
My understanding of media literacy

 昵称22766411 2015-04-06
       Media literacy is a kind of  ability to gain , analyze or evaluate as well as convey messages when people face a quantity of information  in  modern times.It's about how  to use the resources of the mass media for self-improvement as well as promoting the social  progress.
        There is no doubt that we students  should receive media literacy education  because we can benifit a lot from it.For instance,we can learn how to get useful messages to help us with our work or life.what's more,it would be easier for us to get to know whether the messages we get are true or not thus improving our adjustments and the ability to convey messages,which express our feelings and thoughts to affect others.With the development of media literacy,we can make the world full of color,improving our efficiency in work as well as help to create new ideas to push the world foward.

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