
英语作文:做家务 Doing housework

 博闻学子 2014-08-23
英语作文:做家务(Doing housework)

第一篇:做家务(Doing housework)英语作文


Doinghouseworkispartof our life. Do middle school students do housework? Recently a survey was made among 100 students. We can get some informations from the chart. A few of students often do housework. Some students do housework sometimes. And most students never do housework. This result take me by surprise. Maybe some students dislike to do housework or their parents don’t allow them to do housework. I don’t think is true. Sharing the houseworkis helpful for parents. We can get a lot of practice by sharing the housework. And we can take care of ourselves better when we grow up. So I think that students should often share the housework in our daily life.


Doinghouseworkispartof our life. How about middle school students? We do a survey about it among 100 students. According the survey we made a pie chart. Here are the results: only 18 students always do housework, they help their parents to do the housework. And 26 students do housework sometimes. But 56 percent of students never do housework.

By the survey, I think help parents share the houseworkis good. Not only can it help parents, but also it is good for us development. So we help parents to share the housework.

第三篇:英语作文_Doing housework

Doinghouseworkispartof our life. As a middle school student, I should do some housework for my parents. But what about other students? Here are the results of 100students. This pie chart suggest: 18% students often do housework. 26% students do housework sometimes. 56% students never do housework. The results for doinghousework to my surprise. I think students should help their parents share the housework. In this way. They can feel parents is not easily. They should not depend on their parents. Because we are grow up already!

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