
Unlocker 工作原理分析

 ZackEdge 2015-03-19

Unlocker工具是一款用于解锁被占用文件或模块的工具。比如说某个文件被其它进程打开,而造成无法删除或修改,某DLL被某进程载入而占用,造成文件无法删除、修改或更新。使用这个工具可以解锁该占用文件。通常这种情况都是由于,进程或者线程僵死,或者文件句柄未能及时关闭造成的。这个工具是装机的时候附带的,版本1.8.5, 上官网查了查,其最新版本1.9.1,新版本的实现原理和方式和1.8.5基本一致,只不过新版本增加了对文件的处理权限的操作(为所需要操作的文件对象获取administrator权限),主要是为了针对Vista和WIN7上的权限检查。本文的分析大都来自于1.8.5版本。我们将分析该软件的工作原理和功能实现方式,软件运行环境是Windows XP SP3。




发现文件其实是解压到C:\Program Files\Unlocker\下,并运行setup.bat脚本来安装的。






  1. UnlockerHook.dll的工作目的和原理,也就是它干了什么和怎么干的。
  2. UnlockerDriver5.SYS的工作原理和目的,这个比较简单。
  3. Unlocker.exe的工作原理,包括它是如何把文件名对应到锁定进程的,以及如何解锁的等。


  1. UnlockerHook.dll 工作原理

    UnlockerHook.dll导出两个函数, HookInstall 以及HookUninstall,如下所示。


.text:10001256 public HookInstall

.text:10001256 HookInstall proc near

.text:10001256 push 0 ; dwThreadId

.text:10001258 push hModule ; hmod

.text:1000125E push offset fn ; lpfn

.text:10001263 push 5 ; idHook

.text:10001265 call ds:SetWindowsHookExA

.text:1000126B mov hhk, eax

.text:10001270 retn


.text:10001270 HookInstall endp


.text:10001271 ; Exported entry 2. HookUninstall

.text:10001271 public HookUninstall

.text:10001271 HookUninstall proc near

.text:10001271 push hhk ; hhk

.text:10001277 call ds:UnhookWindowsHookEx

.text:1000127D retn


.text:1000127D HookUninstall endp


.text:1000123B ; LRESULT __stdcall fn(int,WPARAM,LPARAM)

.text:1000123B fn proc near ; DATA XREF: HookInstall+8o

.text:1000123B nCode = dword ptr 4

.text:1000123B wParam = dword ptr 8

.text:1000123B lParam = dword ptr 0Ch


.text:1000123B push [esp+lParam] ; lParam

.text:1000123F push [esp+4+wParam] ; wParam

.text:10001243 push [esp+8+nCode] ; nCode

.text:10001247 push hhk ; hhk

.text:1000124D call ds:CallNextHookEx ; Pass the hook information to the

.text:1000124D ; next hook procedure

.text:10001253 retn 0Ch

.text:10001253 fn endp



.text:10001509 cmp [ebp+fdwReason], 1, 这个是指的进程ATTATCH的时候

.text:1000150D jnz short loc_10001514


.text:10001515 push [ebp+lpReserved] ; int

.text:10001518 push [ebp+fdwReason] ; int

.text:1000151B push [ebp+hObject] ; hObject

.text:1000151E call sub_100012E6 看看这个函数


.text:100012FB mov eax, [ebp+hObject]

.text:100012FE push eax ; hLibModule

.text:100012FF mov hModule, eax

.text:10001304 call ds:DisableThreadLibraryCalls,THREADATTACH的信息不再处理,可以节省代码空间,提高效率,后面不说了。

.text:1000130A push offset word_10001100 ; lpString2

.text:1000130F lea eax, [ebp+String1]

.text:10001315 push eax ; lpString1

.text:10001316 call ds:lstrcpyW

.text:1000131C push 400h ; nSize

.text:10001321 lea eax, [ebp+String1]

.text:10001327 push eax ; lpFilename

.text:10001328 xor ebx, ebx

.text:1000132A push ebx ; hModule

.text:1000132B call ds:GetModuleFileNameW

.text:10001331 lea eax, [ebp+String1]

.text:10001337 push eax ; lpString

.text:10001338 call ds:lstrlenW

.text:1000133E test eax, eax

.text:10001340 jz loc_100014FD


.text:10001346 lea eax, [ebp+String1]

.text:1000134C push eax ; pszPath

.text:1000134D call ds:PathStripPathW

.text:10001353 push offset s_Explorer_exe ; "explorer.exe"

.text:10001358 lea eax, [ebp+String1]

.text:1000135E push eax ; lpString1

.text:1000135F call ds:lstrcmpiW


.text:10001365 test eax, eax

.text:10001367 jnz loc_100014FD


text:1000136D push offset ModuleName ; "Shell32.dll"

.text:10001372 call ds:GetModuleHandleA

.text:10001378 cmp eax, ebx

.text:1000137A mov [ebp+hObject], eax

.text:1000137D jz loc_100014FD

.text:10001383 push offset ProcName ; "SHFileOperationW"

.text:10001388 push eax ; hModule

.text:10001389 call ds:GetProcAddress

.text:1000138F cmp eax, ebx

.text:10001391 mov lpBaseAddress, eax

.text:10001396 jz loc_100014A9


.text:1000139C lea eax, [ebp+flOldProtect]

.text:1000139F push eax ; lpflOldProtect

.text:100013A0 push 40h ; flNewProtect

.text:100013A2 push 0Bh ; dwSize

.text:100013A4 mov esi, offset unk_10002408

.text:100013A9 push esi ; lpAddress

.text:100013AA call ds:VirtualProtect

.text:100013B0 test eax, eax

.text:100013B2 jz loc_100014A9

下面的工作就是要 inlinehook这个函数,具体的过程比较长,方法就是修改函数的前5个字节(内部还要判断,因为不同版本的shell32.DLL的这个函数的实现代码还有差异),然后该成跳转到UnlockerHook.DLL内部的一个函数,这个函数接管这个调用,并判断调用返回值,如果成功就不做处理并直接返回,否则通过ShellExecuteEx函数来启动Unlocker.exe,并把原调用里的文件名作为参数传递给它。这也就是为什么,有时用户手动操作文件时会弹出Unlocker的运行界面的原因。




100013D2 |. A0 0B240010 mov al, [1000240B]

100013D7 |. 3C 83 cmp al, 83

100013D9 |. 75 31 jnz short 1000140C

100013DB |. 803D 0C240010>cmp byte ptr [1000240C], 0EC

100013E2 |. 0F85 CC000000 jnz 100014B4

100013E8 |. A1 20240010 mov eax, [10002420]

