

 十方大世界 2015-04-06



College life is something that teaches us many things. It tells us how irritating and annoying can people be in the beginning; yet at the end these people are the ones whom we call our best buddies.


With so many memories and lessons learned, it could be surprising that there are a few things that were missed. Here are 5 life lessons that you won’t learn from years at the university.


1.In life, skills matter.


The person who supervises you might just be younger than you. However, you will call him “sir”. In college a junior, who may be elder to you, respected you because you were senior. That was college, where respect was given. In real life, respect is earned.


2.The art of communicating.


You may had escaped the Personality Development classes in college but in life you realize the importance of communicating well. You might need to propose a girl, you have to ask for a salary hike, or you may want to discuss issues with your neighbors. Communication skills are something which can make or break you.


3.Saving money isn’t easy.


The quest to explore life, the thrill of being 100 feet in the sky, the joy of savoring the red wine in a vineyard, the scuba diving experience with the corals and sea creatures. For any of these adventures, you need some savings, which isn’t easy. Your paycheck will always have somewhere else to go–buying food, clothes, paying the bills, visiting your parents. And you’ll notice there won’t always be a lot left over after this.

想要寻求刺激,想要在100英尺的高空尖叫,想要感受在葡萄园里品味美酒的喜悦,想要在有珊瑚,有海洋生物的大海体验潜水的感觉。这么多的探险活动,你得要有存款吧,但存钱并不是件易事。薪水的一部分得用来买吃的,穿的,付账单,看望父母。但你也会发现这些付完以后就没剩多少了。 大学生都在关注的微信号:elizhi

4.It is important that you keep marching ahead. Life is a journey, not a destination.


When you were in school, you only wanted good grades. Once you reached college, you wanted to be famous. When you got your job, your next aim was to get a promotion. After being promoted you wanted a free holiday ticket with family, and so on. Life moves on and on and every moment you have new expectations and aspirations. So just pay attention to the little joys and keep moving ahead.


5.Everyone is really busy, so you need to take care of yourself.


Everyone around you is fighting his/her own fight. Even a five-year-old has his own challenges and tasks to do. Everyone is busy thinking about himself, so take care. Yes, you need to love and care for the person whom you see in the mirror because college is over and your friends aren’t there.








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