
适应职场新节奏 / A Message from Bian: Coping with the New Pace (6th Article of Career Development)

 拓宽视野13 2015-02-27
适应职场新节奏 / A Message from Bian: Coping with the New Pace (6th Article of Career Development)





那么,一个成熟的公司到底意味着什么呢? 这意味着:一)英特尔文化/价值观已深深植根于员工的心里,一些典型的要素如安全,质量,道德准则等已成为我们言行的基准;二)结构化的工作系统,流程和规范,来确保更高和更快的决策效率;三)大量的团队协作,激发多元化的思维火花;四)稳定并一致的绩效管理和薪酬体系,以绩效为核心,不盲目地以市场平均作薪资的调整;最后,五)在运营结果上永远是言出必行,力争更高境界的卓越运营。那么,落实到每一位英特尔成都员工,这又意味着什么呢?英特尔成都公司已经到达了一个新的成熟境界,在大道上提速飞奔。年轻再也不能成为我们犯错误或低效率的借口。我们要调整思维模式,适应新的工作节奏:事(时)半功倍,以智代蛮地聪明工作,借力每个机会、每个努力来提升我们的能力。


相应地,一个成熟的公司更珍视什么样的行为呢? 在细心观察并对比了几个成熟公司的员工行为模式后,我小做以下总结:1)不断提高对自己,同事和下属(如果有 )的期望和要求,不进则退;2)不断在工作中,特别是在日常运营中,制定更高的目标;3)为实现突破,不断追求变化和创新,勇担风险。当然,4)为不断追求更快的速度和更高的效率,唯有凭借我们独有的新生代激情来应对新节奏和新挑战。如果我们能多多实践以上的行为,我相信,我们的新生代,芯梦想和新征程将为我们英特尔成都点燃一个辉煌的2015年。祝羊年快乐!




Welcome back! Hopefully everyone enjoyed the nice break and is recharged fully. Before we all get our minds full with business and operational details as well as having focal conversations for career development, I would like to share a few thoughts around those frequently asked questions: 1). “It feels like I did more last year, but I didn’t get more pay increase or better focal messages;” 2). “It feels like the workload is higher, but my manager wants me to do more”; 3). “It feels like I cannot relax at my work, or else I will be behind.” Well, those are good questions, and I would like to complement those employees who asked those questions as you have grown in your maturity and sensed your pace of development. In this message, I would share my opinions on how one can cope with the new pace at work and thus advance one’s career. This is the sixth article related to career development; if you’ve missed my previous five articles, you can still find them below: Passion, Persistence, and Patience in Career Development”,  “Details Make a Difference”, “Stay Focused, Do More w/ Less, and Continue to Dream”,  “Practice Makes a Differenceand 3 Stages of Transformation in Career Development”.


Those who drive to work might have noticed that the city government lifted speed limit of several streets from 60KM/H to 80KM/H late last year, but it took me quite a while to cope with the new speed limit on those streets as I was so used to the old limit that I was often toggled back by the old 60KM/H road marks. Similar phenomenon is being observed at Intel Chengdu site: many employees continue staying in a paradigm of “Chengdu is a new and young site” and unconsciously excuse themselves from mistakes and inefficiency occurring at work; therefore, I purposely write this message to make a declaration: Intel Chengdu is a mature site, which is operating at a fast pace and high efficiency; and every Chengdu employee should cope with the new pace of work as well as the norm of constant changes striving for better.


What does a mature site mean to us? A few things: a). a mature Intel site has Intel culture/values rooted in employee minds, and typical things like safety, quality, and ethics are already included in the baseline of everything we do; b). a mature Intel site has structured work systems, processes, and guidelines that are intended for higher efficiency and a faster pace of decision making; c). a mature Intel site has massive teamwork and collaboration that facilitate diversified opinions and ideas; d). a mature Intel site has a stable and consistent performance management and C&B system that are more meritocratic (pay for performance) vs. a pure and passive market driven pay adjustment; and lastly, e). a mature Intel site delivers predictable results and always strives for the next level of excellence.  So now, what does this mean to every individual? The site has been uplifted to a new maturity level just like those streets with new speed limits, so we have to change our paradigm to cope with the new pace at work: to do more with less, work smarter, and advance our competency in every effort; as we don’t have any excuses as a young site.


What types of behaviors then are expected for employees at a mature Intel site? Many observations are made across several mature sites, and some behaviors are more appreciated: 1). Continuously raising the bar of expectations on ourselves, peers, and subordinators (if any). 2). Setting more aggressive or higher goals in everything we do, particularly in our daily operations. 3). Taking risks to make changes and drive innovations for breakthrough results; and of course, 4). coping with the new pace and challenges with our unique Gen-Y passion for better velocity and efficiency. If we all exercise behaviors above more, our new generation, new dream, and new journey will fuel a wonderful year of 2015. Happy New Year of the Goat!


Thanks for reading.

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