100013ED |. 2D 13240010 sub eax, 10002413

100013F2 |. 83C0 06 add eax, 6

100013F5 |. 8945 0C mov [ebp+C], eax

100013F8 |. 6A 04 push 4

100013FA |. 8D45 0C lea eax, [ebp+C]

100013FD |. 50 push eax

100013FE |. C605 0E240010>mov byte ptr [1000240E], 0E9

10001405 |. 68 0F240010 push 1000240F

1000140A |. EB 42 jmp short 1000144E

1000140C |> 3C 8B cmp al, 8B

1000140E |. 8A0D 0C240010 mov cl, [1000240C]

10001414 |. 75 05 jnz short 1000141B

10001416 |. 80F9 EC cmp cl, 0EC

10001419 |. 74 11 je short 1000142C

1000141B |> 3C 53 cmp al, 53

1000141D |. 0F85 91000000 jnz 100014B4

10001423 |. 80F9 55 cmp cl, 55

10001426 |. 0F85 88000000 jnz 100014B4

1000142C |> A1 20240010 mov eax, [10002420];这里存放的是SHFileOperationW的地址

10001431 |. 2D 12240010 sub eax, 10002412

10001436 |. 83C0 05 add eax, 5; 这两步是用来计算jmp的偏移量,加5是因为我们要跳过前面已经覆盖掉的5字节

10001439 |. 8945 0C mov [ebp+C], eax

1000143C |. 6A 04 push 4

1000143E |. 8D45 0C lea eax, [ebp+C]

10001441 |. 50 push eax //上面计算的偏移压栈

10001442 |. C605 0D240010>mov byte ptr [1000240D], 0E9; 这个就是jmp指令的字节码

10001449 |. 68 0E240010 push 1000240E刚好是要填写jmp指令后面那个地址的位置

1000144E |> E8 2BFEFFFF call 1000127E






10001453 |. 83C4 0C add esp, 0C

10001456 |. 6A 0B push 0B ; /RegionSize = B

10001458 |. 56 push esi ; |RegionBase

10001459 |.8B35 1C100010 mov esi, [<&KERNEL32.FlushInstructionCa>; |kernel32.FlushInstructionCache

1000145F |. 57 push edi ; |hProcess

10001460 |. FFD6 call esi ; \FlushInstructionCache


10001462 |. B8 02110010 mov eax, 10001102

10001467 |. 2B05 20240010 sub eax, [10002420] ; SHELL32.SHFileOperationW

1000146D |. 6A 04 push 4

1000146F |. 83E8 05 sub eax, 5


10001472 |. 8945 0C mov [ebp+C], eax

10001475 |. 8D45 0C lea eax, [ebp+C]

10001478 |. 50 push eax

10001479 |. 8D45 F9 lea eax, [ebp-7]

1000147C |. 50 push eax

1000147D |. C645 F8 E9 mov byte ptr [ebp-8], 0E9

10001481 |. E8 F8FDFFFF call 1000127E

同样的,上面的代码也是些跳转指令的字节码,同样的函数call 1000127E。


10001489 |. 53 push ebx ; /pBytesWritten

1000148A |. 6A 05 push 5 ; |BytesToWrite = 5

1000148C |. 8D45 F8 lea eax, [ebp-8] ; |

1000148F |. 50 push eax ; |Buffer = 0006F678

10001490 |. FF35 20240010 push dword ptr [10002420] ; |Address = 7D640924

10001496 |. 57 push edi ; |hProcess

10001497 |. FF15 18100010 call [<&KERNEL32.WriteProcessMemory>] ; \WriteProcessMemory



1000149D |. 6A 05 push 5

1000149F |. FF35 20240010 push dword ptr [10002420] SHELL32.SHFileOperationW

100014A5 |. 57 push edi

100014A6 |. FFD6 call esi kernel32.FlushInstructionCache



.text:10001102 sub_10001102 proc near ; DATA XREF: sub_100012E6+17Co

.text:10001102 var_183C = word ptr -183Ch

.text:10001102 var_103C = word ptr -103Ch

.text:10001102 pszPath = word ptr -83Ch

.text:10001102 ExecInfo = _SHELLEXECUTEINFOW ptr -3Ch

.text:10001102 arg_0 = dword ptr 8

.text:10001102 push ebp

.text:10001103 mov ebp, esp

.text:10001105 sub esp, 183Ch

.text:1000110B push ebx

.text:1000110C mov ebx, [ebp+arg_0]

.text:1000110F push ebx

.text:10001110 mov eax, offset unk_10002408

.text:10001115 call eax ; unk_10002408

请回看10002408处的代码,作用就是建立栈帧并跳转到原SHFileOperationW的内部 7D640929的位置,紧接着那条插入的jmp指令。也就是说我们在10001102处转了个弯又回到了原函数内部。注意这里用的是call指令,就是说原函数执行完后还回到这里,方便我们判断结果,同时由于我们保留了原函数的代码,所以栈帧的一致性是有保证,这一点尤其重要。

.text:10001117 cmp eax, 5, 判断原函数返回值

.text:1000111A mov [ebp+arg_0], eax

.text:1000111D jz short loc_10001128

.text:1000111F cmp eax, 20h,返回值是20h的时候才忽略,不用触发

.text:10001122 jnz loc_100011E8


.text:10001128 下面就是通过不同的错误值来判断是否需要触发

.text:10001128 loc_10001128: ; CODE XREF: sub_10001102+1Bj

.text:10001128 call ds:GetLastError

.text:1000112E mov ecx, [ebx+4]

.text:10001131 cmp ecx, 1

.text:10001134 jz short loc_10001148


.text:10001136 cmp ecx, 2

.text:10001139 jbe loc_100011E8


.text:1000113F cmp ecx, 4

.text:10001142 ja loc_100011E8


.text:10001148 loc_10001148: ; CODE XREF: sub_10001102+32j

.text:10001148 cmp eax, 6

.text:1000114B jz short loc_10001155


.text:1000114D test eax, eax

.text:1000114F jnz loc_100011E8

.text:10001155 好了下面就是触发代码

.text:10001155 loc_10001155: ; CODE XREF: sub_10001102+49j

.text:10001155 push esi

.text:10001156 push edi

.text:10001157 push 0Eh

.text:10001159 pop ecx

.text:1000115A xor eax, eax

.text:1000115C lea edi, [ebp+ExecInfo.fMask]

.text:1000115F rep stosd

.text:10001161 push 400h ; nSize

.text:10001166 lea eax, [ebp+pszPath]

.text:1000116C push eax ; lpFilename

.text:1000116D push hModule ; hModule

.text:10001173 mov [ebp+ExecInfo.cbSize], 3Ch

.text:1000117A mov [ebp+ExecInfo.lpVerb], offset s_Open ; "open"

