
Nest We Grow Memu Meadows / College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley and Kengo Kuma & Associ

 别有书房 2015-02-14
Nest We Grow Memu Meadows / College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley and Kengo Kuma & Associates
建筑 木结构 农业种植 食物 料理 日本 北海道 美国加州伯克利大学 隈研吾建筑事务所 College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley Kengo Kuma & Associates
种巢吧! 食材之家

感谢College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley和Kengo Kuma & Associates对gooood的分享。此外Kengo Kuma & Associates的中国办公室正在招聘全职建筑设计师/实习生,欢迎大家点击职位了解更多。


Nest We Grow Memu Meadows, 158-1 Memu, Taiki-cho, Hiro-gun, Hokkaido, Japan

In response to an international design-build competition, our team proposed a quintessentially Californian approach embracing many ideas still new to Asia, from where most of us hail. These Californian ideas formed into Nest we Grow, which grew from a shared interest in the materials that make up our build environment with a focus on renewable materials. Nest We Grow won the 4th Annual LIXIL International design-build competition in 2014, and unlike structures built in the first years of the competition, it is an open, public structure. Its main intent is to bring people in the community together to store, prepare and enjoy local foods in the setting of Hokkaido, Japan.




我们转而找寻日本当地常见的材料工法进行创新,发现日本小断面木构造十分盛行,故兴起与美国大断面木构造 (heavy timber construction)的想法作结合,因而产生了以小断面木材结合成较大断面的複合柱工法。藉由与日本结构顾问和当地木匠讨论进而确定工法细节。此工法能够有效地降低造价,减低施工难度,使「食材之家」从设计到施工在六个月内的期限完成。

Our team of graduate students, comprised of two Taiwanese, two Chinese, and one American, sought to examine what structural and material elements we could combine to create this community and food oriented space. We recognized how modest materials and actions are celebrated in Berkeley and wanted to explore their implications in Asia. Our initial research started with techniques we find readily in California, including rammed-earth walls and straw bale construction. We presented these ideas in pursuit of a building that would introduce renewable building techniques to an area of Japan that could take advantage of these concepts. What we found was an appreciation for the difficulty of applying transnational technology in a new environment.

We also focused on a heavy timber construction technique coming from the US, which uses large sections of wood. In Japan this translated to the composite column, which uses smaller pieces of wood to generate a larger column. It took considerable effort to identify a way to join materials, which was influenced by both local carpentry practices and the Japanese material market. We were also under a considerable time constraint with the entire building process taking only six months to complete.


↑ connections 连接



The wall at the base of the building, in addition to creating a micro topography, helps to block the prevailing northwest winter wind. The Nest takes advantage of the transparent plastic corrugated sheets on the fa?ade and roof, allowing light in for the plants, and heating the space during colder months, extending the usability of the Nest. Sliding panels in the fa?ade and roof open to facilitate air movement through the structure during the summer and warmer parts of the day. The tea platform sits up into the Nest, keeping it in the warm air created by the skin during the colder months, and in a cross ventilated area during the warm summer months.


↑ plants elevation and unrolled facade 植物展开立面



The wood frame structure mimics the vertical spatial experience of a Japanese larch forest from which food is hung to grow and dry. A tea platform in the middle of the nest creates a gathering space where the community can visually and physically enjoy food around a sunken fireplace. Local foods make up the elevation of the Nest as people see the food forest floating above the landform.


↑ climate response strategies 气候应对策略




The openness of the fa?ade allows the building to incorporate the surrounding natural environment into the interior climate, but can also be closed off to create a buffer between the two. The funnel-shaped roof harvests rain water and snow melt. The collected water is delivered to tanks that are then used to irrigate the plants in the concrete wall. The shape signifies the Nest’s ability to bring nature in the form of air, water and light into the Nest.




The program of the Nest is decided according to the life cycle of these local foods: growing, harvesting, storing, cooking/dining, and composting, which restarts the cycle. All members of the community help to complete each stage, allowing the structure to become a platform for group learning and gathering activities in the Nest throughout the year. Community participation extends and completes the life cycle of local foods, which is a symbiotic relationship. This is the time-line of people and food in the Nest, and this is the Nest for people and food.


↑ program diagram



↑ life cycle diagram


↑ life cycle of local foods


↑ Sectional Perspective



↑ gound floor plan


↑ second level plan


↑ third level plan


↑ forth level plan


↑ east elevation


↑ north elevation


↑ south elevation


↑ west elevation


↑ AA section


↑ planter detail axis 5


↑ planter detail axis A


完工日期: 西元2014年11月
设计团队: 美国加州大学柏克莱分校环境设计学院,张修玮 (队长)、董凡正、陈信佑、黄燕欣、Baxter Smith、Max Edwards
指导老师:Dana Buntrock , Mark Anderson
建筑师: 隈研吾都市建筑都市设计研究所 (专案经理: 齐川拓未)
机电顾问: 东京大学生产技术研究所野成研究室,森下有、马郡文平
面积: 85 平方公尺
照片来源: 新建筑 (Shinkenchiku-sha)

Completion date: November 2014
Design group: College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley: Hsiu Wei Chang, Hsin-Yu Chen, Fanzheng Dong, Yan Xin Huang, Baxter Smith, Max Edwards (Instructors: Dana Buntrock, Mark Anderson)
Project supervisor: Kengo Kuma & Associates, Takumi Saikawa
Structural engineer: Masato Araya
Mechanical engineer: Tomonari Yashiro Laboratory at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo / Bumpei Magori, Yu Morishita
Contractor: Takahashi Construction Company
Floor area: 85,4 m sq.
Client: LIXIL JS Foundation
Photo credit: Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.

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