
56 We All Go Traveling By (廖彩杏书单)-原版书听力-Barefoot出品-不可错过的绘本

 Herotu 2015-01-27

56 We All Go Traveling By (廖彩杏书单)-原版书听力-Barefoot出品-不可错过的绘本

2014-12-04 儿童英语听力




This rhythmic I-spy journey to school through various landscapes is the perfect introductionto colors, modes of transport, and of course, music. The I-Spy theme encourages reader/listener interaction, while the cumulative, repetitive text helps buildsequencing skills. We All Go Traveling By is ideal for read-aloud and music and movement activities.



We All Go Travelling By

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

A bright red truck goes rumble rumble rumble

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.

A bright red truck goes rumble rumble rumble

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

A shiny pink bike goes ring ring ring.

A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.

A bright red truck goes rumble rumble rumble

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug

A shiny pink bike goes ring ring ring.

A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.

A bright red truck goes rumble rumble rumble

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

A big white plane goes neeeee-owww.

A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug

A shiny pink bike goes ring ring ring.

A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.

A bright red truck goes rumble rumble rumble

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

A fast orange car goes vroom vroom vroom.

A big white plane goes neeeee-owww.

A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug

A shiny pink bike goes ring ring ring.

A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.

A bright red truck goes rumble rumble rumble

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eyes,

You can hear with your little ear,

Two purple shoes go tap tap tap.

A fast orange car goes vroom vroom vroom.

A big white plane goes neeeee-owww.

A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a-lug

A shiny pink bike goes ring ring ring.

A long blue train goes chuff chuff chuff.

A bright red truck goes rumble rumble rumble

A yellow school bus goes beep beep beep.

And we all go travelling by, bye-bye,

And we all go travelling by!

I spy with my little eye,

You can hear with your little ear,

A loud silver bell goes ding-a-ling-a-ling.

And we all start another school day, hooray!

And we all start another school day!



Learning intention

How can we plan to achieve this?

Creative Development

Begin to build up a repertoire of songs & dances. + explore the different sounds of instruments + begin to move rhythmically.

Repeat the song daily. We will dance & play instruments.


Language and Literacy

Enjoy rhyming & rhythmic activities + Show awareness of rhyme & alliteration +Recognise rhythm in spoken words.

The rhyme and alliteration is obvious in the story and we will elaborate on this when we talk about the text as a whole group.

Knowledge & Understanding of the world

Remember & talk about significant events in their own experience. + show interest in the lives of people familiar to them.

We will encourage talk of transport to nursery, holidays, who has a bicycle, who has been on a train, aeroplane and boat.

Physical Development

Engage in activities requiring hand-eye coordination + use one-handed tools and equipment.

We will make collage modes of transport from the book, junk model some vehicles, and paint some pictures from the story.

Problem solving, reasoning & numeracy.

Show an interest in shape & space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects.

-Show an awareness of similarities in shapes in the environment.

-Observe & use positional language.

Looking at shapes when carrying out the collage, round wheels, etc talking about shapes of the train windows, school bus windows. When reflecting on the story we can talk about the order of the vehicles, before, after, look at the pictures and pose questions what is opposite….? Under, over, along…etc.

Personal, social & Emotional Development

-Make connections between different parts of their life experiences.

Talking about their personal experiences and linking with the story…promoting language & turn taking in conversation.




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