
[科学探讨] 塔斯马尼亚虎(袋狼)有可能没有灭绝

 一林冷月图书馆 2014-12-06
袋狼(英文名:Thylacine,Tasmanian wolf )从它的头和牙来看,它显然是一只狼,但是它的身体又像老虎一样浑身布满条纹,而且和老虎的习性相同,不结群,因此又名塔斯马尼亚虎。它可以用四条腿奔跑,也可以像小袋鼠那样用后腿跳跃行走,它的嘴可以像蛇嘴一样张开至180°,下颚雄壮有力,能一口咬碎猎物脑袋。祖先可能广泛分布于新几内亚热带雨林、 澳大利亚草原等地。属于有袋类,和袋鼠一样,母体有育儿袋。袋狼因为皮毛珍贵遭人类肆虐捕杀,现在已不见踪迹。最后一只名叫班哲尼的袋狼在1936年9月7日死于塔斯马尼亚岛上的霍巴特动物园。据资料显示,澳大利亚可能还有袋狼出没,但再没有人见过它们的踪迹。

Zoologists hunting Tasmanian tiger declare ''no doubt'' species still aliveTeam claims that it has ''highly credible'' witnesses and has found animal faeces that could belong to the extinct thylacine


Tasmanian tigers in captivity sometime before the last died in 1936. A team of cryptozoologists is now searching remote parts of Tasmania’s north-west for evidence of their survival. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images
It had been considered extinct for nearly 80 years, but the Tasmanian tiger has been declared alive and kicking by an intrepid group of British naturalists.
A team of investigators from the Centre for Fortean Zoology, which operates from a small farmhouse in north Devon, is currently in Tasmania hunting down clues to prove the thylacine, commonly known as the Tassie tiger, still exists.
The group claims to have gathered compelling evidence of the thylacine’s presence in remote parts of Tasmania’s north-west, despite the last known animal dying in Hobart Zoo on 7 September 1936.
The Centre for Fortean Zoology said it has talked to several “highly credible” witnesses of the thylacine and has found animal faeces that could belong to the beast. The droppings have been preserved in alcohol and are being sent awayfor DNA analysis.
The cryptozoologist team, which has previously attempted to find the yeti and boasts that has evidence of a mysterious Indonesian ape that walks on two legs, is one week into a fortnight-long trip to discover if the thylacine still exists.
Richard Freeman, zoological director of the organisation, told Guardian Australia he has “no doubt” the species still roams isolated areas of Tasmania.
“The area is so damn remote, there are so many prey species and we have so many reliable witnesses who know the bush that I’d say there is a reasonable population of them left,” he said. “I’d say there are more of them around in the world than Javan rhinos.” The World Wildlife Fund estimates that there are just 35 Javan rhinos left.
Freeman said he had spoken to a forestry worker who had seen an animal in daylight in 2011 which was distinctive because of its striped rear end, long stiff tail and “weird rolling motion, almost like a cow” when it walked.
A government wildlife marksman and several local people had spotted the same distinctive type of animal in recent years, Freeman said.
He admitted that no pawprints or dead thylacines have been found, attributing this to the sparse rocky ground of the region and the ferociousness of Tasmanian devils, which swiftly devour animal corpses when they discover them.
However, Freeman said he had heard reports of distinctive thylacine kills, where prey is effectively disembowelled, as well as the discovery of the droppings.
“If we get the DNA from them, that’ll be interesting,” he said. “They are far too big for a Tasmanian devil and it can’t be a dog. Why would a dog be so far out there? It’s a very remote area.
“We’ve been baiting and also setting up camera traps. We’ve seen a lot of devils and a feral cat, but nothing else so far. It’s only been up for a week, though, and it can take months. In the UK, we saw deer, otters and even a woman taking a pee on a bush before we saw anything interesting.”
The thylacine, which looked much like a striped, elongated dog, was zealously hunted by European settlers. They were trapped, snared, shot and poisoned, due to fears the animal would ravage sheep stocks.
Several attempts have been found to prove the animal still exists, although the Tasmanian government states that there is “no conclusive evidence” it lives on.
That won’t deter Freeman, who plans several return trips to prove mainstream science wrong.
“I’ll be coming back again and again,” he said. “The people who say they’ve seen it have nothing to gain and everything to lose. I’d say there is a population of at least 300 of them.

一队调查人员从在北德文郡一个小农庄, Fortean动物中心目前在塔斯马尼亚追捕线索证明俗称塔斯马尼亚虎,袋狼,仍然存在的。
该组织宣称已经收集袋狼在塔斯马尼亚的西北偏远地区的存在的令人信服的证据,尽管最后已知的动物, 1936年9月7日在霍巴特动物园死亡。
该中心说,它已经谈过几个“高度可信”证人的袋狼,已发现的动物的粪便,可能属于兽为Fortean动物。粪便已被保存在酒精和正在发送awayfor DNA分析。
“该地区是如此该死的遥控器,有这么多的猎物,我们有这么多可靠的证人,谁知道布什,我会说他们有一个合理的人口离开, ”他说。 “我想说,有更多的在世界各处比爪哇犀牛。 ”世界野生动物基金会估计,有35爪哇犀牛离开。
“如果我们得到了他们的DNA ,这将是有趣的, ”他说。 “他们实在太大塔斯马尼亚魔鬼,它不能是狗。狗为什么会这么远了吗?这是一个非常偏远的地区。
“我们一直引诱和设置相机陷阱。到目前为止,我们已经看到了很多鬼子和野猫,但没有别的。只有一个星期,但是,它可能需要几个月。在英国,我们看到鹿,水獭甚至灌木丛上撒尿之前,我们看到了什么有趣的一个女人。 “
曾多次尝试发现证明的动物仍然存在,但指出是“没有确凿证据” ,它活在塔斯马尼亚州政府。
本帖根据网络资料整合        期盼着这种已经被宣布灭绝了近80年的动物,能够重新回到人们的视野,盼望着奇迹的出现!转发者

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