

 昵称20757147 2015-02-12
数理方程,数理逻辑,集化数学和物理学,天体物理学宇宙物理学基本研究概论(数学,数理逻辑,物理学,天文学,宇宙学研究通论)《  节选,片段》Fangruida.










10. 新的数学物理计算软件的开发,计算数学的软件扩限

11. 大型 工程技术设计计算高级软件的开发

12.  新时代科技飞速发展对于人类极限认识的挑战

13.  物理学,天文学,宇宙学,数学,数理逻辑学的发展前沿和传统模式的探讨。



积分的计算 数值积分或蒙特卡洛积分 求质心位置、场的叠加
常微分方程的求解 龙格-库塔法(初值问题)、打靶法(边值问题)[3] 经典力学
偏微分方程的求解 静场问题、对流问题  广泛应用于  物理,力学,天文学等领域。
矩阵的特征值和特征向量的求解 、密度矩阵重整化群 量子力学系统中能量本征值和本征态的求解
大量系列随机事件的相互作用 蒙特卡罗方法 分子动力学、等离子体的动力学方程

1900年10月,马克斯·普朗克将维恩定律加以改良,又将玻尔兹曼熵公式(Boltzmann's entropy formula)通过将物体中的原子看作微小的量子谐振子,他不得不假设这些量子谐振子的总能量不是连续的,即总能量只能是离散的数值(经典物理学的观点恰好相反):

这里, n 是一个整数,h 是普朗克常数。

承认时空的相对性导致了几个必然的推论。一是运动的物体会在其运动的方向上长度收缩。二是运动的物体会经历时间膨胀。也就是说,一个高速运动的钟表要比静止的同样钟表走得慢。三是能量和质量其实是一回事,可以相互转换。用公式表达出来,就是E = mc2。因此,对于任何物体来説,其质量会随着其速度的增加而增加。

对一个物理问题的处理,通常需要三个步骤: 一、利用物理定律将物理问题翻译成数学问题; 二、解该数学问题; 三、将所得的数学结果翻译成物理,即讨论所得结果的物理意义。





一个单独粒子运动于位势 V(x)\,\! 中的含时薛定谔方程为

 - \frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}\Psi(x,\,t)+V(x)\Psi(x,\,t)=i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi(x,\,t)\,\! ;(1)
其中,m\,\! 是质量,x\,\! 是位置,\Psi(x,\,t)\,\! 是相依于时间 t\,\! 的波函数,\hbar\,\! 是约化普朗克常数,V(x)\,\! 是位势。

类似地,在三维空间里,一个单独粒子运动于位势 V(\mathbf{r})\,\! 中的含时薛定谔方程为

 薛定谔方程(Schrodinger equation)又称薛定谔波动方程(Schrodinger wave equation)在量子力学中,体系的状态不能用力学量(例如x)的值来确定,而是要用力学量的函数Ψ(x,t),即波函数(又称概率幅,态函数)来确定,因此波函数成为量子力学研究的主要对象。


\hat H \Psi=i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi ;
其中,\hat{H}  是表征波函数总能量的哈密顿算符,\Psi 是物理系统的波函数,i 是虚数单位,\hbar 是约化普朗克常数,\partial/\partial t 是对于时间 t 的偏微分。

福克-普朗克方程(Fokker–Planck equation)描述粒子在位能场中受到随机力后,随时间演化的位置或是速度的分布函数  。

一维 x方向上,福克-普朗克方程有两个参数,一是拖曳参数 D1(x,t),另一是扩散 D2(x,t)

\frac{\partial}{\partial t}f(x,t)=-\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left[ D_{1}(x,t)f(x,t)\right] +\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}\left[ D_{2}(x,t)f(x,t)\right]. 
在N 维空间中的福克-普朗克方程是

\frac{\partial f}{\partial t} = -\sum_{i=1}^N \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} \left[ D_i^1(x_1, \ldots, x_N) f \right] + \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^{N} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_i \, \partial x_j} \left[ D_{ij}^2(x_1, \ldots, x_N) f \right], x_i 是第i维度的位置,此时 D^1为拖曳矢量,D^2为扩散张量。





数学天才──高斯(C.F. Gauss)



牛顿(Isaac Newton) 是英国较为著名的物理学家和数学学家。 




戈特弗里德·威廉·凡·莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz,1646年7月1日~1716年11月14日)德国最重要的自然科学家、数学家、物理学家、历史学家和哲学家,一位举世罕见的科学天才,和牛顿(1643年1月4日—1727年3月31日)同为微积分的创建人。他博览群书,涉猎百科,对丰富人类的科学知识宝库做出了不朽的贡献。