.text:10001181 call ds:GetModuleFileNameW

.text:10001187 lea eax, [ebp+pszPath]

.text:1000118D push eax ; pszPath

.text:1000118E call ds:PathRemoveFileSpecW

.text:10001194 mov esi, ds:wsprintfW

.text:1000119A lea eax, [ebp+pszPath]

.text:100011A0 push eax

.text:100011A1 lea eax, [ebp+var_103C]

.text:100011A7 push offset s_SUnlocker_exe ; ""%s\\Unlocker.exe""

.text:100011AC push eax ; LPWSTR

.text:100011AD call esi ; wsprintfW

.text:100011AF push dword ptr [ebx+8]

.text:100011B2 lea eax, [ebp+var_103C]

.text:100011B8 mov [ebp+ExecInfo.lpFile], eax

.text:100011BB lea eax, [ebp+var_183C]

.text:100011C1 push offset s_S ; ""%s""

.text:100011C6 push eax ; LPWSTR

.text:100011C7 call esi ; wsprintfW

.text:100011C9 lea eax, [ebp+var_183C]

.text:100011CF mov [ebp+ExecInfo.lpParameters], eax,把目标文件作为参数传入

.text:100011D2 add esp, 18h

.text:100011D5 lea eax, [ebp+ExecInfo]

.text:100011D8 push eax ; lpExecInfo

.text:100011D9 mov [ebp+ExecInfo.nShow], 1

.text:100011E0 call ds:ShellExecuteExW 通过这个来触发unlocker.EXE

.text:100011E6 pop edi

.text:100011E7 pop esi


.text:100011E8 loc_100011E8: ; CODE XREF: sub_10001102+20j

.text:100011E8 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]

.text:100011EB pop ebx

.text:100011EC leave

.text:100011ED retn 4

.text:100011ED sub_10001102 endp



text:100014C2 loc_100014C2: ; CODE XREF: sub_100012E6+Fj

.text:100014C2 xor ebx, ebx

.text:100014C4 cmp [ebp+arg_4], ebx

.text:100014C7 jnz short loc_100014FD


.text:100014C9 cmp lpBaseAddress, ebx

.text:100014CF jz short loc_100014FD


.text:100014D1 call ds:GetCurrentProcess

.text:100014D7 push ebx ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten

.text:100014D8 push 5 ; nSize

.text:100014DA push offset unk_10002408 ; lpBuffer

.text:100014DF push lpBaseAddress ; lpBaseAddress

.text:100014E5 mov esi, eax

.text:100014E7 push esi ; hProcess

.text:100014E8 call ds:WriteProcessMemory

.text:100014EE push 5 ; dwSize

.text:100014F0 push lpBaseAddress ; lpBaseAddress

.text:100014F6 push esi ; hProcess

.text:100014F7 call ds:FlushInstructionCache



    好了UnlockerHook.dll的代码就分析到这里,为了把问题说清楚还是贴了不少的汇编代码,真是占篇幅啊。总结一下UnlockerHook.dll的功能就是通过CBT钩子来植入每个进程的方式来打入exploer.exe,通过inlinehook SHFileOperationW的方式来挂钩,只要该函数执行返回错误,通过识别不同的错误码来判断是否需要调用unlocker程序,并通过ShellExecuteExW的方式来触发unlocker程序。


  1. Unlocker.EXE的工作原理





0040F94B |. 68 48CB4000 push 0040CB48 ; /FileName = "ntdll.dll"

0040F950 |. 8BF1 mov esi, ecx ; |

0040F952 |. FF15 74104000 call [<&KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA>] ; \LoadLibraryA

0040F958 |. 8BD8 mov ebx, eax

0040F95A |. 85DB test ebx, ebx

0040F95C |. 74 59 je short 0040F9B7

0040F95E |. 57 push edi

0040F95F |. 8B3D 70104000 mov edi, [<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>] ; kernel32.GetProcAddress

0040F965 |. 68 2CCB4000 push 0040CB2C ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "ZwQuerySystemInformation"

0040F96A |. 53 push ebx ; |hModule

0040F96B |. FFD7 call edi ; \GetProcAddress

0040F96D |. 68 1CCB4000 push 0040CB1C ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "ZwQueryObject"

0040F972 |. 53 push ebx ; |hModule

0040F973 |. 8906 mov [esi], eax ; |

0040F975 |. FFD7 call edi ; \GetProcAddress

0040F977 |. 68 0CCB4000 push 0040CB0C ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "ZwDeleteFile"

0040F97C |. 53 push ebx ; |hModule

0040F97D |. 8946 04 mov [esi+4], eax ; |

0040F980 |. FFD7 call edi ; \GetProcAddress

0040F982 |. 68 F4CA4000 push 0040CAF4 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "RtlInitUnicodeString"

0040F987 |. 53 push ebx ; |hModule

0040F988 |. 8946 08 mov [esi+8], eax ; |

0040F98B |. FFD7 call edi ; \GetProcAddress

0040F98D |. 68 E0CA4000 push 0040CAE0 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "RtlAdjustPrivilege"

0040F992 |. 53 push ebx ; |hModule

0040F993 |. 8946 0C mov [esi+C], eax ; |

0040F996 |. FFD7 call edi ; \GetProcAddress

0040F998 |. 68 D0CA4000 push 0040CAD0 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "NtLoadDriver"

0040F99D |. 53 push ebx ; |hModule

0040F99E |. 8946 10 mov [esi+10], eax ; |

0040F9A1 |. FFD7 call edi ; \GetProcAddress

0040F9A3 |. 68 C0CA4000 push 0040CAC0 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "NtUnloadDriver"

0040F9A8 |. 53 push ebx ; |hModule

0040F9A9 |. 8946 14 mov [esi+14], eax ; |

0040F9AC |. FFD7 call edi ; \GetProcAddress



004131CD |. 56 push esi ; /hTemplateFile

004131CE |. BF 00000002 mov edi, 2000000 ; |

004131D3 |. 57 push edi ; |Attributes => BACKUP_SEMANTICS

004131D4 |. 6A 03 push 3 ; |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING

004131D6 |. 56 push esi ; |pSecurity

004131D7 |. 8B35 0C114000 mov esi, [<&KERNEL32.CreateFileA>] ; |kernel32.CreateFileA

004131DD |. 6A 03 push 3 ; |ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE

004131DF |. 68 000000C0 push C0000000 ; |Access = GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE

004131E4 |. 8D85 E4FEFFFF lea eax, [ebp-11C] ; |

004131EA |. 50 push eax ; |FileName "\\.\C:"

