助,还有助于积累正能量。具体来讲,当你发现自己又开始小题大做时,赶紧告诉自己:行了,停下来吧!或用 类似的话语提醒自己。

Find a more helpful way to view your troubles. 用更有益的方法看待困难。

It is easy to get dragged down by the troubles that turn out to not just be molehills (or air)。人很容易被困难拖累,最后才恍然发现一切都不是什么大事儿。

But if you view them in a helpful and optimistic way then, yes, they may still hurt. But they tend to often hurt a lot less and can even be a source of optimistic excitement。如果你从积极有效的角度看待困难,尽管仍会疼痛,但总会好受一些,有时候甚至能拿来打趣取乐。

I didn’t use to like making mistakes or failing at all. I often chose to stand still and to not do anything to not risk anything. Nowadays I have learned that these things tend to truly be a blessing in disguise。以前我一直讨厌犯错或失败,总是安于现状不做任何有风险的事情。现在我发现,事情有时确实就像塞翁失马。

Focus on the small steps you can take. 锁定触手可及的小目标。

When you have found an opportunity in what seemed like a totally negative situation then focus on what you can do and take action on。如果你能在逆境中寻得一线机会,那就从你力所能及的地方开始行动吧。

Ask yourself: what is one small step I can take today to get the ball rolling and move forward with this situation?请问问自己:今天我可以实施哪些小计划,好让整个情况有所改观呢?

Just take that one small step today. Then another tomorrow. The small steps tend to add up quickly and, as I mentioned above, will breed confidence that allow you to take more and bigger steps。然后,今天只需做好那个小计划就行了。明天再做好明天的。就像我在前文所说,小细节能迅速累积并增强自信心,促使你做出更大的改变。

Try harder加把劲

I knew you could do it.我知道你能做到。

Keep it up.坚持下去。

Give it your best shot.努力做到最好吧

Pull yourself together.振作起来

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