莱昂哈德·欧拉(Leonhard Euler,1707年4月5日~1783年9月18日)是瑞士数学家和物理学家。他被一些数学史学者称为历史上最伟大的两位数学家之一(另一位是卡尔·弗里德里克·高斯)。欧拉是第一个使用“函数”一词来描述包含各种参数的表达式的人,例如:y = F(x) (函数的定义由莱布尼兹在1694年给出)。他是把微积分应用于物理学的先驱者之一。


勒奈·笛卡尔(Rene Descartes)。笛卡尔是伟大的哲学家、物理学家、数学家、生理学家。解析几何的创始人。笛卡尔是欧洲近代资产阶级哲学的奠基人之一,黑格尔称他为“现代哲学之父”。笛卡尔堪称17世纪的欧洲哲学界和科学界最有影响的巨匠之一。



Mathematical equations, mathematical logic, sets of mathematics and physics, space physics, astrophysics Introduction to basic research (mathematics, mathematical logic, physics, astronomy, cosmology General Theory) "excerpt, fragment"

[In the natural sciences to study engineering, mathematics, mathematical methods and mathematical equations is extremely important. Absence or lack of rigorous mathematical rigor pushed to calculate mathematical analysis, will lack any scientific rigor and accuracy through hydrolysis. Modern natural science and engineering technology increasingly developed, increasingly digitized into the tight rigorous ultra high intelligence intelligence information age of the information society, mathematics, mathematical logic, mathematical equations, Methods of Mathematical Physics, Mathematics - Physics derivation, math is particularly important. Although extensive use of computer simulation, computer simulation, computer software and other computing, but mathematics, mathematical analysis, mathematical equations, physics equations, physics formulas, equations of celestial mechanics, a large engineering design calculations, etc. In addition to the machine must have counted manual calculation - hand calculations, mathematical formulas, mathematical equations, mathematical theorem, a large engineering design calculations (eg, aerospace flight calculations, aircraft structural design calculations, dams, high-rise building structural design, structural design calculations missiles, etc., although there are no less top mathematical software and computational software large number of applications, but scientists and engineers have the ability not only to calculate skilled software applications, but also to have a strong mathematical foundation, ability and considerable level logic analysis and calculation, otherwise, could not do the mathematical equation order to calculate the number of physical equations derivation formula. miscalculation would be a serious risk of terrible consequences can be imagined. for example, the spacecraft design, aircraft design, dam design, high-rise building structural design calculations, submarine structure design, engineering etc. Once the calculation appear the slightest mistake, the difference between the least bit, Trinidad lost in. the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, scientists, engineers must master the mathematical calculation in particular, pushed to solving math basic skills, including computer calculations and hand calculations review check and hand count of the basic ability to continuously improve specializes in mathematics and constantly improve their knowledge charging structure and comprehensive ability). Of course, the computer numerical now common in large, complex scientific computing and engineering calculations, has become an increasingly important discipline closely integrated modern mathematics and computer science, the future will become the dominant obvious, but still need to compute basic math skills and math level, they are not absolutely excluded, have their own advantages, efficacy and mechanism of action is clearly more than the hand count count. Here the main emphasis of the study and master mathematics is very important. ]

1. The foundation of modern mathematics and mathematical development and a branch of mathematics natural objective reality further distillation

2. mathematical logic, formal logic and complex set of logic, dialectical logic of relations

3. Progress and research of contemporary physics, astronomy, cosmology and related disciplines

4. establish and derive equations of mathematical physics, computer modeling and mathematical equations to calculate

5. mathematical formulas, mathematical language and mathematical language and physical equations

6. The process of two-way combination of modern mathematical physics equations and scientific experiments to establish and validate the important mathematical formulas and mathematical theorems
7. base and push the limits of modern natural science research

8. The value of human cognition and scientific experiment analysis, simulation analysis, simulation analysis

9. engineering, mathematical physics equations in the field of applied science, mathematical formulas

10. A new mathematical physics computing software development, computational mathematics software limit expansion

11. Large engineering design calculation Senior Software Development

12. The new era of rapid development of science and technology challenges to the limits of human understanding

13. In physics, the development of cutting-edge astronomy, cosmology, mathematics, mathematical logic, and to explore the traditional model.