004131EB |. FFD6 call esi ; \CreateFileA


00413214 |. 8D4D E4 lea ecx, [ebp-1C]

00413217 |. 51 push ecx

00413218 |. 68 00040000 push 400

0041321D |. 8D8D E4EAFFFF lea ecx, [ebp-151C]

00413223 |. 51 push ecx

00413224 |. 6A 01 push 1 //这个表示ObjectNameInformation

00413226 |. FF75 F8 push dword ptr [ebp-8]

00413229 |. FF50 04 call [eax+4] ; ntdll.ZwQueryObject

返回值是一个UNICODE_STRING Name,可以从中得到比如 "\Device\HarddiskVolume1"。

00411948 |. 8945 E4 mov [ebp-1C], eax

0041194B |. E8 6CE0FFFF call 0040F9BC

00411950 |. 8D4D D8 lea ecx, [ebp-28]

00411953 |. 51 push ecx

00411954 |. 8B0D 24504100 mov ecx, [415024]

0041195A |. C1E1 02 shl ecx, 2

0041195D |. 51 push ecx

0041195E |. FF75 E4 push dword ptr [ebp-1C]

00411961 |. 6A 10 push 10 ;这个表示句柄信息

00411963 |. FF10 call [eax] ; ntdll.ZwQuerySystemInformation


004119B8 |. 53 push ebx ; /ProcessID = 0

004119B9 |. 83C0 04 add eax, 4 ; |

004119BC |. 6A 02 push 2 ; |Flags = TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS

004119BE |. 8945 F0 mov [ebp-10], eax ; |

004119C1 |. 891D E4A54100 mov [41A5E4], ebx ; |

004119C7 |. 891D 04A64100 mov [41A604], ebx ; |

004119CD |. E8 68230000 call <jmp.&KERNEL32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot> ;


00411BED |. FFB5 70F9FFFF |push dword ptr [ebp-690] ; /ProcessID = 0

00411BF3 |. 6A 08 |push 8 ; |Flags = TH32CS_SNAPMODULE

00411BF5 |. E8 40210000 |call <jmp.&KERNEL32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot> ;


00411C1A |. E8 0F210000 |call <jmp.&KERNEL32.Module32FirstW>

00411C1F |. 85C0 |test eax, eax

00411C21 |. 75 06 |jnz short 00411C29

00411C23 |. 56 |push esi

00411C24 |. E9 C0010000 |jmp 00411DE9

00411C29 |> 8B35 78104000 |/mov esi, [<&KERNEL32.lstrcpyW>] ; kernel32.lstrcpyW

00411C2F |. 8D85 B4FDFFFF ||lea eax, [ebp-24C]

00411C35 |. 50 ||push eax ; /String2

00411C36 |. 8D85 68E9FFFF ||lea eax, [ebp-1698] ; |

00411C3C |. 50 ||push eax ; |String1

00411C3D |. FFD6 ||call esi ; \lstrcpyW

00411C3F |. 8D85 68E9FFFF ||lea eax, [ebp-1698]

00411C45 |. 50 ||push eax ; /StringOrChar

00411C46 |. FF15 9C114000 ||call [<&USER32.CharUpperW>] ; \CharUpperW

00411C4C |. 8D85 B4FDFFFF ||lea eax, [ebp-24C]

00411C52 |. 68 88CD4000 ||push 0040CD88 ; UNICODE ".DLL"

00411C57 |. 50 ||push eax

00411C58 |. E8 9ADEFFFF ||call 0040FAF7


00411E0F |. E8 FCE5FFFF call 00410410,该函数通过判断OS系统版本来确定文件句柄的类型代码


.text:00410410 sub_410410 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_411929+4E6p

.text:00410410 VersionInformation= _OSVERSIONINFOA ptr -94h


.text:00410410 push ebp

.text:00410411 lea ebp, [esp-78h]

.text:00410415 sub esp, 94h

.text:0041041B and [ebp+78h+VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion], 0

.text:0041041F push esi

.text:00410420 push edi

.text:00410421 push 23h

.text:00410423 pop ecx

.text:00410424 xor eax, eax

.text:00410426 mov [ebp+78h+VersionInformation.dwOSVersionInfoSize], 94h

.text:0041042D lea edi, [ebp+78h+VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion]

.text:00410430 rep stosd

.text:00410432 lea eax, [ebp+78h+VersionInformation]

.text:00410435 push eax ; lpVersionInformation

.text:00410436 or esi, 0FFFFFFFFh

.text:00410439 call ds:GetVersionExA ; Get extended information about the

.text:00410439 ; version of the operating system

.text:0041043F test eax, eax

.text:00410441 jz short loc_410478


.text:00410443 movzx eax, word ptr [ebp+78h+VersionInformation.dwMinorVersion]

.text:00410447 movzx ecx, word ptr [ebp+78h+VersionInformation.dwMajorVersion]

.text:0041044B shl eax, 10h

.text:0041044E or eax, ecx

.text:00410450 sub eax, 4

.text:00410453 jz short loc_410475

.text:00410455 dec eax

.text:00410456 jz short loc_410471

.text:00410458 dec eax

.text:00410459 jz short loc_41046D

.text:0041045B sub eax, 0FFFFh

.text:00410460 jz short loc_410469

.text:00410462 sub eax, 10000h

.text:00410467 jnz short loc_410478


.text:00410469 loc_410469: ; CODE XREF: sub_410410+50j

.text:00410469 push 1Ch

.text:0041046B jmp short loc_410477

.text:0041046D loc_41046D: ; CODE XREF: sub_410410+49j

.text:0041046D push 24h

.text:0041046F jmp short loc_410477

.text:00410471 loc_410471: ; CODE XREF: sub_410410+46j

.text:00410471 push 1Ah

.text:00410473 jmp short loc_410477

.text:00410475 loc_410475: ; CODE XREF: sub_410410+43j

.text:00410475 push 17h

.text:00410477 pop esi

.text:00410478 pop edi

.text:00410479 mov eax, esi

.text:0041047B pop esi

.text:0041047C add ebp, 78h

.text:0041047F leave

.text:00410480 retn


00411E23 |> /8B75 F0 /mov esi, [ebp-10]

00411E26 |. |0FB646 04 |movzx eax, byte ptr [esi+4],这个就是句柄类型代码

00411E2A |. |3B45 C8 |cmp eax, [ebp-38],比较是不是文件句柄

00411E2D |. |0F85 D2030000 |jnz 00412205

00411E33 |. |FF36 |push dword ptr [esi] ; /ProcessId

00411E35 |. |8B3D F4104000 |mov edi, [<&KERNEL32.OpenProcess>] ; |kernel32.OpenProcess

