

 zhangsanshi211 2015-02-26


1. One can’t put back the clock.

( 光阴一去不复返。)

2. Readingmakes a full man.

( 博览群书,使人完美无瑕。)

3. Think much and speak little.

( 多思考,少说话。)

4. Easier said than done.

( 说来容易做来难。)

5. Habit is second nature.

( 习惯成自然。)

6. Time is money.

( 时间就是金钱。)

7. Every beginning is hard.

( 万事开头难。)

8. Well begun is half done. / The first blow ishalf the battle.

( 良好的开端等于成功的一半。)

9. Failure is mother of success.

( 失败是成功之母。)

10. Practice makes perfect.


11. Learn to walk before you run.

( 先学走,后学跑。)

12. Every man has his faults.

( 人无完人。)

13. Never do things by halves.

( 不要半途而废。)

14. Health is better than wealth.

( 健康胜过财富。)

15. A little learning is dangerous.

( 一知半解是危险的事。)

16. Years and months wait for no man.

( 岁月不等人。)

17. Yesterday and the day before yesterday are notlike today.

( 昨天和前天,均不似今天。)

18. Love me, love my dog.


19. Every dog has its day.


20. Beat the dog before the lion. (Beat a dogbefore a lion.)


21. When the cat is away, the mice will play.


22. Don’t put the cart before the horse.


23. Fine feathers make fine birds.


24. Have a wolf by the ears.


25. East or west, home is the best.


26. Home is where the heart is.


27. All roads lead to Rome.


28. When (you are) in Rome, do as the Romans do.


29. Where there is a will, there is a way.


30. Little by little one goes far.


31. No man is born wise.


32. Great hopes make great man.


33. It is never too late to learn.


34. We learn from the mistakes of others.

(前人之误,后人之鉴。/ 前车之覆,后车之鉴。)

35. To say is one thing and to do is another.


36. To mention the wolf’s name is to see the same.


37. To save time is to lengthen life.


38. To know everything is to know nothing.


39. To know oneself is true knowledge.


40. Dog does not eat dog.


41. Let sleeping dogs lie.


42. Barking dogs seldom bite.


43. Give a dog a bad name and hang him.


44. Never too late to mend.


45. Time flies.


46. There is no smoke without fire.


47. Lookbefore you leap.


48. He who does not advance loses ground.


49. Great minds think alike.


50. Prepare for a rainy day.




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