

 真友书屋 2014-09-22






If a sitcom that lasts for 10 years is considered popular, then surely one that still stirs up emotions after 20 must be considered a classic. Friends first aired in the US in 1994, featuring a cast of six young men and women in New York. In the time since, it’s become one of the most famous titles in the sitcom genre, aired in over 100 countries and regions in the world.



Rachel: spoilt daddy’s girl

Monica: obsessive fusspot

Phoebe: hippy-dippy

Ross: dinosaur nerd

Joey: hunky dimwit

Chandler: sarcastic screw-up



Friends was the first sitcom that directly addressed the problems faced by twenty-somethings. Watching the show feels like reading the story of a young person’s life. The key thing about Friends is that it’s about people working out how they are going to live their lives — what kind of relationships are they going to have, what kind of job, and the difficulties of settling down.


The show is iconic among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores core themes like friendship, struggling to survive in a big city, and finding independence and identity, all of which are still relevant to young audiences today.



Most of Friends was shot before cellular phones and Google were ubiquitous. The clothes and gadgets seem a bit outdated these days. Despite this, the show’s key elements still hold up remarkably well in the eyes of young viewers.


It is also argued that Friends came about as the family unity of small-town America was being replicated in major urban centers as young people migrated without the maturity or streets-marts to live alone. But when young people strike out on their own in the big city, they must rely on each other to endure through the overwhelming confusion of youth.


The show’s sense of humor remains keen without relying on nudity, swearing and sexting. This gives the show a refreshing aura in an age where shows are constantly trying to push the envelope in terms of racy content.




The Big Bang Theory


Against the backdrop of the Internet age, techies who were once marginalized and mocked have experienced a revival due to the popularity of hit show The Big Bang Theory, in which four nerds make an attempt at living on a college campus.

Perhaps it is technology that has most influenced our society in the post-Friends era. If this is true, that would explain why it’s easy for many to relate to The Big Bang Theory’s geeks. The four male lead characters are portrayed as ultra-intelligent nerds lacking normal social skills.



Some hardly consider Sheldon male, or even human for that matter. Sheldon’s depicted as an idealistic character who lives in his own universe, by his own moral code, and who believes in speaking the truth even if it hurts.


Meanwhile, Leonard, Sheldon’s roommate, is the realist. He seeks to blend in with the crowd, to at least appear normal. But to many in the audience, it doesn’t matter how Sheldon behaves. He’s just mining new territory and redefining what it means to be cool in a genius geeky way.



The Big Bang Theory also reflects a transition between social structures due to the influence of technology. Men of the knowledge economy, where brains are more prized than brawn, find themselves on top of the world’s ladder of power due to their highly specialized set of skills.



Recounting his childhood memories, Leonard remembers feeling lonely, using his computer as a stand-in for friends he didn’t have. With no reason to interact with other humans, people like Leonard achieved intellectually where others achieved socially. This created a stylistic and linguistic gap between geeks and “normal” people, like Penny. Coincidentally, the lonely childhood narrative rings true for a great number of Chinese youth.


Technology created geek culture, but the reverse is also true. A change in how young people express themselves in the age of the Internet is another strand that explains the show’s popularity among young people.



《衰姐们》由年仅 26 岁的莉娜·杜汉姆担任联合制作人,并在剧中饰演主角。该剧讲述了四个住在纽约的年轻女孩的故事。与《老友记》不同,她们虽然也心怀梦想,但“啃老”似乎才是她们首先要面临的问题。心怀作家梦的女主莉娜·杜汉姆和好友合租一间小公寓,做着一份没有薪水的实习工作,靠着父母的接济度日,然而有一天却不得不面对自力更新的日子。如何经济独立,如何把自己嫁出去,既是莉娜的心病,也是当下令无数小伙伴心塞的问题。

Girls is a comedy-drama following a close group of twenty-somethings living in New York City. Hannah is shocked to learn that her parents will no longer financially support her after graduating college. So it is up to her to map out her life in New York along with her friends. This critically acclaimed TV series is said to be the next big thing on TV.




This series follows a group of students at a community college in the fictional town of Greendale, Colorado. Our group of losers quickly grow close to one another, despite having very obvious differences. This is a great show for Chinese audiences looking to experience a more updated version of American humor.

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