00411E3B |. |53 |push ebx ; |Inheritable

00411E3C |. |68 50040000 |push 450 ; |Access = VM_READ|DUP_HANDLE|QUERY_INFORMATION,这个权限比较多,如果不成功下面还有一次机会

00411E41 |. |FFD7 |call edi ; \OpenProcess

00411E43 |. |3BC3 |cmp eax, ebx

00411E45 |. |8945 FC |mov [ebp-4], eax

00411E48 |. |75 12 |jnz short 00411E5C

00411E4A |. |FF36 |push dword ptr [esi] ; /ProcessId

00411E4C |. |53 |push ebx ; |Inheritable

00411E4D |. |6A 40 |push 40 ; |Access = DUP_HANDLE,这个权限少

00411E4F |. |FFD7 |call edi ; \OpenProcess

00411E51 |. |3BC3 |cmp eax, ebx

00411E53 |. |8945 FC |mov [ebp-4], eax

00411E56 |. |0F84 A9030000 |je 00412205

00411E5C |> |53 |push ebx ; /Options

00411E5D |. |53 |push ebx ; |Inheritable

00411E5E |. |53 |push ebx ; |Access

00411E5F |. |8D45 EC |lea eax, [ebp-14] ; |

00411E62 |. |50 |push eax ; |phTarget

00411E63 |. |FF15 6C104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcess>] ; |[GetCurrentProcess

00411E69 |. |50 |push eax ; |hTargetProcess

00411E6A |. |0FB746 06 |movzx eax, word ptr [esi+6] ; |

00411E6E |. |50 |push eax ; |hSource

00411E6F |. |FF75 FC |push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hSourceProcess

00411E72 |. |FF15 F8104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.DuplicateHandle>] ; \DuplicateHandle, 复制句柄

00411E78 |. |85C0 |test eax, eax

00411E7A |. |0F84 7C030000 |je 004121FC

00411E80 |. |53 |push ebx ; /hTemplateFile

00411E81 |. |53 |push ebx ; |Attributes

00411E82 |. |6A 03 |push 3 ; |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING

00411E84 |. |53 |push ebx ; |pSecurity

00411E85 |. |53 |push ebx ; |ShareMode

00411E86 |. |68 000000C0 |push C0000000 ; |Access = GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE

00411E8B |. |68 F4CD4000 |push 0040CDF4 ; |FileName = "\\?\UnlockerDriver5"

00411E90 |. |FF15 84104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.CreateFileW>] ; \CreateFileW


00411E96 |. |3BC3 |cmp eax, ebx

00411E98 |. |8945 D0 |mov [ebp-30], eax

00411E9B |. |0F84 52030000 |je 004121F3

00411EA1 |. |8B4D EC |mov ecx, [ebp-14]

00411EA4 |. |894D C0 |mov [ebp-40], ecx

00411EA7 |. |8B4E 08 |mov ecx, [esi+8]

00411EAA |. |53 |push ebx ; /pOverlapped

00411EAB |. |894D C4 |mov [ebp-3C], ecx ; |

00411EAE |. |8D4D CC |lea ecx, [ebp-34] ; |

00411EB1 |. |51 |push ecx ; |pBytesWritten

00411EB2 |. |6A 08 |push 8 ; |nBytesToWrite = 8

00411EB4 |. |8D4D C0 |lea ecx, [ebp-40] ; |

00411EB7 |. |51 |push ecx ; |Buffer

00411EB8 |. |50 |push eax ; |hFile

00411EB9 |. |FF15 88104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.WriteFile>] ; \WriteFile

00411EBF |. |33C0 |xor eax, eax

00411EC1 |. |889D BCFBFFFF |mov [ebp-444], bl

00411EC7 |. |B9 FF000000 |mov ecx, 0FF

00411ECC |. |8DBD BDFBFFFF |lea edi, [ebp-443]

00411ED2 |. |F3:AB |rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]

00411ED4 |. |66:AB |stos word ptr es:[edi]

00411ED6 |. |53 |push ebx ; /pOverlapped

00411ED7 |. |AA |stos byte ptr es:[edi] ; |

00411ED8 |. |8D45 CC |lea eax, [ebp-34] ; |

00411EDB |. |50 |push eax ; |pBytesRead

00411EDC |. |68 00040000 |push 400 ; |BytesToRead = 400 (1024.)

00411EE1 |. |8D85 BCFBFFFF |lea eax, [ebp-444] ; |

00411EE7 |. |50 |push eax ; |Buffer

00411EE8 |. |FF75 D0 |push dword ptr [ebp-30] ; |hFile

00411EEB |. |FF15 80104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.ReadFile>] ; \ReadFile



00411F17 |> \FF75 0C |push dword ptr [ebp+C] ; /Pattern = "\Device\HarddiskVolume1"

00411F1A |. 66:899D 68F1F>|mov [ebp-E98], bx ; |

00411F21 |. FFB5 C0FBFFFF |push dword ptr [ebp-440] ; |String

00411F27 |. 33C0 |xor eax, eax ; |

00411F29 |. B9 FF010000 |mov ecx, 1FF ; |

00411F2E |. 8DBD 6AF1FFFF |lea edi, [ebp-E96] ; |

00411F34 |. F3:AB |rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; |

00411F36 |. 66:AB |stos word ptr es:[edi] ; |

00411F38 |. FF15 58114000 |call [<&SHLWAPI.StrStrW>] ; \StrStrW


0041206B |. 8D45 BC ||lea eax, [ebp-44]

0041206E |. 50 ||push eax

0041206F |. 6A 04 ||push 4

00412071 |. 8D45 D4 ||lea eax, [ebp-2C] ,模块句柄列表首地址

00412074 |. 50 ||push eax


00412075 |. FF75 FC ||push dword ptr [ebp-4]

00412078 |. E8 751C0000 ||call <jmp.&PSAPI.EnumProcessModules>

0041207D |. 85C0 ||test eax, eax

0041207F |. 74 2D ||je short 004120AE

00412081 |. BE 00040000 ||mov esi, 400

00412086 |. 56 ||push esi

00412087 |. 8D85 54B9FFFF ||lea eax, [ebp+FFFFB954]

0041208D |. 50 ||push eax

0041208E |. FF75 D4 ||push dword ptr [ebp-2C],模块句柄列表的第一个

00412091 |. FF75 FC ||push dword ptr [ebp-4]

00412094 |. E8 531C0000 ||call <jmp.&PSAPI.GetModuleBaseNameW>

00412099 |. 56 ||push esi

0041209A |. 8D85 68E9FFFF ||lea eax, [ebp-1698]

004120A0 |. 50 ||push eax

004120A1 |. FF75 D4 ||push dword ptr [ebp-2C]

