

 七紫 2014-08-12

For the past four years, artist Tanaka Tatsuya has used everyday objects and miniatures to create dioramas. Fruits, vegetables, electronics, coat hangers, straws, and much more are featured in the delightful compositions that depict action-packed scenes using tiny figures. Since it’s a daily activity, he’s titled the project Miniature Calendar and includes the date on each image.

Through his myriad of photos, we see that Tatsuya has used different objects in creative and ingenious ways. Small things that we’d normally overlook suddenly become monumental in the lives of these characters. A roll of toilet paper is a steep waterfall and a straw doubles as a streetlight. Creamy peanut butter also forges an off-roading adventure for one unfortunate vehicle.

If you’d like to follow along with Tatsuya’s adventures, it’s easy. He uploads the daily images to social media sites like Instagram and Facebook.




Miniature Calendar website, Instagram, and Facebook page via [Neatorama and Spoon and Tamago]

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