

 昵称21189171 2015-03-15
 62. If we don’t require students to do the simple problems that calculators can do, how can we expect them to solve the more complex problems that calculators cannot do?
如果我们不让学生做那些计算器能代劳的简单的运算, 又怎么能期待他们去解决计算器解决不了的更为复杂的问题呢?

63. Your parents are the people responsible for helping you make decisions until you’re
18. 父母是有责任帮助你在18岁之前做决定的人。

64. But he is too young to understand cheating won’t do him any good in the long run.
就长远而言, 他太小, 还不懂得欺骗会给他带来害处。

65. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.
  教育之于心灵, 就如雕刻术之于大理石。

66. He began to study accounting at night sessions of the City University of New York, earning his tuition during the daytime.

67. Those who educate children well are to be more honored than the parents, for the latter only give them life while the former teach them the art of living well. —Aristotle (Ancient Greece)
把儿童教育好的人们甚至应该比他们的父母更受尊敬,因为后者仅仅给予他们生命,前者却教给他们生活好的艺术。 ──(古希腊)亚里士多得

68. The cloning of Dolly the sheep nearly 5 years ago raised the hopes of transplant scientists looking for an endless supply of lifesaving organs.

69. I would (had) rather join you in research work than go on a holiday to the seaside.

70. The further that Joy dug into the cutting edge of research in the new technologies-robotics, genetic engineering and nanotechnology-the more horrified he became.
乔伊在机器人学、基因工程和纳米技术等新技术研究领域的前沿钻得越深, 就越感到恐惧。

71. What Henry Ford is to the automobile, George Eastman to photography, and Charles Goodyear to rubber, Edison is to not one but several of today’s essential technologies.
对当今不止一项而是多项重要技术的贡献, 就如同Henry Ford 对汽车、George Eastman 对摄影、Charles Goodyear 对橡胶的贡献一样大。

72. Very heavy objects or bulky materials like coal, cement, mineral ore, and the like, are weighed in tons.

73. By the end of this century, about 5,000 modern windmills will be in operation, generating about 20% of the electricity of the country.
  到本世纪末, (荷兰) 将有5000架现代化的风车投入运行, 生产约全国20%的电力。

74. Agriculture will have to undergo a drastic change to meet the needs of the new situation. Otherwise, the country will starve.
农业必须进行深入的改革, 以满足新形势的需要。否则, 国家将遭受饥荒。

75. In the northern area, it is necessary to plant varieties which are outstandingly resistant to low winter temperature.

76. Synthetic, or man-made, diamonds have been manufactured from carbon since the mid-1950s, when General Electric Co. developed the process for making small diamonds for industrial uses.

77. The WTO’s creation on January 1 1995 marked the biggest reform of international trade since the Second World War.

78. I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today. -W.A.White
我并不害怕明天, 因为我已见过昨天而又热爱今天。 ── 怀特 (美国记者)

79. He invested his money in several different companies, by which means he hoped to reduce the natural hazards of investment.
他把自己的钱向几个不同的公司投资, 希望借此减少投资的自然风险。

80. With the rise of the Internet, personal finance magazines and TV shows find information on investing.

81. Nothing is more precious than time yet nothing is less valued.

82. If indeed silence is golden, it is also becoming as rare as gold.

83. Man is not creature of circumstances, circumstances are the creatures of man.

84. Pollution is a global problem which needs a global response.

85. Greenhouse effect means the gradual warming of the air surrounding the earth.

86. Air is to us what water is to fish.
我们离不开空气, 就像鱼离不开水。

87. As our country is populous, it is confronted with a more and more serious crisis of resources.

88. The government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months.

89. Why do Americans emphasize money so much? Well, this “land of plenty” has long enjoyed abundant natural resources, and people have gotten used to material wealth.
为什么美国人这么看重金钱呢? 这么说吧, 这块“丰饶之地”久已享有充裕的自然资源, 而人们已习惯于丰富的物质财富。

90. A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over. -Benjamin Franklin
失足可以很快弥补, 失言却可能永远无法补救。 ── 富兰克林 (美国政治家)

91. The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea’, the Mother of the Gods.
庆祝母亲节的习俗最早 可以追溯到古希腊, 当时人们在春天举行庆祝活动, 来向众神之母──莉雅女神表示敬意。

92. I am grateful to you for the opportunity to express my conviction in this most important political question.

93. I am thankful for America and thankful that we are able to resolve our electoral differences in a peaceful way.
感谢美国, 我们终于用和平的方式解决了选举中的分歧。

94. Deep down, they realize that happiness can’t be bought, but it can be given away.
在内心深处,他们认识到幸福是买不来的, 但却可以与人分享。

95. Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it.

96. Opportunity meets the prepared mind, as the old saying goes.

97. Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.

98. He tried hard to learn, and to be a good boy, and he succeeded fairly well.

99. In fact, there’s an old Chinese saying which goes, “He who hasn’t been to the Great Wall is not a true man.”

100. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. -John Barrymore
只要一个人还有所追求, 她就没有老。 ── 约翰·巴里莫尔 (美国艺术家)

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