
PagerDuty首席科技官Andrew Miklas谈运营绩效管理(英文)

 haosunzhe 2015-01-22
This sponsored post is produced in association with PagerDuty.

At Databeat, VentureBeat’s annual big data conference, we caught up with Andrew Miklas to talk about IT and ops – specifically, how to tell when systems go down and what to do when that happens.
Miklas is the chief technology officer at PagerDuty, an operations performance platform designed for operations and engineering teams to increase reliability. By connecting people, systems and data in a single view, PagerDuty delivers visibility across global operations activity for effective incident lifecycle management.

In this video, Miklas discusses how operations performance platforms give customers a high degree of introspection around their operations processes. Ops teams should know how long it takes to detect problems, how long it takes to get the right person on the case and how long it takes problems to be resolved and understand how resilient their systems are over time to make proactive fixes when needed.
PagerDuty makes sure that you have the information you need to apply the same level of data-driven and quantitative disciple that you would give your applications with an Application Performance Management system to your operations to choose how you will invest in your valuable engineering resources.

Miklas also discusses reliability and the need for 24/7 availability of SaaS products. Because people need to access systems at their convenience whether it’s at 12:00 PM or 2:00 AM, your systems need to be up at all times.
“Your systems always have to be up. If Google or Gmail goes down people don’t know how to live their lives anymore” – Andrew Miklas, CTO at

PagerDuty is trusted by thousands of customers, including 30 of Fortune 100 companies to manage the product and services that all of us rely on every day.

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