

 和和2002 2015-01-02

  传统的癌症治疗方法有多科学? Walter Last著,发表于Nexus Magazine,2004年

  Treatment often causes more misery than the disease itself and in most cases is unsuccessful (THE CANCER CONSPIRACY by John J. Moelaert)

  The medical profession takes much pride in the rigorous scientific research that underpins its approach to cancer treatment. Someone newly diagnosed with cancer faces enormous pressure from our health care system to start immediately on a scientific medical treatment program that involves surgery, chemotherapy and radiation in various combinations. Being fearful and in shock, most individuals in this situation are no match for the overwhelming power of medical authority.


  How would you react in this situation? You may be leaning towards natural therapies for simple health problems but for something as serious as cancer you may feel safer with the tested and proven methods of orthodox medical care. Nevertheless, if you have the chance, read the following before you make your final decision. You may then have a better appreciation of natural cancer treatment.


  In this article I have assembled some little known facts about the science behind orthodox cancer treatment. In cancer research, success (expressed as a five-year survival rate) is established by comparing other forms and combinations of treatment with the results from surgery alone. However, the success rate of surgery has rarely been compared with the survival rates of untreated patients, and never with patients who adopted natural therapies. Therefore, orthodox cancer treatment is inherently unscientific. The overall supposed cure rate is not higher than can be accounted for by spontaneous remissions and the placebo effect.

  In support of my position I offer the following key statements and conclusions from medical and scientific publications.


  “Studies appear to show that early intervention is helpful, because pre-cancerous lesions are included in early removals that frequently would not become cancerous if left untouched.” In other words, early intervention appears helpful because lesions are removed that are not cancerous but they are counted as being cancer, and that improves survival statistics. “Also, it does not matter how much or how little of a breast is removed; the outcome is always the same “(1). This statement indicates that surgery does not improve survival chances; otherwise there would be a difference between radical surgery and lumpectomy.


  Researchers said it is complacent to continue subjecting at least 70% of women with breast cancer to a futile mutilating procedure (2). Furthermore, there is no evidence that early mastectomy affects survival; if patients knew this then they would most likely refuse surgery (3).


  In 1993 the editor of The Lancet pointed out that despite various modifications of breast cancer treatment, death rates remain unchanged. He acknowledges that despite the almost weekly releases of miracle breakthroughs, the medical profession with its extraordinary capacity for self-delusion (his words, not mine) in all truth has lost its way. At the same time he rejects those who now believe that salvation will come from increasing chemotherapy after surgery to just below the rate where it kills the patient. Instead, he continues, “would it not be more scientific to ask why our approach has failed?” Not too soon to ask this question after a century of mutilating women, I would say. The title of this editorial, appropriately, is Breast cancer: have we lost our way?(4).

  1993年,《柳叶刀》的编辑指出,尽管乳腺癌治疗方法在不断的修改,但死亡率并没有任何改变。他承认,虽然每周都会发布奇迹性的突破进展,但拥有超级自欺能力(他的原话,不是我的)的医疗专业实际上已经迷失了方向。同时,他反对那些目前还相信手术后接受化疗可以治愈癌症的人,这种方法的治愈率低于方法本身杀死病人的比例。“这么问是否更科学,为什么我们的方法会失败?”他进一步说到。我想说的是,在残害了女性近一个世纪后,提出这样的问题一点也不嫌早。这篇文章的标题是:乳腺癌:我们是否迷失了方向?《is Breast cancer: have we lost our way?》(4)

  Basically all types and combinations of conventional breast cancer treatment appear to result in the same low long-term survival rates. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that conventional treatment does not improve long-term survival rates. Even worse, Michael Baum, M.D., a leading British breast cancer surgeon, found that breast cancer surgery tends to increase the risk of relapse or death within three years. He also linked surgery to the accelerated spread of cancer, which it does by forming metastases in other parts of the body (5).


  An earlier German comparison found that untreated post-menopausal women with breast cancer lived longer than treated women, and the recommendation was not to treat postmenopausal women for breast cancer (6).


  This conclusion confirms a finding by Ernst Krokowski, a German professor of radiology. He demonstrated conclusively that metastasis is commonly triggered by medical intervention, including sometimes even by a biopsy or surgery unrelated to the cancer (7). Disturbance of a tumor causes a greatly increased number of cancer cells to enter the bloodstream, while most medical intervention (especially chemotherapy) suppresses the immune system. This combination is a recipe for disaster. It is metastases that kill while primary tumors in general, and those in the breast in particular, can be relatively harmless. These findings have been confirmed by recent research, which shows that surgery, even if unrelated to the cancer, can trigger an explosive spread of metastases and lead to an untimely end (8).

