
How to add LibSVM class to WEKA classpath on a Mac

 oskycar 2014-12-04

Q : I found the LibSVM library here. I need to add it to my Java classpath so that WEKA can find it. The download contains several files, shown below. I don't know how to add them to my classpath for Java. I am running Max OS X 10.7 Lion.

Files in LibSVM download that need to be added to classpath

I am attempting to use the LibSVM classifier in WEKA because it is preferable for me over SMO. I am receiving the following error and cannot figure out how to add this to the classpath on a Mac. I am also unsure if this means the Java classpath or if it is specific to WEKA. I also don't know where to get these classes from. Any help is appreciated.

Error I am receiving in WEKA

         4 Answers

You can put libsvm.jar in a folder of your choice, e.g. ~/Library/Java, and then run weka from the command-line as follows:

$ java -Xmx512m -classpath /Users/chl/weka/weka.jar:/Library/Java/libsvm.jar weka.gui.GUIChooser

You can also update your CLASSPATH to reflect locations where *.jar files can be found. I have the following in my .profile:

export CLASSPATH="/Users/chl/weka/weka.jar:~/Library/Java/*"

(You will need to replace /Users/chl/weka to reflect the correct location of your weka.jar; usually, it is located at the top of the directory if you downloaded the source files, or under weka-3-7-3.app/Contents/Resources/Java/ if you use the bundled app.)

This way, the first command to start weka GUI simplifies to

$ java -classpath $CLASSPATH:weka.jar:libsvm.jar weka.gui.GUIChooser

Don't use java -jar since it will override the CLASSPATH, as discussed here.

I also have an alias in my .bash_aliases for wrapping all that stuff:

alias weka='java -Xmx512m -classpath $CLASSPATH:weka.jar'

in order to use weka from the command-line as, e.g.

$ weka weka.classifiers.trees.RandomTree -t iris.arff -i
answered Feb 14 '12 at 11:43
Thanks! I will try this out this evening (and mark this as the accepted answer if it works). Thanks again, –  maj nem ?z d?n Feb 14 '12 at 16:28
@DanO'Day Did you have a chance to try the above. Did that work? –  chl Feb 26 '12 at 20:31
I apologize for not getting back to this. Yes, this worked great! Thanks, –  maj nem ?z d?n Feb 26 '12 at 21:54
Coming back to this over a year later and I have no idea how to make it work. Any simpler instructions out there? –  maj nem ?z d?n Apr 19 '13 at 4:53

Here is another extremely easy way to add LibSVM support to WEKA on OS X (no command line needed):

  1. Download LibSVM from here
  2. Go to /Applications folder on your Mac (the folder where the Weka app is installed)
  3. Right click on Weka > Chose "Show Package Contents"
  4. Copy libsvm.jar to /Applications/Weka.app/Contents/Resources/Java
  5. open /Applications/Weka.app/Contents/Info.plist in your favorite text editor
  6. change <string>$JAVAROOT/weka.jar</string> to <string>$JAVAROOT/weka.jar:$JAVAROOT/libsvm.jar</string> (you can also adjust the heap size here)
  7. Save and start weka
answered Oct 9 '13 at 11:54
Daniel Gerber
Thank you for solving but I have a problem is including this one "evaluating classifier rand". How can I handle it? –  endeR Dec 1 '13 at 23:31

Download the libsvm files and past them in the working directory of weka. Now goes to Control Panel->System->Advance System Setting-> and Edit the Environment Variable, Select the Class_Path variable and copy all that path along with the file name. i.e. C:\Program Files\Weka\Libsvm.jar; and click ok-ok-ok and Restart the weka

answered Jan 24 at 14:44

1) Copy libsvm.jar found here into the Java folder in the package content of the weka.app, path-to-the-Weka.app/Contents/Java/

2) Add this line to your .bash_profile or similar configuration file

export CLASSPATH="path-to-the-Weka.app/Contents/Java/weka.jar:path-to-the-Weka.app/Contents/Java/libsvm.jar"

Note: you should replace path-to-the-Weka.app by your own path. It could look like /Applications/JavaApp/weka-3-6-11-oracle-jvm.app

answered Nov 22 at 19:15

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