
英语里表达‘看 ’的单词

 cyf191 2014-12-30
Q & A of the Week: See, Look and Watch 英语里表达‘看 ’的单词Feifei: Hello welcome to Question and Answer of the Week. I'm Feifei.
  Finn: 欢迎收听你问我答, I'm Finn. We're here, as always, to help you with yourquestions about the English language.
  Feifei: And this week, we have a question from a Chinese listener in New Zealand.
  InsertHello my name is Hui. I have a question: when I talk with local people they use lots ofwords like watch, see and look, and I wonder the difference among these words. Thankyou..
  Finn: A very good question there. Huiping 想知道 look, watch and see 这三个词的不同. Now they're all common words, but actually this question is not soeasy to answer, is it Feifei?
  Feifei: No it's not but let's try our best. 大家肯定对这个三个单词都不陌生,而且大多数情况下当这三个个表示看的单词出现在一句话中的时候,我们也能正确的理解其意思,不过究竟什么时候该用哪个词呢?
  Finn: Yes, so today we'll be looking at the differences in meaning and usagebetween these three related words, with the help of a cat.
  InsertMeowFeifei: A cat? 不过首先我们还是从最基础的区别开始说吧。Ready Finn?
  Finn: Ready. So first up: see, S.E.E. This is the simplest of the three words, andit simply is when you use your eyes, so by using your eyes, you are awareof something – you can see it.
  Feifei: See 比较好理解,当一个事物或人进入了你的视野或视线中时,不管你是不是有意去看的,只要你看到了 aware of it 就是知道它的存在,这时就用 see.
  InsertWhen I went into my kitchen, I could see my cat, Mr Fluffy.
  Feifei: 上面的这个例子中这位男士一进屋就看到了 sees 这只猫,而他没有刻意的去看。
  Page 2 of 3Finn: That's right. So let's look at word number two, which is look: L.O.O.K.
  What's the difference between see and look? Well, the difference is thatwhen you look at something you do it deliberately – you pay attention toit.
  Feifei: Look - 当你有意的 deliberately 把视线转向一个东西的时候。
  InsertMr Fluffy couldn't see me, he was looking at his food bowl, which was empty. Then Icoughed, and he turned round and looked at me.
  Feifei: 这个例子说 Mr Fluffy 在盯着看 looking 它的空饭碗 his food bowl – 这是一个有意做出的动作,当它听到有人咳嗽的时候,Mr Fluffy 又转过身去看着 look at 那个人,这也是一个有意做出的动作。
  Finn: Now, thirdly, the last word: watch, W.A.T.C.H is a bit different from look.
  Now, you watch something when you look at it but for longer, andespecially when it's something that's changing or moving.
  Feifei: Watch – looking at 和 watching 这两个词的区别通常在于看一个东西的时间长短和强度大小;所以我们常用 watch 来表达你长时间的看一个东西,尤其是一个在不断移动和变化的东西。
  InsertMr Fluffy was hungry. I knew because he just kept watching me – whatever I did hejust kept watching me. I walked to the other side of the kitchen to get some food, and hewas watching me. All the time just watching me.
  Feifei: 饥肠辘辘的 Mr. Fluffy 这个一直盯着在看 watching 这位先生在屋子里走来走去帮它准备食物的过程。注意因为这个先生是一直在走动,也就是说一个在不断移动的东西,那这是我们就应该用动词 watch; 假设他一直站着没动,那么Mr Fluffy 这只猫就是 looking at 看着他了。希望我们已经解释清楚了 watch, see 还有 look 的区别。So did Mr Fluffy get his food?
  Finn: Hmm, I hope so. Now in Chinese, there's one more thing I think we shouldbe aware of – the influence of the verb 看. So in Chinese you get phraseslike 看书,看电视。
  Feifei: Yes, 虽然在汉语中我们使用的动词都是看,不过在英语中我们会使用不同的动词来表示看这个动作。
  Finn: Indeed, so for example 看电视 we say 'watch TV', we don't say 'see TV' or'look TV'. 看书呢, that's slightly different. We actually use the verb 'read':
  to read a book. So here we've introduced a fourth verb: see, look, watchand now read.
  Feifei: 看书或是看报纸,我们都会用动词 read, 虽然很简单,但是大家一定要特别  Jy ay 留意。
  InsertI gave Mr Fluffy his bowl of food and then sat down to read the paper. Then I watcheda little TV. As I was watching I heard a noise. Meow. I looked down. Mr Fluffy washungry again.
  Feifei: 好了,我们就先练习到这儿,希望今天的节目内容回答了 Huiping 提出的问题,也非常感谢她提出了这个问题。
  InsertHuiping: Thanks for answering my question, I love this programme very much.
  Finn: And Huiping, we have a question for you – do you like cats?
  Huiping: Oh, not really?
  Finn: Not really? Ok thank you.

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