

 杂谈婚姻 2015-04-05

Airlines are toughening up cockpit rules after French prosecutors accused the co-pilot of the Germanwings airliner that crashed in the Alps of wanting todestroy the planewhen he was left alone on the flightdeck.


EasyJet, Norwegian, Monarch, Emirates and Air Canada were among those who introduced new procedures to require two people in the cockpit at all times. EasyJet said it had taken the decision after consultation with the UKs civil Aviation Authority.

易捷航空(easyJet)、挪威航空(Norwegian)、君主航空(Monarch)、阿联酋航空(Emirates)以及加拿大航空(Air Canada)都出台了新规程,要求驾驶舱内任何时间都要有两人在场。易捷航空表示在咨询英国民航管理局(Civil Aviation Authority,简称:CAA)后,作出了这一决定。
The CAA has written to all UK carriers to ask what procedures they have in place for when one of the pilots leaves the flightdeck.
Richard Taylor, CAA spokesman, said it wasvery possiblethat airlines could soon be required to have a member of the cabin crew stay in the cockpit if a pilot left for a break, as is the norm in the US.
英国民航管理局发言人理查德·泰勒(Richard Taylor)表示,航空公司“非常可能”很快就会收到命令,要求当一名飞行员离开驾驶舱去休息时,必须有一名乘务员留在驾驶舱里,这在美国已是常规。
The pre-emptive moves by the worlds airlines come as public concern over aviation safety mounts in the wake of the Germanwings crash, which killed all 150 people on board.
Brice Robin, the Marseille prosecutor, said that based on the cockpit voice recordings there was no explanation for why the co-pilotwhom he named as German national Andreas Lubitz, 27 — behaved as he did.
法国检察官布里塞·罗班(Brice Robin)表示,根据驾驶舱语音记录无法解释副驾驶的行为。这名副驾驶名为安德烈亚斯·卢比茨(Andreas Lubitz),德国人,今年27岁。
He pressed this button [to begin the descent] for a reason we still dont know why,” Mr Robin said. “All we hear is his breathing and it is normal breathing. He didnt say a single word after the pilot left the cockpit.”
When you have 150 people with you, I wouldnt call it a suicide. That is why I am not using this word,” he told a press conference.
Mr Robin said the passengers were probably not aware of what was going on during the eight-minute descent until shortly before the impact, at which point the Airbus A320 was travelling at 700kph (435mph).
On the recording you only hear the screams in the last moments,” he said. “The Airbus A320 is rather a big plane. The passengers arent next to where the cockpit is, so we only hear screams at the very end. Death was instant.”
Thomas de Maizière, Germanys interior minister, said that Lubitz had no known links to terrorism. Speaking to reporters in Berlin, Mr de Maizière said: “There is no evidence of any kind of terrorist background. We checked everything.”
德国内政部长托马斯·德·迈齐埃(Thomas de Maizière)表示,卢比茨与恐怖主义不存在已知联系。德·迈齐埃在柏林对记者表示:“没有证据表明此次事故存在任何恐怖主义背景。我们调查了一切。”
Carsten Spohr, chief executive of Germanwingsparent company Lufthansa, said there was nothing in the record of Mr Lubitz, who started working for the airline as a flight attendant, to raise concern.
德国之翼的母公司汉莎航空(Lufthansa)的首席执行官卡斯滕·施波尔(Carsten Spohr)表示,卢比茨没有任何值得关注的异常记录,他是从这家航空公司的乘务员开始做起的。
He was fit for flying without any restrictions,” Mr Spohr he told a press conference. “His performance was without criticism. Nothing was striking.”

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