
【英语词汇】 dismiss、sack、fire 佳中

 wwww888 2014-09-06





dismiss  “开除”、“解雇”,正式用词,语气较平和,一般只有从上文才


1The manager dismissed his secretary because of her incessant chattering.


2She was dismissed from her post for being late often. 


3In consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.  


4The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it's all a bluff.   


5Peter cheated in the examinations and was finally dismissed from school.



sack   dismiss  同义,用于口语,是俚语(相当于汉语中说炒鱿鱼)。  

1One of the employees in our office was sacked for drunkenness.


2Avram did a great job, but they still decided to sack him.


3If the foreman catches you lying down on the job he'll probably sack you.


4The coach sacked Joe because he never came to practice on time.



●  口语中也常说 (sb.) get the sack 和 give sb. the sack表示“解雇”、


    1You must work harder, otherwise, you will get the sack.


    2One day, Tom's boss told him not to be late again, or he had to get the sack.


   3If you are late again the boss will give you the sack.


    4He would have to be careful not to offend the boss, who could give him the sack at

          any time.



fire   口语用语,指断然地突然解雇,多见用于美国英语,语气比 dismiss 


    1He fired his clerk one day in a bit of anger, but the next day he called him back.


     2She was fired for spending too much time chatting on the phone.

            她被解雇了,因为 她花很多时间在电话聊天上。

    3Sir, I don't think you should fire John.


    4According the Law of Labour, bosses can't fire workers at will any longer.


    5I refuse to put up with his actions any longer. I'm going to fire him.


 6Although Miss Brown is not a good worker; her boss does not fire her because she has something on him.



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