Software used mainly for Matlab, Mathematica and Maple, etc. and numerical software, which provides a number of physical problems to solve common computing tools

Integral Monte Carlo calculation of numerical integration or integration requirements centroid location, superimposed field
ODEs Runge - Kutta method (initial value problem), shooting method (Boundary Value) [3] Classical Mechanics
Partial differential equations of static field problems, convection is widely used in physics, mechanics, astronomy, and other fields.
Eigenvalue and eigenvector matrix solving the density matrix renormalization group in quantum mechanical systems energy eigenvalues and eigenstates
Monte Carlo methods of molecular interaction of a large number of series of random events dynamics, plasma kinetic equation

October 1900, the Max Planck Wien's law will be improved, in turn Boltzmann's entropy formula (Boltzmann's entropy formula) by the object seen in the tiny atomic quantum harmonic oscillator, he had to assume that these quantum Oscillator total energy is not continuous, i.e., the total energy can only be discrete values (the opposite point of view of classical physics):

E_n = nh \ nu
Here, n is an integer, h is Planck's constant.

Recognize the relativity of time and space led to several corollary. First, the movement of objects in the direction of its movement length contraction. The second is the movement of objects will experience time dilation. In other words, a high-speed movement of the watch is also watch more slowly than the rest. Third, energy and mass is one thing that can convert each other. Expressed with the formula is E = mc2. Thus, for any object, its mass will increase its speed increases.

Mathematical physics equations, mathematical physics theorem all aspects of scientific research must be used, such as mathematical modeling, mathematical, and so a large number of complex calculations. Schrodinger equation, Planck equation, Einstein equation, Dirac equation, and so there are many, including the terms of mechanics, celestial mechanics, computational mathematics, mathematics and physics and a unique combination of tightly deduction derivation. Mathematics is extremely important fundamental physics, there is no established mathematical physics equations, physics is difficult to support its architecture.
Treatment of a physical problem, usually requires three steps: First, use the laws of physics will translate into physical problems mathematical problem; two, the solution of the mathematical problem; three, will be translated into mathematical physics results obtained, namely to discuss the results of the physical significance.

Differential equation solver: a lot of physical problems, such as solving the equations of motion in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics.
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations

Complex function theory
Field, gravity: field is the main object of study of modern physics. Electrodynamics electromagnetic field; general relativity gravitational field research; gauge field theory gauge field research.

Symmetry Study: Symmetry is an important concept in physics. It is the law of conservation of the key.
Group Theory

ACTION (action) theory
Calculus of variations
Functional analysis and so on.

A single particle motion in the potential V (x) \, \! When the Schr?dinger equation containing

  - \ Frac {\ hbar ^ 2} {2m} \ frac {\ partial ^ 2} {\ partial x ^ 2} \ Psi (x, \, t) + V (x) \ Psi (x, \, t) = i \ hbar \ frac {\ partial} {\ partial t} \ Psi (x, \, t) \, \;! (1)
Where, m \, \! Is the quality, x \, \! Is the location, \ Psi (x, \, t) \, \! Is the wave function dependent on the time t \, \! A, \ hbar \, \! is the reduced Planck constant, V (x) \, \! is potential.

Similarly, in three-dimensional space, a single particle motion in the potential V (\ mathbf {r}) when \, \! The dependent Schr?dinger equation

  Schr?dinger equation (Schrodinger equation), also known as the Schr?dinger wave equation (Schrodinger wave equation) In quantum mechanics, the state of the system can not use mechanical quantity value (such as x) to determine, but to use the mechanical function of the amount Ψ (x, t ), that the wave function (also known as the probability amplitude, state function) to determine, and therefore become the main target of the wave function of quantum mechanics research.

Schr?dinger equation describes the evolution of a physical system containing over time, its most general form is:

\ hat H \ Psi = i \ hbar \ frac {\ partial} {\ partial t} \ Psi;
Which, \ hat {H} is the characterization of the total energy of the wave function of the Hamiltonian, \ Psi is the wave function of the physical system, i is the imaginary unit, \ hbar is the reduced Planck constant, \ partial / \ partial t is the partial derivative with respect to time t.

Planck equation
Fokker - Planck equation of the distribution function (Fokker-Planck equation) describes the potential energy of the particles by random forces in the field, the time evolution of the position or velocity.

One-dimensional x direction, Fokker - Planck equation has two parameters, one towing parameters D1 (x, t), the other is the proliferation of D2 (x, t)

\ frac {\ partial} {\ partial t} f (x, t) = - \ frac {\ partial} {\ partial x} \ left [D_ {1} (x, t) f (x, t) \ right ] + \ frac {\ partial ^ 2} {\ partial x ^ 2} \ left [D_ {2} (x, t) f (x, t) \ right].
Fork in the N-dimensional space - Planck equation is

\ frac {\ partial f} {\ partial t} = - \ sum_ {i = 1} ^ N \ frac {\ partial} {\ partial x_i} \ left [D_i ^ 1 (x_1, \ ldots, x_N) f \ right] + \ sum_ {i = 1} ^ {N} \ sum_ {j = 1} ^ {N} \ frac {\ partial ^ 2} {\ partial x_i \, \ partial x_j} \ left [D_ {ij} ^ 2 (x_1, \ ldots, x_N) f \ right], x_i is the i-dimensional position, this time as a drag vector D ^ 1, D ^ 2 is the diffusion tensor.

