
Rock Out with 2CELLOS 就是要摇滚 ── 提琴双杰

 cntic 2014-08-26

Rock Out with 2CELLOS就是要摇滚 ── 提琴双杰

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Rock Out with 2CELLOS就是要摇滚 ── 提琴双杰

As quickly as you can, name the most widely used rock and roll instrument you can think of. What came to mind? Many of you probably thought of the electric guitar, but what about the cello?
The Croatian duo of Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser, also known as 2CELLOS, is taking this classical string instrument from the symphony to the rock and roll arena. The two classically trained musicians met in music school when they were still teenagers. For a time, they were even considered competitors because they competed against each other in music contests. Both cellists found that it was hard to survive as classical musicians. This would all change with a simple YouTube video.
Together, Sulic and Hauser recorded Michael Jackson's hit Smooth Criminal, remade for the cello. A few million views later, 2CELLOS was born. They then got the opening spot on Elton John's tour, as well as making appearances on American TV shows such as Glee. Now the pair tour the world playing well-known rock hits from bands like U2, Coldplay, and Nirvana. Who knew cellos could be so rocking?


克罗埃西亚双人组路卡·苏利克和斯杰潘·豪瑟,也就是大家所熟知的大提琴双杰,正把这种古典弦乐器从交响乐带往摇滚乐的殿堂。这两位经过正统训练的音乐家在还是青少年时就在音乐学校认识了。两人一度被视为是竞争对手,因为当时他们在音乐比赛中互相较量。这两位大提琴家都发现当古典音乐家很难生存下去。然而这些都将因仅仅一支 YouTube 影片而改变。
苏利克和豪瑟一起录了一首改编成大提琴版本的麦可·杰克森的当红曲子 Smooth Criminal。创下好几百万人次的点阅率之後,提琴双杰就此诞生了。接著他们在艾尔顿·强的巡回演出中担任开场嘉宾,并在美国的电视影集如《欢乐合唱团》中露脸。现在他们两人在世界巡回演出中演奏像 U2、酷玩、超脱等乐团的知名摇滚曲。又有谁知道大提琴也可以这麽摇滚呢?

  1. instrument n. 乐器
    Sophia has a talent for music and can play many instruments.
  2. come to mind想到,浮现脑海
    Speaking of delicious Taiwanese food, the first thing that comes to mind is braised pork rice.
    * braised a. 炖的,焖的
  3. electric a. 用电的;电动的
    The invention of electric appliances has made our lives easier.
    * appliance n. 家用器具
  4. classical a. 古典的,传统的
    My sister has a preference for classical music.
  5. musician n. 音乐家
    Mozart is known as one of the greatest musicians in the world.
  6. record vt. 录制
    Anna just recorded a new album last month.
  7. A as well as BA 和 B
    The teachers, as well as the students, are looking forward to the graduation trip.
  8. make an appearance露面,露脸
    The movie star made an appearance on the TV show to advertise her latest movie.

  1. cello n. 大提琴
  2. duo n. 搭档;二重奏
  3. symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲
  4. arena n.(比赛或表演的)场地
  5. competitor n. 竞争者;参赛者
  6. cellist n. 大提琴演奏者

time 的相关用法

本文 "For a time, they were even considered competitors ..." 中的 for a time 表『一度、曾经』,此处 time 表一段时间。另外,time 可以表『时机』, 相关的片语有 it's time to do something,表『该是做某事的时候了』。 而 time 也可表『次数』,形成以 how many times 来开头的问句。例∶

It's time to make up your mind and tell me what you have decided.
How many times have you been to Japan?

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