
My Analysis of a Public service Advertisement on Anmal Protection

 昵称22744665 2015-04-06
 This is a public service advertisement on rhinoceros,made from African Wildlife Foundation whose    theme is wild aid.For my perspect,I think the creativity of advertisement is special and attractive.      "Human not only  purchase  rhinocero horns  but  buy  plenty  of  guns,bows,and arrows,axes and so forth" Jack says.Some people murder more and more rhinoceros,so the modle of rhinocero made      of weapons broke down suddenly.
The target audiences mainly are the killers of rhinoceros and collectors rhinocro horns.Most averagepeople justly feel angry and do not know what to do.However,they have their owe value points that is "No sale ,no killing" the  words also are theme sentences in the advertisement. 

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