For a long period of time, mathematics and mechanics, physics, astronomy, often mixed together, intertwined. Many mathematicians, physicists often the astronomer; many physicists, astronomers also a mathematician. After differentiation of modern scientific development, more and more branches and more detailed, for example, was divided into many branches mathematician, basic mathematics, applied mathematics, computer mathematics, etc., and more refined physics, experimental physics, theoretical physics , applied physics, high-energy physics, astrophysics, geophysics, biophysics, computational physics and so on. However, in spite of refinement, but high degree of integration, and produce new branches, such as mathematical logic, particle physics, planetary physics, medical physics, quantum physics, and so forth.


Archimedes (Archimedes 287 BC - 212 BC), the ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, physicist. Archimedes once said: Give me a fulcrum, I can tilt the Earth.


── mathematical genius Gauss (C.F. Gauss)

Gauss was a German mathematician, physicist and astronomer.

Newton Newton

Newton (Isaac Newton) is more famous British physicist and mathematical scientists.

Newton's most remarkable achievement was the creation of mathematical calculus, analytic geometry and in addition on a comprehensive comparison of the geometry has a significant contribution.

Newton had a few words saying is known to everyone, "If I see far more than others, it is because I am standing on the shoulders of giants." It is said that he also talked about: "I do not know how to see the world for me; but in my own opinion just like a child playing at the seaside, from time to time than others to find a smooth pebble or a more beautiful shells and happy, but the truth of the vastness of the ocean in front of me, still entirely a mystery. "


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz van (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 1646 年 7 1 ~ November 14, 1716) the most important German natural scientist, mathematician, physicist, history and philosopher, one of the world's rare scientific genius, and Newton (January 4, 1643 -1727 on March 31) the same as the founder of the calculus. He read books, studied Wikipedia, the scientific knowledge base to enrich the human made immortal contributions.



Leonhard Euler (Leonhard Euler, 1707 年 4 月 5 日 ~ September 18, 1783) is a Swiss mathematician and physicist. He was known as one of a number of scholars on the history of mathematics history of the greatest mathematicians of two (the other was Carl Friedrich Gauss). Euler was the first to use the "function" to describe the expression contains various parameters of the person, such as: y = F (x) (defined function given by Leibniz in 1694). He was one of the pioneers of the calculus is applied physics.


René Descartes (Rene Descartes). Descartes is a great philosopher, physicist, mathematician, physiologist. Founder of analytic geometry. Descartes was one of the founders of the modern European bourgeois philosophy, Hegel called him "the father of modern philosophy." One of the most influential 17th-century masters called Cartesian philosophy and the scientific community in Europe.

New World show in front of people, second to none, physics, astronomy, cosmology, etc. will provide us with a lot of new issues and solve the equations. For example, chaos mathematics, set of mathematics, computational mathematics, astronomy, the moon, the moon physics, biology Moon, interplanetary physics, physics of interstellar matter, nebula physics, chemistry Nebula, Mars physics, chemistry Mars, Mars geology, Mars geography, geomorphology Mars, Mars geology physical chemistry, physical chemistry lunar geology, solar physics, galactic physics, particle physics, etc. disciplines and aerospace flight physics, space flight biology, biophysics aerospace flight , space physics chemistry, etc. will continue to emerge. Over time, mankind will usher in a new brand new natural world. Like today, the world to develop and explore the polar space, there are a lot of mathematical theorems on the planet in the universe will further validate new or amended. For humans, a hundred years, 500 years, 1,000 years, 5,000 years, 50,000 years has been a very long; for great natural universe, it pales insignificant. Tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, millions of years, so short. From the Earth to the Moon, at best, 380,000 km; from Earth to Mars, only several billion kilometers. Marginal boundless universe, far more than ten thousand trillion light years, the solar year. Existing chemical elements and elementary particles have been found, apparently not all of the natural universe, and this is obvious, unquestionable scientific facts. For example, interstellar matter, dark matter, antimatter, celestial gravitation and enormous gravitational field, and so difficult to complete stellar explosion with accurate and detailed description and explanation of the theory known theorem, is proof. In this sense, the new major discoveries and major research and exploration will undoubtedly appear in human history long historical process, and never will be weakened.

(Excerpt unfinished, adjourned. Because of their length, a selection of which segments, according to the author in 1986 in France and Belgium by the original excerpt, the original manuscript for bilingual hereby noted.)

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