004120A4 |. FF75 FC ||push dword ptr [ebp-4]

004120A7 |. E8 3A1C0000 ||call <jmp.&PSAPI.GetModuleFileNameExW>

004120AC |. EB 57 ||jmp short 00412105


00413455 |. 53 |push ebx

00413456 |. 68 48234100 |push 00412348

0041345B |. 53 |push ebx

0041345C |. 6A 65 |push 65

0041345E |. 53 |push ebx

0041345F |. C645 F6 01 |mov byte ptr [ebp-A], 1

00413463 |. FFD7 |call edi

00413465 |. 50 |push eax

00413466 |. FFD6 |call esi ; USER32.DialogBoxParamA


004118D2 |. FF36 |push dword ptr [esi] ; /ProcessId

004118D4 |. 53 |push ebx ; |Inheritable

004118D5 |. 6A 40 |push 40 ; |Access = DUP_HANDLE

004118D7 |. FF15 F4104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.OpenProcess>] ; \OpenProcess

004118DD |. 8BF8 |mov edi, eax

004118DF |. 3BFB |cmp edi, ebx

004118E1 |. 74 2F |je short 00411912

004118E3 |. 6A 01 |push 1 ; /Options = DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE

004118E5 |. 53 |push ebx ; |Inheritable

004118E6 |. 53 |push ebx ; |Access

004118E7 |. 8D45 E8 |lea eax, [ebp-18] ; |

004118EA |. 50 |push eax ; |phTarget

004118EB |. FF15 6C104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcess>; |[GetCurrentProcess

004118F1 |. 50 |push eax ; |hTargetProcess

004118F2 |. 0FB746 06 |movzx eax, word ptr [esi+6] ; |

004118F6 |. 50 |push eax ; |hSource

004118F7 |. 57 |push edi ; |hSourceProcess

004118F8 |. FF15 F8104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.DuplicateHandle>] ; \DuplicateHandle





004116C4 |. FF7408 04 |push dword ptr [eax+ecx+4]

004116C8 |> 53 |push ebx ; |Inheritable

004116C9 |. 6A 01 |push 1 ; |Access = TERMINATE

004116CB |. FF15 F4104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.OpenProcess>] ; \OpenProcess

004116D1 |. 8BF0 |mov esi, eax

004116D3 |. 3BF3 |cmp esi, ebx

004116D5 |. 0F84 37020000 |je 00411912

004116DB |. 53 |push ebx ; /ExitCode

004116DC |. 56 |push esi ; |hProcess

004116DD |. FF15 FC104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.TerminateProcess>] ; \TerminateProcess

004116E3 |. 56 |push esi




00411758 |. 6A 0E |push 0E ; |

0041175A |. 59 |pop ecx ; |

0041175B |. 33C0 |xor eax, eax ; |

0041175D |. 8D7D B0 |lea edi, [ebp-50] ; |

00411760 |. F3:AB |rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; |

00411762 |. 8D85 A0EFFFFF |lea eax, [ebp-1060] ; |

00411768 |. 50 |push eax ; |</s>

00411769 |. 8D85 A0E7FFFF |lea eax, [ebp-1860] ; |

0041176F |. 68 70CD4000 |push 0040CD70 ; |Format = "/s /u ""%s"""

00411774 |. 50 |push eax ; |s

00411775 |. C745 AC 3C000>|mov dword ptr [ebp-54], 3C ; |

0041177C |. C745 B0 00000>|mov dword ptr [ebp-50], 2000000 ; |

00411783 |. C745 B8 64CD4>|mov dword ptr [ebp-48], 0040CD6>; |UNICODE "open"

0041178A |. C745 BC 48CD4>|mov dword ptr [ebp-44], 0040CD4>; |UNICODE "regsvr32.exe"

00411791 |. FF15 08124000 |call [<&USER32.wsprintfW>] ; \wsprintfW

00411797 |. 8D85 A0E7FFFF |lea eax, [ebp-1860]

0041179D |. 8945 C0 |mov [ebp-40], eax

004117A0 |. 83C4 0C |add esp, 0C

004117A3 |. 8D45 AC |lea eax, [ebp-54]

004117A6 |. 50 |push eax

004117A7 |. 895D C8 |mov [ebp-38], ebx

004117AA |. FF15 40114000 |call [<&SHELL32.ShellExecuteExW>>; SHELL32.ShellExecuteExW

004117B0 |. 8B3D F0104000 |mov edi, [<&KERNEL32.VirtualAll>; kernel32.VirtualAllocEx


004117B0 |. 8B3D F0104000 |mov edi, [<&KERNEL32.VirtualAllocEx>] ;

004117B6 |. 6A 40 |push 40

004117B8 |. 68 00100000 |push 1000

004117BD |. BE BB044100 |mov esi, 004104BB

004117C2 |. 81EE 81044100 |sub esi, 00410481

004117C8 |. 56 |push esi

004117C9 |. 53 |push ebx

004117CA |. FF75 FC |push dword ptr [ebp-4]

004117CD |. FFD7 |call edi ; <&KERNEL32.VirtualAllocEx>

004117CF |. 3BC3 |cmp eax, ebx

004117D1 |. 8945 F0 |mov [ebp-10], eax

004117D4 |. 0F84 E9000000 |je 004118C3

004117DA |. 8D4D EC |lea ecx, [ebp-14]

004117DD |. 51 |push ecx ; /pBytesWritten

004117DE |. 56 |push esi ; |BytesToWrite

004117DF |. 8B35 EC104000 |mov esi, [<&KERNEL32.WriteProcessMemory>] ;

004117E5 |. 68 81044100 |push 00410481 ; |Buffer = Unlocker.00410481,线程函数地址

004117EA |. 50 |push eax ; |Address

004117EB |. FF75 FC |push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hProcess

004117EE |. 895D EC |mov [ebp-14], ebx ; |

004117F1 |. FFD6 |call esi ; \WriteProcessMemory

004117F3 |. 6A 40 |push 40

004117F5 |. 68 00100000 |push 1000

004117FA |. 68 0C080000 |push 80C

004117FF |. 53 |push ebx

00411800 |. FF75 FC |push dword ptr [ebp-4]

00411803 |. FFD7 |call edi ; <&KERNEL32.VirtualAllocEx> 再分配,用来放线程参数

00411805 |. 8BF8 |mov edi, eax

00411807 |. 3BFB |cmp edi, ebx

00411809 |. 0F84 A2000000 |je 004118B1

0041180F |. 395D F8 |cmp [ebp-8], ebx

00411812 |. 74 3C |je short 00411850

00411814 |. 68 3CCD4000 |push 0040CD3C ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "FreeLibrary"

