
哈佛案例 | Polar Sports,Inc.

 haosunzhe 2015-01-09

Polar Sports,Inc.

Polar Sports是时尚滑雪服制造商,营运着高质量的滑雪衫、滑雪裤及配套装备的生产线。Polar的滑雪服设计独特,采用特殊合成材料,更加保温耐穿。2012年1月初,Polar Sports, Inc.总裁Richard运营总裁Thomas召开了座谈会,讨论Johnson的2012年Polar研究所标准化月度生产提案。自从不到一年前加入公司以来,Johnson一直担心由高度季节性的生产安排产生的种种问题,季节性生产安排反映了滑雪服和配套装备的季节性销售额。Richard知道,均衡生产可节省成本可提高生产效率,但是他不确定对企业的其他方面会有生么样的影响。




Polar Sports, Inc.

W. Carl Kester; Wei Wang

Polar Sports, Inc. is a fashion ski wear manufacturing company in Littleton, Colorado. The company has a unique design for ski wear using a special synthetic material that improves insulation and durability. The ski apparel industry is highly competitive and the best way forcompanies to gain market share is by developing new fabrics and using innovative patterns. The firm generates over 80% of sales between September andJanuary and relies on seasonal production to respond promptly to customer orders. During those months, the plant must rapidly increase production by hiring and training additional workers, often paying them overtime. The vice president of operations is concerned about the costs associated with seasonal production and presents a proposal to switch to level production. The change can reduce costs and improve efficiency but can also affect other aspects of company finance. Students must analyze potential cost savings and understand the financial risks involved before making a final recommendation. This case can be used in first-year MBA-level courses in finance or in advanced undergraduate finance courses.

Learning objective:

1. Understand patterns of current assets and cash flows in a company with seasonal sales. 2. Estimate funds required for a change in production schedule and prepare pro form a income statements,balance sheets, and cash flow statements. 3. Evaluate the trade-off between profitability and liquidity risk in adopting seasonal or level production.

Subjects Covered :Business conditions; Competitive strategy;Decision making; Finance; Financing; Inventory management; Liquidity;Manufacturing; Production; Production planning; Production scheduling;Products; Risk management; Strategy



Industry: Apparel

Industry: Performing arts

Event Year Begin:2012

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