
双语:另类研究 iPhone用户比安卓用户聪明?

 昵称21984506 2015-02-17

iPhone users have a reputation for being smug – and now they may have a good reason.


A recent study has found that people who use an iPhone are smarter than those who prefer Android devices.



android/??n.dr??d/(andr=andro ‘man’ 男子,男性,雄性,人,-oid似…的,像…的(东西),Android翻译成“安卓”是音译)

n. 人形机器人

a. 具有人类特征的;男性的,雄性的。

This is based on research that found states with more college graduates also tend to have higher iPhone sales.


The study, by Massachusetts-based advertising group Chitika, discovered that Alaska, Montana and Vermont have the largest number of iPhone users in the US.


These states also have the highest percentage of college graduates.


Meanwhile, New Mexico, Iowa and Delaware have the lowest percentage of people who use iPhones, and a lower number of graduates.


As well as intelligence, the research found that wealth was linked to higher iPhone use – a factor that Chitika says is related to education.


The study also found that iPhone sales are linked to population density. The more densely populated an area, the more chance iPhone sales will be higher.


Other studies have uncovered similar results. Ladbrokes for instance, challenged a thousand smartphone users to take a series of online brain teasers designed to test their mental agility.


iPhone users were found to have the quickest wits of all, completing the test in 94 seconds, on average, while BlackBerry users were the slowest at 118 seconds.


In second place were Google Nexus owners, who completed the test just five seconds slower, on average, than top place Apple.


Although the fastest test of all was completed by a Samsung owner, at just 47 seconds, the group as a whole were in third place with an average completion time of 103 seconds.


HTC owners were fourth with an average time of 105 seconds, while people with Nokia handsets scored 109 seconds.


A study in 2013 found that iPhone owners are vainer and spend more on clothes and grooming than those who have BlackBerrys and Android phones.


BlackBerry owners earn the most and are more likely to have long-term relationships, while people with Android handsets have the best manners and are handy in the kitchen.


The study, commissioned by TalkTalk Mobile, surveyed 2,000 owners of the three major smartphone brands to determine whether the choice of handset was an extension of their personality.

这项由TalkTalk Mobile委托进行的研究调查了2000名三大智能手机品牌的用户,以确定手机品牌的选择是否和个性有关。


commission /k??m???n/(com-一起,miss送,-ion后缀;送到一起→本指在竞赛、比赛中放到一起、放在某处→委托→)

vt. 1. 委任,委托 2. ~sb (as) sth 任命…为军官

n.1. 委员会(受委托的一些人所组成→)2. 佣金,回扣(受委托得的→)3. (银行等的)手续费 4. 授权,委托

On the whole, Google’s Android sales are higher than Apple’s, but the iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the US.


More than 42 per cent of smartphone are iPhones. The second most popular phone in the US market, according to Comscore, is Samsung.


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