
The Real Jane Austen(双语)

 自定义1994 2015-03-25

The Real Jane Austen


“A life of usefulness, literature, and religion, was not by any means a life of event,” wrote Henry Austen of his spinster sister Jane. This image of the sequestered author persisted for years. But contemporary scholars have reappraised: “dear Aunt Jane” as an independent and worldly-wise woman who wielded a sardonic pen. She continues to fascinate, 200 years after the publication of Pride and Prejudice. This is the charm of a new biography from Paula Byrne, a British author, who breathes yet more life into Austen and her works by considering the objects that populated her days.

“她的一生裨益于他人,与文学和宗教为伴,而无任何大起大落,”对终身未婚的妹妹,亨利·奥斯汀如此评价道。 简的这种隐居作家形象持续了多年。然而当代的学者重新评价了“亲爱的奥斯汀姑姑”,将其视为笔锋辛辣、深谙尘世智慧的独立女性。《傲慢与偏见》问世两百年后,她依然令人着迷。这就是英国作家宝拉·伯恩新近为奥斯汀所著传记之魅力。作者从简·奥斯汀时代的流行物品入手,为她及其作品注入了新的活力。

Each chapter is organized around a single thing. Some are Austen’s possessions, such as a topaz cross she received from her brother. Others are simply from the period, such as a barouche (an upmarket carriage), which helps to illustrate how well-traveled she was and transport indicates status in her novels. In Northanger Abbey Catherine Morland finds a trip in Henry Tilney’s curricle erotic, whereas she is nonplussed by John Thorpe’s gig. Broadly chronological, this thematic approach offers a revealing picture of Austen and a lively social history.


Austen’s formative years are the most interesting. Three vellum notebooks contain her “Juvenilia” – the stories and poems she wrote as a teenager. Her “greatest gifts are here in embryo”, writes Ms Byrne, clearly relishing Austen’s satire and lack of restraint. The young author lampooned famous figures and offered parodies of sentimental novels. But she reserved her choicest words of wit for her sister Cassandra. When they were not living together they corresponded frequently, and Austen often tried out different voices – “gossipy, jokey, affectionate” – to make her laugh.


During this time the movements of the family followed the flows of inheritance; a vexatious matter that drives Austen’s narratives. Old maids and mothers were often housed by rich cousins; a child might be made heir to childless relatives. An East Indian shawl introduces Aunt Phila – who at 21 sailed to Bengal in order to find a husband – and her daughter, Eliza. A romantic figure, and presumably illegitimate, Eliza first married a man who fell under the guillotine in the French Revolution, and later married Austen ’s brother Henry. This coquettish cousin is fictionalized as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park. Austen also drew on Henry’s militia experience for her depiction of flirtatious redcoats in Pride and Prejudice. Her midshipman brothers helped inform reference to the navy.


The book’s liveliest passages are about city life and romance. Austen frequently visited London and lived in Bath for years. She was probably not a beauty – not only one authenticated portrait exists. But her wit and intelligence lured many a suitor. None of them stuck, but many are recalled with mirth in her letters.


(许建平 译)

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