  这个结论确认了一个德国放射学专家Ernst Krokowski的发现。他确定癌症转移通常是由医疗干预引起的,有时候甚至包括切片或与癌症不相关的手术(7)。对肿瘤的干扰会造成更大数量的癌细胞进入血液循环,同时多数的医学治疗(通常是化疗)常常会抑制免疫系统的功能。这些都是最后造成灾难的因素。这个发现在最近的研究中也被证实,即使是与癌症不相关的外科手术也可以出发爆发性的癌扩散最终导致过早死亡。

  This follows earlier reports that radical surgery for prostate cancer also tends to spread the disease. Actually, prostate cancer was investigated in the first randomized clinical trials for any type of cancer. After 23 years there was no difference in the survival rates of those who had surgery and controls (who did not) but those with surgery suffered more morbidity such as impotence or incontinence (9).


  The late H B Jones, Professor of Medical Physics, was a leading US cancer statistician. He said in a speech before the American Cancer Society that no study had proven that early intervention improves the chances of survival. On the contrary, his studies prove conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer, and with better quality of life than treated ones. Needless to say, he was not invited again (10).

  后来一位医学物理学专家H B Jones发起了一项美国癌症调查。他在一次演讲中说,在美国癌症协会之前,没有任何研究证实早期的医学干预可以改变癌症患者的存活机会。相反的,他的研究最终证明了没有经过治疗的癌症患者活了四倍的更长时间,生活质量也好于经过治疗的患者。不用说,他再也没有被邀请(参加演讲)了。

  Massaging Statistics

  A recent epidemiological study confirmed the questionable value of conventional therapy by concluding that 'medical interventions for cancer have had a negligible or no effect on survival' (11). Even the conservative New England Journal of Medicine had an article with the headline: Cancer Undefeated (12).


  Common ways to make medical statistics look more favorable are as follows. Patients who die during prolonged treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy are not counted in the statistics, because they did not receive the full treatment. In the control group everyone who dies is counted.


  Further, success is judged by the percentage of temporary tumor shrinking, regardless of survival times; if survival is measured, then only in terms of dying from the treated disease. It is not normally shown how many of the patients die due to the treatment itself. The current trend is to pick up pre-cancerous conditions very early and treat them as cancer.


  While this statistically increases the number of people with cancer, it also artificially prolongs survival times and lowers death rates, thereby making medical treatments appear to be more successful. However, there may also be a genuine component of improved survival, as increasing numbers of cancer patients opt for additional natural therapies.


  An investigation of the records of 1.2 million cancer patients revealed that the death rate attributed to non-cancer death shortly after treatment was 200 percent higher than would normally be expected. Two years after diagnosis and treatment this excess death rate had fallen to 50%. The most common cause for the excess death was listed as heart and respiratory failure. This means instead of dying several years later of cancer, these patients died from the effects of the treatment and helped greatly improve the cancer statistics because they did not strictly die of cancer (13). This misleading reporting of cancer deaths has led to demands for more honest statistics (14).


  After an analysis of several large mammogram-screening studies found that mammography screening leads to more aggressive treatment with no survival benefits (15), even the editor of the Lancet had to admit that there is no reliable evidence from large randomized trials to support mammography screening programs (15).


  The significance of this statement goes far beyond the use of mammograms. It is openly acknowledged by the proponents of conventional medicine that they have no effective way of helping patients with advanced cancer. Until now the catch-cry always was 'detect it early then it can be cured'. These mammogram evaluation studies demonstrate that it does not matter when cancer is detected, the conventional methods, and with this the whole multi-billion dollar cancer industry, are useless (my conclusion).


  A 13-year Canadian study with 40,000 women compared physical breast examinations with examinations plus mammograms. The mammogram group had many more lumpectomies and surgeries, and the death rate was 107 deaths in the mammography group and 105 in the physical examination group (16).


  Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a common non-invasive form of breast tumor. Most cases of DCIS are detected through the use of mammography; in younger women 92 per cent of all cancers detected by mammography are of this type. Nevertheless, on average 44%, and in some areas 60%, of these are treated by mastectomy. As most of these tumors are harmless, this greatly improves survival statistics (17).


  While conventional diagnosis is invasive and may help to spread the cancer, a kind of electrodermal screening, called Biofield test, was developed by a team from eight European hospitals and universities, and reported in the Lancet as being 99.1% accurate in diagnosing malignancy in breast tumors (18).


  A large meta-analysis of radiotherapy results for lung cancer showed that after 2 years there were 21% more deaths in the group that had radiotherapy in addition to surgery as compared to those who had surgery alone. The editorial states that the rationale is to kill any cancer cells remaining after surgery but it is a shame that the facts do not agree with this theory (19).


  While conventional diagnosis is invasive and may help to spread the cancer, a kind of electrodermal screening, called Biofield test, was developed by a team from eight European hospitals and universities, and reported in the Lancet as being 99.1% accurate in diagnosing malignancy in breast tumors (18).


  A large meta-analysis of radiotherapy results for lung cancer showed that after 2 years there were 21% more deaths in the group that had radiotherapy in addition to surgery as compared to those who had surgery alone. The editorial states that the rationale is to kill any cancer cells remaining after surgery but it is a shame that the facts do not agree with this theory (19).


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