

 杂谈婚姻 2015-01-16

House Votes to Revoke Legal Protections for Millions of Immigrants

WASHINGTON — The House on Wednesday voted to undo major provisions of President Obama’s immigration policy, approving legislation that would revoke legal protections for millions of undocumented immigrants. The vote drew outrage from Democrats and led more than two dozen Republicans, many worried about the perception that their party is hostile to immigrants, to break away.


The most contentious measures in the bill will most likely die in the Senate, where Democrats have said they will wage a filibuster and some Republicans are likely to join in opposition. The White House has said President Obama will not sign any bill that blocks his executive actions on immigration.


But the action in the House on Wednesday was a glimpse into how the new Republican-led Congress will navigate the divisive debate over the president’s immigration actions as lawmakers struggle to reach a compromise on funding the Department of Homeland Security. The department will run out of money at the end of February, and Republicans have said they will use the appropriations process as their vehicle for dismantling Mr. Obama’s directives.

然而从众议院在周三的行动大致可以看到,由共和党主导的新国会将会如何应对总统的移民政策行动引发的激烈争议,与此同时,议员们在对国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)的拨款问题上也无法达成妥协。该部的资金将于2月底用完,共和党人已经表示将利用拨款过程来解除奥巴马的政令。

In the House, 26 Republicans voted against an amendment that would effectively end Mr. Obama’s 2012 order that allowed immigrants who entered the country illegally as children, a group known as Dreamers, to stay. The amendment passed by the thinnest of majorities, 218 to 209, with no Democratic Party votes.


The overarching funding bill for Homeland Security passed 236 to 191, with 10 Republican defections. The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, is expected to meet with his members over the next few days to discuss how to move forward with the bill, including whether they can amend it, strip out some of its more contentious amendments and send it back to the House.

国土安全部的全面预算案以236票对191票获得通过,共和党有10票流失。参议院多数派领袖、肯塔基州议员米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)在接下来几天里会和议员会面,商讨如何推进该法案,包括如何修改,去掉比较有争议的修正部分,重新拿到众议院表决。

Republicans who supported the legislation said there was nothing cruel about their intentions. The debate was not about immigration, many of them insisted on Wednesday, but about the president’s exceeding his authority by rewriting immigration law on his own.


“By their votes last November, the people made clear they want more accountability from this president — enough is enough,” said Speaker John A. Boehner, addressing the House chamber before the vote. “By our votes here today, we will heed their will.”

“在去年11月,人民已经用选票清楚地表示,他们希望这个总统担负起更多的责任——他们受够了,”约翰·A·博纳(John A. Boehner)议长在投票前对众议员们说“今天,我们会遵从他们的意愿去表决。”

Democrats accused Republicans of being indifferent to hard-working immigrants and said they were jeopardizing Homeland Security funds at a time when the country cannot afford to be caught off guard.


“Republicans have only been in control for a week and already they are picking an unnecessary political fight that risks shutting down the Department of Homeland Security,” said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader. “This is not a game and it is time for Republicans to take their responsibility to govern seriously, instead of playing to the most extreme voices in their party.”

“共和党掌权才一周,这就已经开始挑起一场没必要的政治斗争,让国土安全部有被关闭的危险,”民主党领袖、内华达州参议员哈里·里德(Harry Reid)说。“这不是儿戏,共和党人现在应该负起责任,认真执政,不要再让他们党内最极端的声音占了上风。”

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