

 筱肆 2014-09-17

对一个EXCEL使用的新手而言,想通过它复杂的函数功能来简化工作量是一件费力的事情。本文作者在运用函数功能时,遇到了很多问题,可能对于新手而言有 较好的借鉴作用。因为问题很多,这里仅仅以格式转化(十六进制、十进制、八进制和二进制)作为论述的方面,其他问题也将于日后逐一讨论分析。

   对于进制之间的转化功能,EXCEL已经提供了HEX2DEC,DEC2HEX等一些简单的宏,它们能够通过加载分析工具库来获取,但是遗憾的是,这 些相当漂亮的宏不能在VBA中被调用。在很多日常的运用中,它们仅仅是作为函数的一个部分而存在,比如说,将每个域中的全部十六进制代码异或,它需要 HEX2DEC等能够在VBA中被调用,然而...。我也使用通过类似于Rang(i,j).Formula"=HEX2DEC(""A6"")"来使 用,但是它返回的仅仅是公式字符串而非结果(因为是新手,所以也没有搞懂如何进一步处理才能成功。如果某位网友是高手,请指教)。在万般无奈之下,只能自 己动手来实现这些功能。因为以前对于VBA的语法一窍不通,所以在VBA的帮助,写了一段实现代码,我想肯定很多地方是能优化,但是现在只能是将就将就 :-(.

Public Function WYQConvert(srcData As String, srcBase As Integer, dstBase As Integer) As String

    Dim idx     As Long

    Dim length  As Long

    Dim tmp     As Long

    Dim value   As Long

    Dim s       As String

    Dim rs      As String


    'Check whether the formats are same between source and destination

    If srcBase = dstBase Then

        WYQConvert = srcData

        Exit Function

    End If

    'Check whether the base of destination is valid

    If dstBase < 2 Then

        WYQConvert = Null

        Exit Function

    End If

    'Convert String to Long in the light of decimal system

    length = Len(srcData)

    value = 0

    For idx = 1 To length

        s = Mid(srcData, idx, 1)

        Select Case s

        Case "0" To "9"

            tmp = CLng(s)

        Case Is = "A"

            tmp = 10

        Case Is = "a"

            tmp = 10

        Case Is = "B"

            tmp = 11

        Case Is = "b"

            tmp = 11

        Case Is = "C"

            tmp = 12

        Case Is = "c"

            tmp = 12

        Case Is = "D"

            tmp = 13

        Case Is = "d"

            tmp = 13

        Case Is = "E"

            tmp = 14

        Case Is = "e"

            tmp = 14

        Case Is = "F"

            tmp = 15

        Case Is = "f"

            tmp = 15

        End Select

        value = value * srcBase + tmp



    'MsgBox "Value = " & value


    'Convert Long to String in the light of requesting base

    rs = ""

    While value > 0

        tmp = value Mod dstBase

        value = value / dstBase

        Select Case tmp

        Case 0 To 9

            s = "" & tmp 'Trim(str(tmp))

        Case Is = 10

            s = "A"

        Case Is = 11

            s = "B"

        Case Is = 12

            s = "C"

        Case Is = 13

            s = "D"

        Case Is = 14

            s = "E"

        Case Is = 15

            s = "F"

        End Select

        rs = s & rs



    'Check whether value equals zero to assign the proper value

    If rs = "" Then

        rs = "0"

    End If


    'MsgBox "Result = " & rs


    WYQConvert = rs

End Function


16->10:WYQConvert( "A6", 16, 10)

16->10:WYQConvert( "A6", 16, 8)

10->16:WYQConvert("166", 10, 16)


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