00411819 |. FF75 F8 |push dword ptr [ebp-8] ; |hModule

0041181C |. FF15 70104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>] ; \GetProcAddress

00411822 |. 68 28CD4000 |push 0040CD28 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "GetModuleHandleW"

00411827 |. FF75 F8 |push dword ptr [ebp-8] ; |hModule

0041182A |. 8985 A0F7FFFF |mov [ebp-860], eax ; |

00411830 |. FF15 70104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>] ; \GetProcAddress

00411836 |. 68 DCCC4000 |push 0040CCDC ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "CloseHandle"

0041183B |. FF75 F8 |push dword ptr [ebp-8] ; |hModule

0041183E |. 8985 A4F7FFFF |mov [ebp-85C], eax ; |

00411844 |. FF15 70104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>] ; \GetProcAddress

0041184A |. 8985 A8F7FFFF |mov [ebp-858], eax

00411850 |> 8D85 A0EFFFFF |lea eax, [ebp-1060]

00411856 |. 50 |push eax ; /String2

00411857 |. 8D85 ACF7FFFF |lea eax, [ebp-854] ; |

0041185D |. 50 |push eax ; |String1

0041185E |. FF15 78104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.lstrcpyW>] ; \lstrcpyW

00411864 |. 8D45 EC |lea eax, [ebp-14]

00411867 |. 50 |push eax

00411868 |. 68 0C080000 |push 80C

0041186D |. 8D85 A0F7FFFF |lea eax, [ebp-860]

00411873 |. 50 |push eax

00411874 |. 57 |push edi

00411875 |. FF75 FC |push dword ptr [ebp-4]

00411878 |. FFD6 |call esi ; \WriteProcessMemory,远程线程需要调的函数地址传过去,同时传过去的还有目标文件名,因为GetModuleHandle需要使用

0041187A |. 53 |push ebx

0041187B |. 53 |push ebx

0041187C |. 57 |push edi

0041187D |. FF75 F0 |push dword ptr [ebp-10]

00411880 |. 53 |push ebx

00411881 |. 53 |push ebx

00411882 |. FF75 FC |push dword ptr [ebp-4]

00411885 |. FF15 E8104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.CreateRemoteThread>] ;

00411891 |. 6A FF |push -1 ; /Timeout = INFINITE

00411893 |. 56 |push esi ; |hObject

00411894 |. FF15 E4104000 |call [<&KERNEL32.WaitForSingleObject>] ; \WaitForSingleObject






0041147E /$ 55 push ebp

0041147F |. 8BEC mov ebp, esp

00411481 |. 81EC 44080000 sub esp, 844

00411487 |. 68 1CCD4000 push 0040CD1C ; /pModule = "kernel32"

0041148C |. FF15 8C104000 call [<&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA>] ;

00411492 |. 85C0 test eax, eax

00411494 |. 8945 FC mov [ebp-4], eax

00411497 |. 0F84 C0010000 je 0041165D

0041149D |. FF75 0C push dword ptr [ebp+C] ; /ProcessId

004114A0 |. 6A 00 push 0 ; |Inheritable = FALSE

004114A2 |. 68 3A040000 push 43A


004114A7 |. FF15 F4104000 call [<&KERNEL32.OpenProcess>] ; \OpenProcess

004114AD |. 85C0 test eax, eax

004114AF |. 8945 F8 mov [ebp-8], eax

004114B2 |. 0F84 A5010000 je 0041165D

004114B8 |. 53 push ebx

004114B9 |. 56 push esi

004114BA |. 8B35 F0104000 mov esi, [<&KERNEL32.VirtualAllocEx>] ;

004114C0 |. 57 push edi

004114C1 |. 6A 40 push 40

004114C3 |. B8 8D054100 mov eax, 0041058D

004114C8 |. BF BC044100 mov edi, 004104BC

004114CD |. 2BC7 sub eax, edi

004114CF |. BB 00100000 mov ebx, 1000

004114D4 |. 53 push ebx

004114D5 |. 50 push eax

004114D6 |. 6A 00 push 0

004114D8 |. FF75 F8 push dword ptr [ebp-8]

004114DB |. 8945 F4 mov [ebp-C], eax

004114DE |. FFD6 call esi ; <&KERNEL32.VirtualAllocEx>

004114E0 |. 85C0 test eax, eax

004114E2 |. 8945 F0 mov [ebp-10], eax

004114E5 |. 0F84 66010000 je 00411651

004114EB |. 8365 EC 00 and dword ptr [ebp-14], 0

004114EF |. 8D4D EC lea ecx, [ebp-14]

004114F2 |. 51 push ecx ; /pBytesWritten

004114F3 |. FF75 F4 push dword ptr [ebp-C] ; |BytesToWrite

004114F6 |. 57 push edi ; |Buffer

004114F7 |. 8B3D EC104000 mov edi, [<&KERNEL32.WriteProcessMemory>] ;

004114FD |. 50 push eax ; |Address

004114FE |. FF75 F8 push dword ptr [ebp-8] ; |hProcess

00411501 |. FFD7 call edi ; \WriteProcessMemory

00411503 |. 6A 40 push 40

00411505 |. 53 push ebx

00411506 |. BB 30080000 mov ebx, 830

0041150B |. 53 push ebx

0041150C |. 6A 00 push 0

0041150E |. FF75 F8 push dword ptr [ebp-8]

00411511 |. FFD6 call esi

00411513 |. 85C0 test eax, eax

00411515 |. 8945 F4 mov [ebp-C], eax

00411518 |. 0F84 20010000 je 0041163E

0041151E |. FF75 08 push dword ptr [ebp+8] ; /String2

00411521 |. 8D85 ECF7FFFF lea eax, [ebp-814] ; |

00411527 |. 50 push eax ; |String1

00411528 |. FF15 78104000 call [<&KERNEL32.lstrcpyW>] ; \lstrcpyW

0041152E |. 8B45 10 mov eax, [ebp+10]

00411531 |. 8B35 70104000 mov esi, [<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>] ;

00411537 |. 68 10CD4000 push 0040CD10 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "CreateFileW"

0041153C |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

0041153F |. 8985 E8F7FFFF mov [ebp-818], eax ; |

00411545 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

00411547 |. 68 00CD4000 push 0040CD00 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "SetFilePointer"

0041154C |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

0041154F |. 8985 BCF7FFFF mov [ebp-844], eax ; |

00411555 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

00411557 |. 68 F4CC4000 push 0040CCF4 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "ReadFile"

0041155C |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

0041155F |. 8985 C0F7FFFF mov [ebp-840], eax ; |

00411565 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

00411567 |. 68 E8CC4000 push 0040CCE8 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "WriteFile"

