

 昵称14979747 2014-08-27














伊夫岛不大,甚至很小,很快就能走完。 但很难想象16世纪的人们是如何在荒芜人烟的小岛上修建的铜墙铁壁的堡垒,用做防卫马赛不被西班牙侵略,以及以后用做监狱,也因此海鸥们和一种偶然来到岛上的蜥蜴定居了下来。蜥蜴一直没有看见,海鸥们一直用他们不太听得懂的法语警告路过的人们这里是他们的地盘,不经意间路过的草地上两只的海鸥默契的守护者他们的蛋。城堡的墙上也写着"危险,海鸥处于发情期", 我觉得在高中也应该贴这样的标记,也许青少年犯罪会得以减少也说不定[转载]第五站-法国马赛-4月24日





我对旁边的英国人说"你能想象住在这个岛上几个月,每天钓鱼休闲吗?他很不识时务的说 "我会闷死的我对他说 你会的






在马赛逗留的时间很短,只有一天,所以感觉的文化气息有限,而且每次想起整个过程,人都会陶醉,也意味着我要move on了,虽然马赛并不算干净,也不是很多人说的那么乱,他的有色人种还是很多的,意味着他的感觉跟对法国的感觉很不一样,多住住也许是个很好的选择。



Marseille - natural combination of multi-ethnic Mediterranean ambience and elegance of French culture


When the bus arrived in Marseille, it was just about to stop raining. The fresh air seemed like a kind of nutrition, combined with the soft red light in the Marseille central station, you could feel a little drank or relaxed. Marseille station is the most romantic or conformable station that I have seen so far. It is small but classy and very clear, the main setting is red and with two floors to the street. Together with the sculpture outside, it is a piece of work worth visiting in itself. After a quick refreshing and breakfast, strolling down the street in a city with more than 2500 years of history, is like going to a disco after some drink or working out while listen to my mp4.


I first stopped in front of a cathedral or a church, I really couldn't tell much about it because it is just simple beautiful and common in Europe.


It did not take me too long to find the harbor area of Marseille, as I just walked down the hill. From a distance, you could already tell the direction of the harbor because you could just follow the smell of the sea, the freshness of the sea foods, and the direction of the strengthening sea window. Every time you see the sea and smell the smell, you will feel excited, which means you can really enjoy the sea from a deeper perspective and I think we all are related to the sea. The harbor was surrounded by restaurants and filled with tourists around the world.


It was fun watching the selling of the fishes because the eel fish or the octopus could move suddenly because they were so fresh and they were alive, which meant you could have a lot of fun being surprised. And it was quite a view by itself because it as very tradition and maybe was like this hundreds of years ago.


The IF island located 3.2 km from the harbor was a nice place to go. Built in 1524, it was supposed to be used as a defense against invaders to Marseille, and later used as a prison for knights against the government or pagans. The island was small and it didn’t take long for you to see it through, and everything was in French except a few brochures at the entrance, however it did not help non-French speakers much either. I saw the prison, the castle and the birds. The castle was claimed never to be conquered, but obviously seagulls already took the island into custody and threatening any approaching tourists with their heavy French ascent, and before I could understand I already saw the eggs in their nests.

The ship supposed to pick us up at 12:45, but it didn’t show up until 13:20, and I started to relax on one of the rocks by the castle and enjoying observing the romance of French or Italian or Spanish tourists kissing and touching each other.


In the afternoon, I went to Notte Dame, nested on top of Marseille overseeing the whole country. I had been to Notre Dame Paris, but this one was more beautiful, to my point of view. I went inside and attended a session and let myself bathed in the songs of the music and the Holy Bible though I only understood the word of "Amen". Religion is the best hypnosis anyway and going to a church is anchoring yourself again and again, and it is also cleansing of your soul.


Marseille is a beautiful city with a lot to offer, not like what my friends told me before, it is pretty safe and classy in a not French way. It surely is a place worth living for a while.



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