

 生活情趣678 2014-11-22
And they're off! Vintage cars begin the ascent up one of the steepest roads in Britain at the Honister slate mine in the Lake District - and one motorist uses an umbrella to shelter from the rain in his open top vehicle
而且他们了! 老式汽车开始崛起了一个最大的公路在英国Honister板岩矿山在湖区-和一个司机使用雨伞下避雨在他开顶车
英国老爷车爱好者聚会在湖区Honister板岩矿山 - wuwei1101 - 西花社
高耸的648 Fleetwith派克在坎布里亚郡是一个齿轮处理三个梯度与曲折的塑胶跑道上发夹弯称为Drumhouse部分。
Under starter's orders: Two motoring enthusiasts take one last look at a route map as they prepare to drive up the notorious Honister Pass
Philip Parkinson glances back as he drives his red 1928 Riley 9 Special up the mountain against a backdrop of spectacular scenery in the Lake District
Tally ho! Stewart Gordon drives his orange Austin 7 Chummy down a rocky pass during the vintage car rally stage at the Honister Slate Mine
统计ho ! 斯图尔特戈登驱使他橙色奥斯汀7友好了岩石在老式汽车通过集会Honister板岩矿阶段
Finishing touches: Participants give the engine of their classic car the once over ahead of the climb up towering Fleetwith pike
Every year the cars converge at the foot of Honister Pass as members of the Vintage Sports Car Club prepare for the ascent
Motorists looked the part, wearing goggles and scarves while some sheltered under umbrellas as they braved the elements in their open-top cars
Motorists looked the part, wearing goggles and scarves while some sheltered under umbrellas as they braved the elements in their open-top cars
Duncan Pittaway drives his GN Anzani on one of the steep sections of the winding road.   The event, part of the Lakeland Trials, is held annually by the Vintage Sports Car Club
邓肯Pittaway驱使他GN Anzani在山路陡峭的部分之一。 事件,湖区试验的一部分,由古典跑车俱乐部每年举行一次
Russell Mills and Des Burnett are pictured in their Austin 7 Ulster. The event takes drivers and their machines through hairpin bends and rocky terrain against a backdrop of awe-inspiring scenery
拉塞尔·米尔斯和Des Burnett见的奥斯汀7阿尔斯特。 事件需要司机和他们的机器通过发卡弯和岩石地形背景下的令人惊叹的风景
Wearing a hat and driving gloves, Will Odell ignores the bad weather and smiles as he sits at the wheel of his silver Riley Redwinger
Jonathan Mellor looks relaxed as he guides his Austin 7 down a steep section of the road.The event attracts motoring enthusiasts from across Britain
乔纳森·梅勒看起来轻松指导他奥斯汀7陡峭路段。 事件吸引了英国各地的汽车爱好者
Spectacular: Two of the vintage cars make their way along the road against a backdrop of stunning scenery in Cumbria
Peter Tierney takes a look under the bonnet of his blue 1933 Austin 7 Ulster. From Bentley to Rolls Royce, Aston Martin to Bugatti, around 150 vintage cars from a bygone era took part in the event
彼得·蒂尔尼看看蓝色的帽子下1933奥斯汀7阿尔斯特。 从宾利、劳斯莱斯、阿斯顿马丁布加迪,大约150老爷车从一个过去的时代参加了活动

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