0041156C |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

0041156F |. 8985 C4F7FFFF mov [ebp-83C], eax ; |

00411575 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

00411577 |. 68 DCCC4000 push 0040CCDC ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "CloseHandle"

0041157C |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

0041157F |. 8985 C8F7FFFF mov [ebp-838], eax ; |

00411585 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

00411587 |. 68 D0CC4000 push 0040CCD0 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "GlobalAlloc"

0041158C |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

0041158F |. 8985 CCF7FFFF mov [ebp-834], eax ; |

00411595 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

00411597 |. 68 C4CC4000 push 0040CCC4 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "GlobalFree"

0041159C |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

0041159F |. 8985 D0F7FFFF mov [ebp-830], eax ; |

004115A5 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

004115A7 |. 68 B8CC4000 push 0040CCB8 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "GetFileSize"

004115AC |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

004115AF |. 8985 D4F7FFFF mov [ebp-82C], eax ; |

004115B5 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

004115B7 |. 68 B0CC4000 push 0040CCB0 ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "Sleep"

004115BC |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

004115BF |. 8985 D8F7FFFF mov [ebp-828], eax ; |

004115C5 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

004115C7 |. 68 9CCC4000 push 0040CC9C ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "GetOverlappedResult"

004115CC |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

004115CF |. 8985 DCF7FFFF mov [ebp-824], eax ; |

004115D5 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

004115D7 |. 68 8CCC4000 push 0040CC8C ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "GetLastError"

004115DC |. FF75 FC push dword ptr [ebp-4] ; |hModule

004115DF |. 8985 E0F7FFFF mov [ebp-820], eax ; |

004115E5 |. FFD6 call esi ; \GetProcAddress

004115E7 |. 8985 E4F7FFFF mov [ebp-81C], eax

004115ED |. 8D45 EC lea eax, [ebp-14]

004115F0 |. 50 push eax

004115F1 |. 53 push ebx

004115F2 |. 8D85 BCF7FFFF lea eax, [ebp-844]

004115F8 |. 50 push eax

004115F9 |. FF75 F4 push dword ptr [ebp-C]

004115FC |. FF75 F8 push dword ptr [ebp-8]

004115FF |. FFD7 call edi

00411601 |. 33F6 xor esi, esi

00411603 |. 56 push esi

00411604 |. 56 push esi

00411605 |. FF75 F4 push dword ptr [ebp-C]

00411608 |. FF75 F0 push dword ptr [ebp-10]

0041160B |. 56 push esi

0041160C |. 56 push esi

0041160D |. FF75 F8 push dword ptr [ebp-8]

00411610 |. FF15 E8104000 call [<&KERNEL32.CreateRemoteThread>] ;

00411616 |. 8BF8 mov edi, eax

00411618 |. 3BFE cmp edi, esi

0041161A |. 74 09 je short 00411625

0041161C |. 6A FF push -1 ; /Timeout = INFINITE

0041161E |. 57 push edi ; |hObject

0041161F |. FF15 E4104000 call [<&KERNEL32.WaitForSingleObject>] ; \WaitForSingleObject






  1. UnlockerHook.SYS的工作原理



GE:00401044 loc_401044: ; CODE XREF: PAGE:0040103Dj

PAGE:00401044 push 10h

PAGE:00401046 push 0

PAGE:00401048 push 0

PAGE:0040104A push 1

PAGE:0040104C push 0

PAGE:0040104E push eax

PAGE:0040104F call ds:MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache


PAGE:00401055 loc_401055: ; CODE XREF: PAGE:00401042j

PAGE:00401055 mov ecx, [eax]

PAGE:00401057 mov Handle, ecx

PAGE:0040105D mov edx, [eax+4]

PAGE:00401060 mov dword_404004, edx,这里存放object指针

PAGE:00401066 xor esi, esi

PAGE:00401068 mov ecx, 8

PAGE:0040106D loc_40106D: ; CODE XREF: PAGE:00401030j

PAGE:0040106D ; PAGE:00401037j

PAGE:0040106D mov [edi+1Ch], ecx

PAGE:00401070 xor dl, dl

PAGE:00401072 mov ecx, edi

PAGE:00401074 mov [edi+18h], esi

PAGE:00401077 call ds:IofCompleteRequest

PAGE:0040107D pop edi

PAGE:0040107E mov eax, esi

PAGE:00401080 pop esi

PAGE:00401081 retn 8



PAGE:004010D0 loc_4010D0: ; CODE XREF: sub_401090+39j

PAGE:004010D0 push 10h ; Priority

PAGE:004010D2 push 0 ; BugCheckOnFailure

PAGE:004010D4 push 0 ; BaseAddress

PAGE:004010D6 push 1 ; CacheType

PAGE:004010D8 push 0 ; AccessMode

PAGE:004010DA push eax ; MemoryDescriptorList

PAGE:004010DB call ds:MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache

PAGE:004010E1 mov ebp, eax



PAGE:004010E3 loc_4010E3: ; CODE XREF: sub_401090+3Ej

PAGE:004010E3 mov ecx, Handle

PAGE:004010E9 push 0 ; HandleInformation

PAGE:004010EB lea eax, [esp+24h+Object]

PAGE:004010EF push eax ; Object

PAGE:004010F0 push 0 ; AccessMode

PAGE:004010F2 push 0 ; ObjectType

PAGE:004010F4 push 80000000h ; DesiredAccess

PAGE:004010F9 push ecx ; Handle

PAGE:004010FA call ds:ObReferenceObjectByHandle

PAGE:00401100 test eax, eax

PAGE:00401102 jnz loc_40121E 失败返回


PAGE:00401108 mov ecx, [esp+20h+Object] ; Object

PAGE:0040110C test ecx, ecx

PAGE:0040110E jz loc_401214


PAGE:00401114 cmp ecx, dword_404004 核对一致性

PAGE:0040111A jnz loc_401214


PAGE:0040114A mov eax, [esi]

PAGE:0040114C lea edx, [esp+24h+var_10]

PAGE:00401150 push edx

PAGE:00401151 push 400h

PAGE:00401156 push ebx

PAGE:00401157 push eax

PAGE:00401158 call ds:ObQueryNameString

PAGE:0040115E test eax, eax

PAGE:00401160 jnz loc_401204


PAGE:00401214 call ds:ObfDereferenceObject 释放reference

PAGE:0040121A mov esi, [esp+30h+var_1C]

PAGE:0040121E pop ebp


PAGE:0040122D call ds:IofCompleteRequest

PAGE:00401233 mov eax, esi

PAGE:00401235 pop esi

PAGE:00401236 pop ebx

PAGE:00401237 add esp, 14h

PAGE:0040123A retn 8


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